***************************************************************************************** fiTQun parameters for HyperK ***************************************************************************************** Turn off fitters that are not tuned or useful right now. **************************************************************************************** < fiTQun.DoProton1RFit = 0 > Turn off proton fit by default. The Time PDF files for protons haven't been produced yet. < fiTQun.DoMSFit = 0 > Multi-segment fit is quite slow. Maybe speed can be improved by adjusting parameters? Needs study. < fiTQun.DoPDK_MuGammaFit = 0 > Proton decay fit is slow and should to be studied / adjusted for HyperK before it becomes production ready. ***************************************************************************************** < fiTQun.DoMRFit = 6 > # Up to 6 ring fits < fiTQun.WCSimConfig = HyperK > < fiTQun.WCSimPMTType = 20inchBandL > < fiTQun.WaterAttenuationLengthWCSim = 6800. > < fiTQun.PeakThrWCSim = 35.6 > < fiTQun.DarkRateWCSim = 8.4 > < fiTQun.QEEffWCSim = 0.210 > < fiTQun.QmuConvFactWCSim = 1.0 > < fiTQun.QECorrElectron1RFit = 0.990 > < fiTQun.QECorrMuon1RFit = 0.930 > < fiTQun.GainCorrFactWCSim = 1.0 > < fiTQun.QEEffCorrWCSim = 1. > < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa0WCSim = -10. > < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa1WCSim = 0. > Not tuned for now. Not used in Seq MR fit < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip0WCSim = 0. > < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip1WCSim = 0. > < fiTQun.RCCuta0WCSim = 241. > < fiTQun.RCCuta1WCSim = 0. > < fiTQun.RCCut1Ea0WCSim = 301. > < fiTQun.RCCut1Mua0WCSim = 483. > < fiTQun.DoBiasCorrection = 0 > Set to 1 if you want to apply empirical bias corrections to fit results < fiTQun.UseScatteredLight = 4 > Flag for scattered light predicted charges (0:off, 1:6D, 2:3D, 4:6D for 1Rfit 3D otherwise) < fiTQun.TotalChargeConstraintWeight = 4 > Weight of the total charge constraint term in the likelihood function. < fiTQun.UseTimeLikelihood = 1 > Set to 1 to use time likelihoods < fiTQun.inDirtPDFGamma = 97.62 > < fiTQun.inDirtPDFSigma = 4.42 > < fiTQun.inDirtPDFt0 = 6.10 > < fiTQun.vtxPreFitNfitr = 4 > < fiTQun.vtxPreFitSigmar0 = 1200. > < fiTQun.vtxPreFitSigmar1 = 600. > < fiTQun.vtxPreFitSigmar2 = 80. > < fiTQun.vtxPreFitSigmar3 = 25. > < fiTQun.vtxPreFitGrdszVtx = 1000. > < fiTQun.vtxPreFitGrdsztime = 15. >