Parallel ROOT Facility Daemon: ============================== Per default, the PROOF daemon (proofd) is turned off. This is because the user need to set up a few things before starting the daemon. Specifically, the user need to make the files `/etc/cluster.conf' and `/etc/proofd.conf'. Examples for these are provided in the documentation directory of `root-system-proofd' (`/usr/share/doc/root-system-proofd/examples/'). `' can be set to any location in `/etc/default/root-system-proofd'. Note, however, that ROOT recommends that this directory is shared (via NFS or similar) among all the nodes of the cluster. To enable `root-system-proofd' set `ENABLE_PROOFD=yes' in `/etc/default/root-system-proofd'. See also the `read me' file `/usr/share/doc/root-system-doc/README.PROOF' in the `root-system-doc' package, as well as the web-site [1]. [1]