# Choose the physics list. # Physics lists are described in the Geant4 documentation at # http://geant4.cern.ch/support/proc_mod_catalog/physics_lists/physicsLists.shtml # and # http://geant4.cern.ch/support/proc_mod_catalog/physics_lists/referencePL.shtml # and # http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/SLACTutorial09/ChoosingPhysicsList.ppt # # The list of available physics lists is output during WCSim initialization. # A "WCSim" physics list option is removed in versions later than WCSim1.6.0 # uncomment one line below to choose the physics list # #/WCSim/physics/list QGSP_BIC_HP #preferred for energies below 5 GeV #/WCSim/physics/list LBE # preferred for low-background experiments. /WCSim/physics/list FTFP_BERT # recommended for high energy physics and hadron production up to beam momentum of several tens of GeV/c.