# Find the FFTW includes and library. # # This module defines # FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR, where to locate fftw3.h file # FFTW_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against to use fftw3 # FFTW_FOUND. If false, you cannot build anything that requires fftw3. # FFTW_LIBRARY, where to find the libfftw3 library. set(FFTW_FOUND 0) if(FFTW_LIBRARY AND FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR) set(FFTW_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif() find_path(FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES fftw3.h HINTS ${FFTW_DIR}/include $ENV{FFTW_DIR}/include DOC "Specify the directory containing fftw3.h" ) find_library(FFTW_LIBRARY NAMES fftw3 HINTS ${FFTW_DIR}/lib $ENV{FFTW_DIR}/lib DOC "Specify the fttw3 library here." ) if(FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR AND FFTW_LIBRARY) set(FFTW_FOUND 1 ) if(NOT FFTW_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found fftw3 includes at ${FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR}") message(STATUS "Found fftw3 library at ${FFTW_LIBRARY}") endif() endif() set(FFTW_LIBRARIES ${FFTW_LIBRARY}) mark_as_advanced(FFTW_FOUND FFTW_LIBRARY FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR)