/* * Generated automatically by fh2h.pl * !!! DO NOT EDIT !!! * Edit the original fortran header file instead * or fix fh2h.pl if there is a translation bug. */ #ifndef FH2H_FILLNT_FORC_H #define FH2H_FILLNT_FORC_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef IMPLICIT #define IMPLICIT /* Only to point out implicit types */ #endif /*------ fortran header (without commons and data statements) ----------*/ /* common for dst ntuple*/ /*common apdstnt was here*/ /* common for dst2 ntuple*/ /*common apdst2nt was here*/ /* EVISCOMP*/ /*common apeviscomp was here*/ /* COMPARE*/ /*common apdstnt2 was here*/ /*common apdstnt3 was here*/ /* RING*/ /* common for ring counting ntuple*/ /*common rngcnt was here*/ /* common for spvcsum*/ /*common vcsum was here*/ /* common for ringcounting study bank*/ /*common ringbank was here*/ /* common for mue decay*/ /*common apntmue was here*/ /* common for vector ntuple (MC_DST)*/ /*common apmcnt was here*/ /*common apmcnt2 was here*/ /*common apnework was here*/ /* CATPC Variables*/ /*common catpcvariables was here*/ /* SCAN*/ /*common apntscan was here*/ /*------ common blocks -------------------------------------------------*/ extern struct apdstnt_common { int nring; int nrun; int nev; int nsub; int cate; float potot; int nhit; float pomax; float potota; int nhita; int nhitac; float pomaxa; float wall; float evis; float rtsum; float rtmax; float wlen; int ip[APNMAXRG]; float pos[3]; float dir[APNMAXRG][3]; float dirtot[3]; float ang[APNMAXRG]; float rtot[APNMAXRG]; float amom[APNMAXRG]; float rtote[APNMAXRG]; float amome[APNMAXRG]; float rtotm[APNMAXRG]; float amomm[APNMAXRG]; int nsube; int ndcy; int ngate; int nbye; float probms[APNMAXRG][6]; float prmslg[APNMAXRG][6]; int date[3]; int time[4]; float elpsday; int numpo[APNMAXRG]; float apos[3]; float adir[3]; float aang; float agood; float wgain; int nbadx; int nbadax; float msdir[APNMAXRG][3][6]; } apdstnt_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apdstnt_common *apdstnt; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apdstnt_common *apdstnt = &apdstnt_; #endif extern struct apdst2nt_common { float amomp[APNMAXRG]; float ange[APNMAXRG]; float angm[APNMAXRG]; float angp[APNMAXRG]; int ntot[APNMAXRG]; float probth[APNMAXRG][6]; float probpt[APNMAXRG][6]; } apdst2nt_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apdst2nt_common *apdst2nt; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apdst2nt_common *apdst2nt = &apdst2nt_; #endif extern struct apeviscomp_common { float evisold; float evisoldxe; float evisnew; } apeviscomp_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apeviscomp_common *apeviscomp; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apeviscomp_common *apeviscomp = &apeviscomp_; #endif extern struct apdstnt2_common { int nring2; float wall2; float evis2; float rtsum2; float rtmax2; int ip2[APNMAXRG]; float pos2[3]; float dir2[APNMAXRG][3]; float ang2[APNMAXRG]; float rtot2[APNMAXRG]; float amom2[APNMAXRG]; float rtote2[APNMAXRG]; float amome2[APNMAXRG]; float rtotm2[APNMAXRG]; float amomm2[APNMAXRG]; float probms2[APNMAXRG][6]; float prmslg2[APNMAXRG][6]; } apdstnt2_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apdstnt2_common *apdstnt2; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apdstnt2_common *apdstnt2 = &apdstnt2_; #endif extern struct apdstnt3_common { int nring3; float wall3; float evis3; float rtsum3; float rtmax3; int ip3[APNMAXRG]; float pos3[3]; float dir3[APNMAXRG][3]; float ang3[APNMAXRG]; float rtot3[APNMAXRG]; float amom3[APNMAXRG]; float rtote3[APNMAXRG]; float amome3[APNMAXRG]; float rtotm3[APNMAXRG]; float amomm3[APNMAXRG]; float probms3[APNMAXRG][6]; float prmslg3[APNMAXRG][6]; } apdstnt3_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apdstnt3_common *apdstnt3; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apdstnt3_common *apdstnt3 = &apdstnt3_; #endif extern struct rngcnt_common { int rnring; float rdir[APNMAXRG][3]; float rang[APNMAXRG]; int riring; float rtwout[APNMAXRG]; float rtwith[APNMAXRG]; float alwout; float alwith; float qsmi; float qsmo; float qexi; float qexo; float pe5d; float en5d; float eh5d; float pe5do; float en5do; float eh5do; float rtadd; float pdgeta; float pd5d; float pdthre; float pd5do; float delpd; float ropena[APNMAXRG]; int maxth; float pkang; float qrfct; float pdfct; float pkfct; float agfct; float dlfct; int iflag; float pmfct; float imfct; float rilikex; } rngcnt_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct rngcnt_common *rngcnt; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct rngcnt_common *rngcnt = &rngcnt_; #endif extern struct vcsum_common { float vcutang; float vqhit; float vqout; int vnhit; int vnout; float vabsq; float vabsa; float vcsumq[3]; float vcsuma[3]; float vpecut; float vsfct; float vsthre; float vsrtot; float vsdlfct; } vcsum_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct vcsum_common *vcsum; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct vcsum_common *vcsum = &vcsum_; #endif extern struct ringbank_common { int ri_ver; float ri_pid; int ri_nring; int ri_flag[APNMAXRG]; float ri_dlfct[APNMAXRG]; float ri_pdfct[APNMAXRG]; float ri_pkfct[APNMAXRG]; float ri_vafct[APNMAXRG]; float ri_total[APNMAXRG]; float ri_dir[APNMAXRG][3]; float ri_imfct[APNMAXRG]; float ri_pmfct[APNMAXRG]; } ringbank_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct ringbank_common *ringbank; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct ringbank_common *ringbank = &ringbank_; #endif extern struct apntmue_common { int nmue; int etype[MAXNMUE]; float etime[MAXNMUE]; float epos[MAXNMUE][3]; float edir[MAXNMUE][3]; float egood[MAXNMUE]; float ehit[MAXNMUE]; float mueprob[2]; } apntmue_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apntmue_common *apntmue; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apntmue_common *apntmue = &apntmue_; #endif extern struct apmcnt_common { int npar; float wallv; int ipv[50]; float posv[3]; float dirv[50][3]; float pmomv[50]; int light_flag[50]; } apmcnt_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apmcnt_common *apmcnt; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apmcnt_common *apmcnt = &apmcnt_; #endif extern struct apmcnt2_common { int npar2; float wallv2[50]; int ipv2[50]; int iorg[50]; float posv2[50][3]; float dirv2[50][3]; float pmomv2[50]; } apmcnt2_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apmcnt2_common *apmcnt2; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apmcnt2_common *apmcnt2 = &apmcnt2_; #endif extern struct apnework_common { int numnu; int mode; int ipnu[50]; float pnu[50]; float dirnu[50][3]; } apnework_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apnework_common *apnework; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apnework_common *apnework = &apnework_; #endif extern struct catpcvariables_common { int catpc; float pcst_qobserved; float pcst_qexpected; float pcst_qobserved_raw; float pcst_pathod; } catpcvariables_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct catpcvariables_common *catpcvariables; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct catpcvariables_common *catpcvariables = &catpcvariables_; #endif extern struct apntscan_common { int scan[2]; } apntscan_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct apntscan_common *apntscan; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct apntscan_common *apntscan = &apntscan_; #endif /*------ data statements -----------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef NO_STATIC_DATA #endif /* #ifndef NO_STATIC_DATA */ /*------ end of fortran header -----------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* #ifndef FH2H_FILLNT_FORC_H */