C-- C secondary particle informations C C nscndprt : Number of secondary particles C itrkscnd : Parent track number (GEANT) of the secondary particle C istakscnd: Parent stack track number (GEANT) of the secondary particle C vtxscnd : Vertex of the generated point C pscnd : Momentum of the secondary particle C iprtscnd : Particle code of the secondary particle C tscnd : Generated time of the secondary particle C iprntprt : Parent particle code of the secondary particle C lmecscnd : Interaction code that produced the secondary particle C iprnttrk : Parent track number (MCVECT) of the secondary particle C iorgprt : Parent track PID code(MCVECT) of the secondary particle C iprntidx : Array index (Fortran) of this secondary particle\'s parent C Negative: Index corresponding to MCVECT (NEUT) stack C Positive: Index corresponding to this stack C 0: Unmatched (E.g. muon or hadron > 10 GeV/c) C nchilds : Number of daughter particles (NGKINE in GEANT) C ichildidx: Array index (Fortran) in this stack of this secondary particle\'s first child C 0: No matched children C pprnt : Momentum of the parent particle at interaction C pprntinit: Initial momentum of the parent particle at birth C vtxprnt : Vertex of the parent particle at birth C iflgscnd : User interaction code for better classification than lmecscnd C Currently for pions only, following convention which is C hybrid of NEUT VCWORK and FSIHIST: C (*100 for SKDETSIM non-NEFFECT interactions e.g. elastic SGPIEL; C +0 Free Hydrogen, +1 Oxygen) C -1 : ESCAPE C 0 : INITIAL (or unmatched parent vertex if I>1) C 1 : C 2 : C 3 : ABSORPTION C 4 : CHARGE EXCHANGE C 5 : C 6 : C 7 : HADRON PRODUCTION C 8 : QUASI-ELASTIC SCATTER C 9 : FORWARD (ELASTIC-LIKE) SCATTER C C-- C Linking input particle stack (MCVECT) to this stack C C nchildsvc : Number of daughter particles (NGKINE in GEANT) C ichildidxvc: Array index (Fortran) in this stack of this MCVECT particle\'s first child C 0: No matched children C C 1998/03/16 Y.Hayato C 2012/01/19 P.de Perio - Add user interaction flag and momentum of parent C 2013/02/03 P.de Perio - Add more detailed parent information and direct parent c and child indices C-- #ifndef SECMAXRNG INTEGER*4 secmaxrng PARAMETER (secmaxrng=4000) #define SECMAXRNG #endif integer*4 nscndprt,itrkscnd(secmaxrng),istakscnd(secmaxrng), & iprtscnd(secmaxrng),iprntprt(secmaxrng), & lmecscnd(secmaxrng),iprnttrk(secmaxrng), & iorgprt(secmaxrng),iflgscnd(secmaxrng), & iflgscnd_temp, iprntid_temp, ichildid_temp, & iprntidx(secmaxrng), nchilds(secmaxrng), ichildidx(secmaxrng) real*4 vtxscnd(3,secmaxrng),pscnd(3,secmaxrng), & tscnd(secmaxrng),pprnt(3,secmaxrng), & pprntinit(3,secmaxrng),vtxprnt(3,secmaxrng) common/secndprt/nscndprt,itrkscnd,istakscnd,vtxscnd & ,pscnd,iprtscnd,tscnd,iprntprt,lmecscnd & ,iprnttrk,iorgprt,pprnt,pprntinit, vtxprnt & ,iflgscnd,iflgscnd_temp, iprntidx & ,nchilds, ichildidx integer flag_warning_scndprt common /warning_scndprt/flag_warning_scndprt C Corresponds to size in vcwork.h (MAXVC) integer*4 npvcscnd, nchildsvc(100), ichildidxvc(100) common/secndprtvc/npvcscnd, nchildsvc, ichildidxvc