$Id$ -------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Example B4 History file ------------------------ This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 09/12/15 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V10-00-05) - Restored the third parameter in G4UIsession construction, which was lost when moving G4UIExecutive at the beginning of main(). This fixes the problem report #1802. 18/02/15 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V10-00-04) - Fixed accessing gapHit (problem report #1714) 02/02/15 I. Hrivnacova - Fixed documentation 29/11/14 I. Hrivnacova - Use G4endl instead of \n in G4cout; this makes each new line in the output on threads preceded with G4WTN > 06/11/14 I. Hrivnacova - Finalized modifications in previous tag 02, 03): - Removed G4UI_USE/G4VIS_USE tests and init.mac macro (not needed) - Moved G4UIExecutive at the beginning of main() in all examples - Perform run initialization in macros instead of main() 04/11/14 L. Garnier (exampleB4-V10-00-02 - exampleB4-V10-00-03) - Remove old G4UI_USE/G4VIS_USE - Move G4UIExecutive at the beginning of main() - Fix a problem bad design when calling .mac 13/08/14 mma (exampleB4-V10-00-01) - update README and .README again 11/08/14 mma (exampleB4-V10-00-00) - Restaure drawing in README and .README 02 December 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova - Fixed gui.mac: corrected wireframe parameter, removed run2.mac from gui 28/11/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-18) - Clean-up macros (fixed obsolete comments) 26/11/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-17) - Fixed deleting fMagFieldMessenger with use of G4AutoDelete utility 30/10/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-16) - Added a protection when /run/printProgress value is set to zero 30/10/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-15) - Updated README 29/10/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-14) - Fixed macro (using /run/printProgress) 29/10/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-13) - Using G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger - Using G4Exception for warnings and error messages - Using G4RunManager::SetPrintProgress() - Using Gent4 default number of threads when not set via command line - Updated README 01/10/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-12) - Updated for changes in analysis: removal of G4AnalysisManager::Create(isMaster) 19/08/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-11) - Fixed B4[b]RunAction::EndOfRunAction() again: to get the printed histogram statistics correct 24/07/13 P. Gumplinger (exampleB4-V09-06-10) - remove unused B4RunAction* fRunAction in B4aEventAction.hh 11/06/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-09) - Fixed B4[b]RunAction::EndOfRunAction(): to get the analysis file closed also when no events are processed - Fixed names for newly added data members (in B4dEventAction) 10/06/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-08) - Fixed names for newly added data members (in B4cEventAction) 03/06/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-07) - Updated README files for changes for MT 03/06/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-06) - Moved creating analysis manager and booking histograms & ntuples in run action constructor; this makes available /analysis commands 29/05/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-05) - Fixed detector construction classes: Moving creating setMagField command from the constructor in ConstructSDandField(), as the command has to be created per thread, and declaring fMagField and fMessenger data members as static G4ThreadLocal 24/04/13 M. Asai (exampleB4-V09-06-04) - Recover GNUmakefiles. 23/04/13 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-06-03) - Use G4Random::setTheEngine instead of CLHEP::HepRandom in main (needed for MT) - In B4b: merged B4bRunAction and B4RunAction in one class - Removed unnecessary includes in run action files - Minor fixes of coding guidelines 18/04/13 M. Asai (exampleB4-V09-06-02) - Migrated to the new G4VUserActionInitialization class. 08/04/13 M. Asai (exampleB4-V09-06-01) - Fixed the use of thread-local G4Allocator for B4c. 06/04/13 M. Asai (exampleB4-V09-06-00) - Migrated to multi-threading. 28/02/13 I. Hrivnacova - When building materials with NistManager do not set fromIsotopes argument (which was set to false), as since 9.6 all materials have to be built from isotopes. Thanks to V. Ivantchenko for pointing at this. 01/11/12 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-05-02) - Implemented new way of handling program arguments in main() 26/10/12 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-05-01) - Replaced messenger classes with use of G4GenericMessenger 18/09/12 I. Hrivnacova - Updated code using analysis: - Now only a selected analysis manager is included - Making directories in output file is optional - Adding a line using G4AnalysisManager::GetType() - General changes (see basic/History) 13/01/12 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB4-V09-05-00) - Fixed compiler warning on windows: Allocating the messenger in the DetectorConstruction and EventAction classes constructors in the constructor body and not in the initialization list (to avoid passing 'this' in the initializer list). 14/11/11 I. Hrivnacova - The first tagged version of the new B4 example (tagged in basic). Started from novice/N03.