***************************************************************************************** fiTQun parameters ***************************************************************************************** 0. General options < fiTQun.fQuiet = 1 > Output verbosity 1. Which fits should be run? < fiTQun.DoSubEvent = 1 > Set to 0 if you do not want to run the subevent algorithm. < fiTQun.DoSingleRingFits = 1 > Set to 0 if you do not want to run any single ring fits. If performing single ring fits, which single ring fits should be run? (1:full straight track, 2:upstream track) < fiTQun.DoGamma1RFit = 0 > < fiTQun.DoElectron1RFit = 1 > < fiTQun.DoMuon1RFit = 1 > < fiTQun.DoPionPlus1RFit = 2 > < fiTQun.DoKaonPlus1RFit = 0 > < fiTQun.DoProton1RFit = 2 > < fiTQun.DoConeGenerator1RFit = 0 > Up to 2 pi0 fits can be performed, and are turned on/off as follows: < fiTQun.DoPi0Fit = 1 > 0 = off, 1 = standard, 2 = constrained mass < fiTQun.DoPi0Fit2 = 0 > 0 = off, 1 = standard, 2 = constrained mass < fiTQun.DoPiPlusFit = 0 > Set to 0 if you do not want to run the pi+ fit. < fiTQun.DoGamma2ElecFit = 0 > < fiTQun.DoMSFit = 1 > Toggle multiple-segment fits for muons < fiTQun.DoMRFit = 1 > Set to 1 if you want to run the multi-ring fit(Setting it to n>1 will only fit up to n-ring) < fiTQun.DoMoreMRFit = 11 > Improve the MR fit results obtained above. Set this to 10*Y+X where: X = 0 : Don't perform sequential MR fit = 1 : Perform sequential MR fit on best terminated MR fit result = 2 : Perform sequential MR fit on all terminated MR fit results Y = 0 : Don't perform simult. vtx & energy fit = 1 : Perform simult. vtx & energy fit on best sequential MR fit result = 2 : Perform simult. vtx & energy fit on all sequential MR fit results < fiTQun.DoPDK_MuGammaFit = 1 > Peak finder goodness threshold for each SK era < fiTQun.PeakThrSK1 = 9. > < fiTQun.PeakThrSK2 = 5. > < fiTQun.PeakThrSK3 = 9. > < fiTQun.PeakThrSK4 = 9. > In case the peakfinder didn't find any peak, run the fitters on the default time window defined below < fiTQun.ForceFitDefaultWindow = 1 > Set the default time window which is used for pre-fit before peak finder and cluster definition < fiTQun.DefaultTimeWindowStart = 900. > < fiTQun.DefaultTimeWindowEnd = 1400. > < fiTQun.PrefitVtxMinDwall = 100. > Minimum dwall for pre-fit vertex(tune it for different detector size & PMT granularity) < fiTQun.RePrefitTimeWindow = 1 > Set to 1 if you want to rerun prefitter on each time window. < fiTQun.DoInGateDcyeFit = 2 > (0:ignore, 1:mask, 2:fit) in-gate decay electrons. < fiTQun.ThrResTimeL = 30. > Residual time threshold for charge separation < fiTQun.ThrResTimeR = 60. > Residual time threshold for charge separation < fiTQun.MaskDeadTimePMT = 0 > Set to 1 if you want to mask the PMTs which are in dead time. < fiTQun.OutputTrueGammaInfo = 0 > Tries to find the true parameters, assuming the initial particle was a photon. 2. Options for all fits Attenuation length of water assumed by fitter, for each SK era < fiTQun.WaterAttenuationLengthSK1 = 7280.73 > < fiTQun.WaterAttenuationLengthSK2 = 7752.02 > < fiTQun.WaterAttenuationLengthSK3 = 7192.52 > < fiTQun.WaterAttenuationLengthSK4 = 7496.46 > Dark rate for each SK era (kHz) < fiTQun.DarkRateSK1 = 4.2 > < fiTQun.DarkRateSK2 = 4.2 > < fiTQun.DarkRateSK3 = 4.2 > < fiTQun.DarkRateSK4 = 5.7195 > < fiTQun.CorrDetTVar = 3 > Flag for applying corrections to detector parameter time variation when running on data: 0: No correction +1: Apply PMT gain correction +2: Apply water attenuation length correction Correction factor to the gain obtained from the water table when running on data < fiTQun.GainCorrFactSK1 = 0.975 > < fiTQun.GainCorrFactSK2 = 1.0 > < fiTQun.GainCorrFactSK3 = 1.0 > < fiTQun.GainCorrFactSK4 = 1.0 > < fiTQun.PeakSearchVtx = 0 > Vertex for peak search 0:Prefit(not run 1R-e fit prior to peak search), 1:Prefit, 2:1R-e fit < fiTQun.DoRingDirTfmFit = 1 > Set to 1 if you want to rotate and redefine the coordinate system based on the seed direction during direction fit < fiTQun.UseFitCProfile = 1 > Set to 1 if you want to use fit Cherenkov profile < fiTQun.UseFittProfile = 1 > Set to 1 if you want to use fit time profile < fiTQun.TotalChargeConstraintWeight = 4. > Weight of the total charge constraint term in the likelihood function. < fiTQun.TotalChargeConstraintAngle = 70. > < fiTQun.UseScatteredLight = 4 > Flag for scattered light predicted charges (0:off, 1:6D, 2:3D, 4:6D for 1Rfit 3D otherwise) < fiTQun.UseTimeLikelihood = 1 > Set to 1 to use time likelihoods < fiTQun.UseLookupTableTimePDF = 0 > Set to 1 to use the newer lookup-table PDF, 0 for default < fiTQun.inDirtPDFGamma = 25. > < fiTQun.inDirtPDFSigma = 8. > < fiTQun.inDirtPDFt0 = 5. > < fiTQun.WaterRefractiveIndex = 1.38 > Refractive index of water assumed by fitter. < fiTQun.DrawFitStages = 0 > Set to 0 to turn off drawing of fit stages. < fiTQun.PhotoCoverageFracDenom = 1 > Reduce photocoverage to 1/val (possible val of 1, 2, or 4) < fiTQun.DeactCapPMTs = 0 > Turn off (1:top, 2:bottom, 3:top&bottom) PMTs. 0:use all < fiTQun.DetGeomType = 1 > Set detector geometry (1:vertical cylinder like SK, 2:HK. Note for HK-mode, only the z-length of the detector can be varied, since x-y geometry is hardcoded.) < fiTQun.DoBiasCorrection = 1 > Set to 1 if you want to apply empirical bias corrections to fit results < fiTQun.CorrTQ = 2 > Apply corrections to TQ distribution ( For SK4 only. 1:apply to data but not MC(<16a), 2:apply to data&MC(>=16a) ) < fiTQun.OutputQTdist = 0 > Write QT distribution in ROOT output < fiTQun.dVtxQT = 0. > Vertex shift 3. Options for single ring fits Add a constraint on the total measured charge? < fiTQun.ChargeConstraintGamma1RFit = 0 > < fiTQun.ChargeConstraintElectron1RFit = 1 > < fiTQun.ChargeConstraintMuon1RFit = 1 > < fiTQun.ChargeConstraintPionPlus1RFit = 0 > < fiTQun.ChargeConstraintKaonPlus1RFit = 0 > < fiTQun.ChargeConstraintProton1RFit = 0 > < fiTQun.ChargeConstraintConeGenerator1RFit = 1 > Total Light Yield Normalizations Effective Q.E., for each SK era < fiTQun.QEEffSK1 = 0.1126 > < fiTQun.QEEffSK2 = 0.0915 > < fiTQun.QEEffSK3 = 0.1100 > < fiTQun.QEEffSK4 = 0.1082 > Q.E. correction for data < fiTQun.QEEffCorrSK1 = 1. > < fiTQun.QEEffCorrSK2 = 1. > < fiTQun.QEEffCorrSK3 = 1. > < fiTQun.QEEffCorrSK4 = 1. > < fiTQun.QECorrGamma1RFit = 0.983 > < fiTQun.QECorrElectron1RFit = 0.963 > < fiTQun.QECorrMuon1RFit = 0.898 > < fiTQun.QECorrPionPlus1RFit = 0.921 > < fiTQun.QECorrKaonPlus1RFit = 0.921 > < fiTQun.QECorrProton1RFit = 0.921 > < fiTQun.QECorrConeGenerator1RFit = 1.004 > Conversion factor from total predicted charge to observed charge for total charge constraint. This factor depends on the PMT/electronics gain. < fiTQun.QmuConvFactSK1 = 0.89503 > < fiTQun.QmuConvFactSK2 = 0.99814 > < fiTQun.QmuConvFactSK3 = 0.99282 > < fiTQun.QmuConvFactSK4 = 1.00129 > dEdx for upstream track calculation < fiTQun.dEdxGamma = 1.0 > < fiTQun.dEdxElectron = 1.0 > < fiTQun.dEdxMuon = 2.14786 > < fiTQun.dEdxPionPlus = 2.13069 > < fiTQun.dEdxKaonPlus = 2.06859 > < fiTQun.dEdxProton = 2.04043 > < fiTQun.dEdxConeGenerator = 1.0 > PID cut criteria < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa0SK1 = -10. > < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa1SK1 = 0. > < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip0SK1 = 20. > < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip1SK1 = 0.2 > < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa0SK2 = -5. > < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa1SK2 = 0. > < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip0SK2 = 10. > < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip1SK2 = 0.15 > < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa0SK3 = -10. > < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa1SK3 = 0. > < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip0SK3 = 20. > < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip1SK3 = 0.2 > < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa0SK4 = -10. > < fiTQun.PIDCutEPipa1SK4 = 0. > < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip0SK4 = 20. > < fiTQun.PIDCutMuPip1SK4 = 0.2 > < fiTQun.TuningMode = 0 > Set it to 1 in order to seed 1R fit with true information < fiTQun.DecayESearch = 1 > < fiTQun.DecayESearchWindowStart = 900 > < fiTQun.DecayESearchWindowEnd = 2500 > 4. Options for the pi0 fit < fiTQun.Pi0SeedType = 112 > Specifies the how the 1st pi0 fit should be seeded. Each base-10 digit (XYZ) is used for a separate option Z = 1: Seed with pi0 truth information = 2: Seed with 1-track e fit result and scan for 2nd ring = 3: Seed with 1-track e fit direction and scan for 2nd ring with photon momenta set by pi0 mass constraint Y = 0: no momentum only fit = 1: do momentum only fit as well X = 0: do not translate vertex = 1: translate vertex upstream 50cm as first guess at photon conversion length < fiTQun.Pi0SeedType2 = 113 > Same as above, but for the 2nd pi0 fit < fiTQun.nPi0SeedScanPoints = 100 > Number of ~equally spaced directions used when scanning for a 2nd ring in the pi0 fit seeding. < fiTQun.Pi0fitOnDcye = 0 > Set it to 1 in order to run the pi0 fit on the second time window(decay electron) < fiTQun.pi0PreFitVtxShiftThr = 280. > If distance between vertex pre-fit and 1R e-like fit is greater than this threshold, scan vertex Nsteps by StepSize in direction of 1R e-like fit result. < fiTQun.pi0PreFitVtxShiftStepSize = 400. > Step size for scan (see above). < fiTQun.pi0PreFitVtxShiftNsteps = 2 > Number of steps for scan (see above). 5. Options for the MR fit < fiTQun.FitMRConvL = 0 > Set to 1 if you want to fit the conversion length during the multi-ring fit. Setting it to 2 puts a constraint >0. < fiTQun.RCCuta0SK1 = 70. > < fiTQun.RCCuta1SK1 = 0. > < fiTQun.RCCut1Ea0SK1 = 87.5 > < fiTQun.RCCut1Mua0SK1 = 140. > < fiTQun.RCCuta0SK2 = 32. > < fiTQun.RCCuta1SK2 = 0. > < fiTQun.RCCut1Ea0SK2 = 40 > < fiTQun.RCCut1Mua0SK2 = 64. > < fiTQun.RCCuta0SK3 = 70. > < fiTQun.RCCuta1SK3 = 0. > < fiTQun.RCCut1Ea0SK3 = 87.5 > < fiTQun.RCCut1Mua0SK3 = 140. > < fiTQun.RCCuta0SK4 = 70. > < fiTQun.RCCuta1SK4 = 0. > < fiTQun.RCCut1Ea0SK4 = 87.5 > < fiTQun.RCCut1Mua0SK4 = 140. > < fiTQun.ModeSeqMRFit = 1 > Set this to negative if you want to fix the vertex when performing the sequential fit 6. Options for the 2 electron gamma fit < fiTQun.GammaSeedType = 2 > 1 is seed with truth (OutputTrueGammaInfo must be 1), 2 is scan with 1-ring electron-like fit. 7. Options for MS fit < fiTQun.nSegMax = 3 > Maximum # of segments allowed in MS track < fiTQun.MSFitMethod = 0 > Fit Method: 0-> simultaneous fit 1-> downstream to upstream sequential fit < fiTQun.MSElossMin = 168. > Parameter used to reduce the number of segments to fit for low-E track. < fiTQun.MSThetRes = 0.05 > Parameter used in logL penalties for small segments. Larger values will result in a larger minimum segment length. < fiTQun.MSScattSig = 4. > Parameter that determines the range of theta values used in the course grid search to seed segment direction. 8. Options for the PDK_MuGamma Fit: < fiTQun.PDKSeedType = 2 > 1 for seeding with MC truth, 2 for seeding with singletrack, 3 for MC truth except the time < fiTQun.PDKFitType = 1 > 0 for full 14 param fit, 1 for same 3 vertex, 2 for fixing the gamma