# Template module file to configure environment for the Geant4 package.
# As generated by CMake, paths are hardcoded so that you may move this
# modulefile to a location suitable for your use of modules. If you
# prefer to use relative paths (i.e. relative to the location of this
# modulefile), you should edit
# the variables:
#  geant4_install_prefix
#  geant4_install_bindir
#  geant4_install_libdir
# as required for your filesystem hierarchy.
# You may also wish to rename this file to allow use of multiple versions,
# e.g. if you store versioned modulefiles for Geant4 under a directory:
#  tools/
#  +- geant4/
# then copy this file to
#  tools/
#  +- geant4/
#     +- @Geant4_VERSION@
# Provided tools/ is in the MODULEPATH environment variable, you can do
#  module load geant4/@Geant4_VERSION@
# to load this specific version. If you do this, then you should also
# use the module 'conflict' command to prevent loading of multiple
# versions.

# Template paths
# Edit these only if you require Geant4 to be found relative to the
# location of this modulefile
set geant4_install_prefix "@GEANT4_MODULEFILE_INSTALL_PREFIX@"
set geant4_install_bindir "@GEANT4_MODULEFILE_INSTALL_BINDIR@"
set geant4_install_libdir "@GEANT4_MODULEFILE_INSTALL_LIBDIR@"

# Provide help and whatis responses
proc ModulesHelp { } {
  puts stderr "Configures your environment for the Geant4 toolkit v@Geant4_VERSION@"
  puts stderr "This module configures the environment as needed to build Geant4 applications"
  puts stderr "using CMake or other build systems via the information provided"
  puts stderr "by the geant4-config application."
  puts stderr ""
  puts stderr "For more informatation on Geant4, see the main webpage at:"
  puts stderr ""
  puts stderr "http://geant4.cern.ch"
  puts stderr ""

module-whatis "Geant4 toolkit libraries, v@Geant4_VERSION@"

# Core Variables/Paths
prepend-path PATH $geant4_install_bindir
prepend-path @DYNAMIC_LOADER_PATHNAME@ $geant4_install_libdir

# Resource paths
foreach {key value} [array get G4DATASETS] {
  setenv $key $value