$Id: History 87359 2014-12-01 16:04:27Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Example B2 History file ----------------------- This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 29/11/14 I. Hrivnacova - Use G4endl instead of \n in G4cout; this makes each new line in the output on threads preceded with G4WTN > 06/11/14 I. Hrivnacova - Finalized modifications in previous tags (02, 03): - Removed G4UI_USE/G4VIS_USE tests and init.mac macro (not needed) - Moved G4UIExecutive at the beginning of main() in all examples - Perform run initialization in macros instead of main() 31/10/14 L. Garnier (exampleB2-V10-00-02 - exampleB2-V10-00-03) exampleB2b : - Fix a warning (perhaps a crash) - Fix a warning "'ui' may be used uninitialized in this function" 31/10/14 L. Garnier (exampleB2-V10-00-01) exampleB2a/exampleB2b : - Remove old G4UI_USE/G4VIS_USE - Move G4UIExecutive at the beginning of main() 02 December 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova - Fixed gui.mac: corrected wireframe parameter, removed run2.mac from gui 30/11/13 I. Hrivnacova - Fixed B2a/gui.mac 28/11/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB2-V09-06-12) - Clean-up macros (fixed B2a/gui.mac, removed obsolete comments) 26/11/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB2-V09-06-11) - Fixed deleting fMagFieldMessenger with use of G4AutoDelete utility 12/11/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB2-V09-06-10) - Avoid long lines 29/10/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB2-V09-06-09) - Using G4RunManager::SetPrintProgress() - Removed SetNumberOfThreads(4) from main (use Geant4 default) - Fixed deleting fMagFieldMessenger in DetectorConstruction - Updated README 10/09/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB2-V09-06-08) - Removed "tcsh" selection from G4UIExecutive in exampleB2b.cc (unwantedly introduced with previous update) 04/09/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB2-V09-06-07) - Magnetic field classes (B2MagneticField, B2FieldMessenger) replaced with use of new G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger class. 27/08/13 G.Cosmo (exampleB2-V09-06-06) - Added G4Ellipsoid among solids enabled for parameterisation in B2b. 14/08/13 P. Gumplinger (exampleB2-V09-06-05) - Removed static comment in B2MagneticField.hh for GetGlobalFieldManager. 26/06/13 G. Cosmo (exampleB2-V09-06-04) - Fixed use of G4Random instead of HepRandom in B2b. 04/06/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB2-V09-06-03) - Fixed reference to B2ActionInitialization in README and .README 04/06/13 P. Gumplinger (exampleB2-V09-06-02) - add section about ACTION INITALIZATION to README and .README 10/05/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB2-V09-06-01) - Minor fixes in documentation - Added initialization of base class in constructors where missing 09/05/13 M. Asai - Migration to multi-threading 28/02/13 I. Hrivnacova - When building materials with NistManager do not set fromIsotopes argument (which was set to false), as since 9.6 all materials have to be built from isotopes. Thanks to V. Ivantchenko for pointing at this. 02/02/13 V.Ivanchenko (exampleB2-V09-06-00) - Renamed G4StepLimiterBuilder by G4StepLimiterPhysics - minor fix of GNUmakefile 18/09/12 I. Hrivnacova - Updated vis.mac (on suggestions by John Al.): - Activating drawing hits in vis.mac macros - Increased hit screen size (from 2 to 4) - In TrackerSD: removing obsolete line with //newHit->Draw(); - General changes (see basic/History) 15/11/11 I. Hrivnacova - Migration to new G4Exception in B2aDetectorConstruction.cc and B2bChamberParameterisation.cc. 14/11/11 I. Hrivnacova - The first tagged version of the new B2 example created from N02 example by P. Gumplinger (tagged in basic). Started from novice/N03. 05-07-11 gum migrate to new novice example code guidelines 03-06-11 mma (exampleN02-V09-04-02) PhysicsList migrated to new scheme G4PhysListHelper 10-02-11 mma (exampleN02-V09-04-01) - update SteppingVerbose 01-02-11 mma (exampleN02-V09-04-00) - /vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByCharge-0/default/setStepPtsSize 1 04-06-10 J.Perl (exampleN02-V09-03-01) - Updated vis usage 22-01-10 mma (exampleN02-V09-03-00) - DetectorConstruction::SetMagField() : fpMagField->SetMagFieldValue() 15-11-09 mma (exampleN02-V09-02-01) - Use G4MuMultipleScattering for muons - Separate alpha from GenericIon 30 October 2009 John Allison (exampleN02-V09-02-00) - Introduced G4UIExecutive. 17-12-08 mma - vis.mac : /vis/scene/add/trajectories smooth 31-10-08 mma (exampleN02-V09-01-04) - Use G4hMultipleScattering for muons and protons 26-10-08 mma (exampleN02-V09-01-03) - Update PhysicsList for proton and ions 22-09-08 mma (exampleN02-V09-01-02) - PhysicsList : AddStepMax() for G4StepLimiter - DetectorConstruction : SetMaxStep(value) - DetectorMessenger : /N02/det/stepMax 07-05-08 J.Allison (exampleN02-V09-01-01) - Protected "/control/execute vis.mac" with G4VIS_USE flag. 03-05-08 mma (exampleN02-V09-01-00) - PhysicsList : replace G4MultipleScattering by G4eMultipleScattering 17-10-07 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V09-00-02) - Explicitely delete allocated parameterisation and step-limit objects in ExN02DetectorConstruction class. 22-08-07 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V09-00-01) - Fixed implementation of ExN02MagneticField class in way field is set... 25-06-07 M.Maire (exampleN02-V08-03-01, exampleN02-V09-00-00) - Cosmetics in main(). 11-05-07 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V08-03-00) - Show usage of G4GeometryTolerance tuned for the geometry topology. 12-12-06 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V08-01-01) - Commented out drawing of hits in vis.mac. 06-11-06 J.Allison (exampleN02-V08-01-00) - Improved vis.mac to vis best practice. 16-06-06 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V08-00-03) - Use coherent allocation scheme for user-classes and initialisation in main(). 15-06-06 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V08-00-02) - Separate instantiation of the user-stepping-verbose class from initialisation of the G4VSteppingVerbose singleton. 02-06-06 mma (exampleN02-V08-00-01) - ExN02TrackerSD.cc: replace Touchable by TouchableHandle 31-03-06 mma (exampleN02-V08-00-00) - Add a sentence in README for G4UserLimits and G4StepLimiter. 01-06-05 J.Allison (exampleN02-V07-00-03) - ExN02TrackerHit.cc: Changed screen size to 2 pixels. 31-05-05 mma (exampleN02-V07-00-02) - G4UserLimits + G4StepLimiter become uncommented 30-05-05 J.Allison (exampleN02-V07-00-01) - Completed replacement of vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 3rd May 2005 J.Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 28-01-05 mma (exampleN02-V07-00-00) - PhysicsList: add G4StepLimiter (in a commented line) 16-09-04 mma (exampleN02-V06-02-01) - DetectorConstruction: modify a comment in PVPlacement. // copy number 08-09-04 J.Allison (exampleN02-V06-02-00) - Removed trajectory printing from ExN02EventAction - now available with /vis/scene/add/trajectories, which is now included in vis.mac. 05-04-04 mma (exampleN02-V06-01-00) - ExN02DetectorConstruction: correct definition of XenonGas 19-03-04 mma (exampleN02-V06-00-01) - ExN02PhysicsList: cleanup of include 08-03-04 mma (exampleN02-V06-00-00) - ExN02RunAction: removed ApplyCommand("/vis/...") statements. 10-11-03 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V05-02-03) - Removed OPACS driver from vis-manager. - Cleared warnings for parameterised detectors. 30-10-03 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V05-02-02) - Cleared compilation warnings due to new class G4Orb. 24-10-03 mma (exampleN02-V05-02-01) - PhysicsList: AddProcess(Bremsstrahlung,-1,3,3) ..etc.. 06-10-03 mma (exampleN02-V05-02-00) - cosmetic cleanup in material definitions 28-05-03 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V05-01-00) - Get rid of pedantic warnings... 25-03-03 mma (exampleN02-V05-00-02) - Use G4PVPlacement and G4PVParametrised constructors in logical mother. 11-02-03 mma (exampleN02-V05-00-00) - a blank in SteppingVerbose 27-11-01 mma (exampleN02-V03-02-04) - vis.mac: /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 19-11-01 J.Allison (exampleN02-V03-02-03) - Updated ExN02VisManager.cc for new graphics systems and defaults. 07-11-01 S.Tanaka (exampleN02-V03-02-02) - vis.mac: /vis/viewer/refresh + /vis/viewer/update is replaced with their equivalent command /vis/viewer/flush. 24-10-01 mma (exampleN02-V03-02-01) - initInter.mac renamed vis.mac 19-10-01 S.O'Neale (examples-V03-02-00) - Update reference output 11-10-01 mma (exampleN02-V03-02-00) - adapted to new visualisation commands (initInter and EventAction) - 80 columns max everywhere 12-07-01 mma - DetectorMessenger: setField, help: magnetic field in X dirction 20-02-01 S.O'Neale (exampleN02-V03-00-03) update reference outputs following materials-V03-00-04 (tagset 268) 09-02-01 M.Asai (exampleN02-V03-00-02) - Migration to STL vector classes affected file : ExN02SteppingVerbose.cc 31-02-05 S.O'Neale (exampleN02-V03-00-01) - update reference output for Batch Mode system testing for exampleN02-V03-00-00 and recent EM Physics tags. 31-01-01 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V03-00-00) - fix to ExN02ChamberParameterisation and ExN02DetectorConstruction to cope with bug report #186. Parameterisation of chambers was not taking into account that copyNo starts from 0, therefore dimensions of the first chamber (parametrised G4Box) were set to negative values (!). This was causing the side-effect of visualising a "ghost" chamber (the first one close to the target), which was correctly not seen by tracking. Therefore, number of chambers is now reduced to 5 but global positioning and parameters have been preserved. 06-12-00 S.O'Neale (exampleN02-V02-00-03) - update reference output for Batch Mode system testing in this context 0 trajectories stored is normal. 03-12-00 M.Maire (exampleN02-V02-00-02) - README updated - prerun.g4mac updated for new vis commands, and renamed initInter.mac - new examples of macro: run1.mac, ruN2.mac - G4UItcsh in the main, under the control of G4UI_USE_TCSH (for Linux) - visualisation on interactive mode - DetectorConstruction: tracker region in the centre of the world. default target material: Pb, chamber material: Xenon - interactive commands to change the materials and to setup a magnetic field - the magnetic field is transverse to the beam (i.e. along x) - PhysicsList: copy of N03. defaultCut = 1 cm - PrimaryGenerator: default momentum direction corrected: along z. Suppress the possibility of random impact and the associated messenger. - RunAction and EventAction updated for vis commands - SteppingAction: cleanup because no specific actions - SteppingVerbose: see README - TrackerHit: a Hit = 4 informations: trackID, chamberNb, edep, position. Draw and Print - TrackerSD: ProcessHits. Print HitsCollection at end of event 25th November 2000 Steve O'Neale (tagset210) - Update test outputs for min.delta energy cut - Update test outputs for emlowen-V02-00-22 and stand,muon,xray,utils. Nov 09, 2000 V.Grichine (exampleN02-V02-00-00) - Fix in ExN02MagneticField constructors: added call to SetDetectorField() to activate user-defined magnetic-field. - Updated exampleN02.out. June 24, 2000 John Allison (exampleN02-V01-01-03) - Updated exampleN02.out for stand-V01-01-05 and utils-V01-01-03. June 17, 2000 John Allison (exampleN02-V01-01-02) - Updated exampleN02.out for exampleN02-V01-01-01. June 19, 2000 G.Cosmo (exampleN02-V01-01-01) - Fixed length of detector box to include tracker in ExN02DetectorConstruction. - Cosmetic changes to comments. June 17, 2000 John Allison (exampleN02-V01-01-00) - Updated exampleN02.out for geant4-01-01-ref-06. 25-02-00 H.Kurashige - removed RhoZeroDefinition from PhysicsList 15-11-99 M.Maire - example of user SteppingVerbose class: verbose with units 16th April 1999 H.Kurashige - modify ExN02SteppingAction::UserSteppingAction - modify ExN02PhysicsList::SetCuts 4th December 1998 John Apostolakis - corrected the Magnetic Field SetField methods - cosmetic change to the name of a volume (chamber), as it was too long. 12th Sptember 1998 Michel Maire - removed the function SetEmProcess() ( contained cin) and the class ExN02PhysicsListMessenger Interchanged N02 and N03. 9th August 1998 John Allison - Removed trackerChamber_logVisAtt->SetForceWireframe(true); - Removed G4_SOLVE_TEMPLATES macros (now done in architecture.gmk). - Change G4UIterminal to G4UIGAG. 16th July 1998 John Allison - Changed /vis~/Draw... to /vis~/draw. 9th July 1998 John Allison - Added G4VIS_USE_DAWNFILE and G4VIS_USE_OPENGLWIN32 to ExN03VisManager.cc. 8th July 1998 G.Cosmo - Protected visualization code with G4VIS_USE. 6th July 1998 John Allison - Simplified ExN03VisManager. June 29 , 98 H.Kurashige - Modified ExN03PhysicsList. May 15, 98 G. Cosmo - Added #ifdef protection to ExN03MagneticField.hh. Header now included explicitly in ExN03DetectorConstruction.hh. Example now links. May 07, 98 J. Apostolakis - Created Physical Volume Parameterisation for Tracker Chambers. - Copied from example6: MyTrackerHit into ExN03TrackerHit May 05, 98 J. Apostolakis - Changed the geometry in DetectorConstruction. - Created the Magnetic Field May 01, 98 J. Apostolakis - Files created by copying from exampleEmPhys2, renaming the files and the classes within them, changing the string "My" into - Major changes made: * Event action: deleted energy counting. April 09, 98 G. Cosmo - Created.