// @(#)root/meta:$Id$
// Author: Fons Rademakers 04/02/95
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
// TDataMember.
// All ROOT classes may have RTTI (run time type identification) support
// added. The data is stored in so called DICTIONARY (look at TDictionary).
// Information about a class is stored in TClass.
// This information may be obtained via the CINT api - see class TCint.
// TClass has a list of TDataMember objects providing information about all
// data members of described class.
// TDataMember provides information about name of data member, its type,
// and comment field string. It also tries to find the TMethodCall objects
// responsible for getting/setting a value of it, and gives you pointers
// to these methods. This gives you a unique possibility to access
// protected and private (!) data members if only methods for doing that
// are defined.
// These methods could either be specified in a comment field, or found
// out automatically by ROOT: here's an example:
// suppose you have a class definition:
class MyClass{
Float_t fX1;
void SetX1(Float_t x) {fX1 = x;};
Float_t GetX1() {return fX1;};
// Look at the data member name and method names: a data member name has
// a prefix letter (f) and has a base name X1 . The methods for getting and
// setting this value have names which consist of string Get/Set and the
// same base name. This convention of naming data fields and methods which
// access them allows TDataMember find this methods by itself completely
// automatically. To make this description complete, one should know,
// that names that are automatically recognized may be also:
// for data fields: either fXXX or fIsXXX; and for getter function
// GetXXX() or IsXXX() [where XXX is base name].
// As an example of using it let's analyse a few lines which get and set
// a fEditable field in TCanvas:
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c"); // create a canvas
TClass *cl = c->IsA(); // get its class description object.
TDataMember *dm = cl->GetDataMember("fEditable"); //This is our data member
TMethodCall *getter = dm->GetterMethod(c); //find a method that gets value!
Long_t l; // declare a storage for this value;
getter->Execute(c,"",l); // Get this Value !!!! It will appear in l !!!
TMethodCall *setter = dm->SetterMethod(c);
setter->Execute(c,"0",); // Set Value 0 !!!
// This trick is widely used in ROOT TContextMenu and dialogs for obtaining
// current values and put them as initial values in dialog fields.
// If you don't want to follow the convention of naming used by ROOT
// you still could benefit from Getter/Setter method support: the solution
// is to instruct ROOT what the names of these routines are.
// The way to do it is putting this information in a comment string to a data
// field in your class declaration:
class MyClass{
Int_t mydata; // *OPTIONS={GetMethod="Get";SetMethod="Set"}
Int_t Get() const { return mydata;};
void Set(Int_t i) {mydata=i;};
// However, this getting/setting functions are not the only feature of
// this class. The next point is providing lists of possible settings
// for the concerned data member. The idea is to have a list of possible
// options for this data member, with strings identifying them. This
// is used in dialogs with parameters to set - for details see
// TMethodArg, TRootContextMenu, TContextMenu. This list not only specifies
// the allowed value, but also provides strings naming the options.
// Options are managed via TList of TOptionListItem objects. This list
// is also created automatically: if a data type is an enum tynpe,
// the list will have items describing every enum value, and named
// according to enum name. If type is Bool_t, two options "On" and "Off"
// with values 0 and 1 are created. For other types you need to instruct
// ROOT about possible options. The way to do it is the same as in case of
// specifying getter/setter method: a comment string to a data field in
// Your header file with class definition.
// The most general format of this string is:
*OPTIONS={GetMethod="getter";SetMethod="setter";Items=(it1="title1",it2="title2", ... ) }
// While parsing this string ROOT firstly looks for command-tokens:
// GetMethod, SetMethod, Items; They must be preceded by string
// *OPTIONS= , enclosed by {} and separated by semicolons ";".
// All command token should have a form TOKEN=VALUE.
// All tokens are optional.
// The names of getter and setter method must be enclosed by double-quote
// marks (") .
// Specifications of Items is slightly more complicated: you need to
// put token ITEMS= and then enclose all options in curly brackets "()".
// You separate options by comas ",".
// Each option item may have one of the following forms:
IntegerValue = "Text Label"
EnumValue = "Text Label"
"TextValue" = Text Label"
// One can sepcify values as Integers or Enums - when data field is an
// Integer, Float or Enum type; as texts - for char (more precisely:
// Option_t).
// As mentioned above - this information are mainly used by contextmenu,
// but also in Dump() and Inspect() methods and by the THtml class.
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TGlobal.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "Strlen.h"
#include "TMethodCall.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TClassEdit.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TIterator.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TGlobal.h"
#include "TRealData.h"
#include "TVirtualMutex.h"
TDataMember::TDataMember(DataMemberInfo_t *info, TClass *cl) : TDictionary()
// Default TDataMember ctor. TDataMembers are constructed in TClass
// via a call to TCint::CreateListOfDataMembers(). It parses the comment
// string, initializes optionlist and getter/setter methods.
fInfo = info;
fClass = cl;
fDataType = 0;
fOptions = 0;
fValueSetter = 0;
fValueGetter = 0;
fOffset = -1;
fProperty = -1;
fSTLCont = -1;
if (!fInfo && !fClass) return; // default ctor is called
if (fInfo) {
fFullTypeName = TClassEdit::GetLong64_Name(gCint->DataMemberInfo_TypeName(fInfo));
fTrueTypeName = TClassEdit::GetLong64_Name(gCint->DataMemberInfo_TypeTrueName(fInfo));
fTypeName = TClassEdit::GetLong64_Name(gCint->TypeName(fFullTypeName));
const char *t = gCint->DataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo);
if (t && t[0] != '!') SetBit(kObjIsPersistent);
fDataType = 0;
if (IsBasic() || IsEnum()) {
if (IsBasic()) {
const char *name = GetFullTypeName();
if (strcmp(name, "unsigned char") != 0 &&
strncmp(name, "unsigned short", sizeof ("unsigned short")) != 0 &&
strcmp(name, "unsigned int") != 0 &&
strncmp(name, "unsigned long", sizeof ("unsigned long")) != 0)
// strncmp() also covers "unsigned long long"
name = GetTypeName();
fDataType = gROOT->GetType(name);
if (fDataType==0) {
// humm we did not find it ... maybe it's a typedef that has not been loaded yet.
// (this can happen if the executable does not have a TApplication object).
fDataType = gROOT->GetType(name,kTRUE);
} else {
fDataType = gROOT->GetType("Int_t", kTRUE); // In rare instance we are called before Int_t has been added to the list of types in TROOT, the kTRUE insures it is there.
// if (!fDataType)
// Error("TDataMember", "basic data type %s not found in list of basic types",
// GetTypeName());
// If option string exist in comment - we'll parse it and create
// list of options
// Option-list string has a form:
// *OPTION={GetMethod="GetXXX";SetMethod="SetXXX";
// Items=(0="NULL ITEM","one"="First Item",kRed="Red Item")}
// As one can see it is possible to specify value as either numerical
// value , string or enum.
// One can also specify implicitly names of Getter/Setter methods.
char cmt[2048];
char opt[2048];
char *opt_ptr = 0;
const char *ptr1 = 0;
char *ptr2 = 0;
char *ptr3 = 0;
char *tok = 0;
Int_t cnt = 0;
Int_t token_cnt;
Int_t i;
if ((opt_ptr=strstr(cmt,"*OPTION={"))) {
// If we found it - parsing...
//let's cut the part lying between {}
ptr1 = strtok(opt_ptr ,"{}"); //starts tokenizing:extracts "*OPTION={"
if (ptr1 == 0) {
Fatal("TDataMember","Internal error, found \"*OPTION={\" but not \"{}\" in %s.",gCint->DataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo));
ptr1 = strtok((char*)0,"{}"); //And now we have what we need in ptr1!!!
if (ptr1 == 0) {
Fatal("TDataMember","Internal error, found \"*OPTION={\" but not \"{}\" in %s.",gCint->DataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo));
//and save it:
// Let's extract sub-tokens extracted by ';' sign.
// We'll put'em in an array for convenience;
// You have to do it in this manner because you cannot use nested 'strtok'
char *tokens[256]; // a storage for these sub-tokens.
token_cnt = 0;
cnt = 0;
do { //tokenizing loop
ptr1=strtok((char*) (cnt++ ? 0:opt),";");
if (ptr1){
Int_t nch = strlen(ptr1)+1;
tok=new char[nch];
} while (ptr1);
// OK! Now let's check whether we have Get/Set methods encode in any string
for (i=0;iDataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo));
ptr1 = strtok(0,"\""); //tokenizing - name is in ptr1!
if (ptr1 == 0) {
Fatal("TDataMember","Internal error, found \"GetMethod\" but not \"\\\"\" in %s.",gCint->DataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo));
if (GetClass()->GetMethod(ptr1,"")) // check whether such method exists
// FIXME: wrong in case called derives via multiple inheritance from this class
fValueGetter = new TMethodCall(GetClass(),ptr1,"");
continue; //next item!
if (strstr(tokens[i],"SetMethod")) {
ptr1 = strtok(tokens[i],"\"");
if (ptr1 == 0) {
Fatal("TDataMember","Internal error, found \"SetMethod\" but not \"\\\"\" in %s.",gCint->DataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo));
ptr1 = strtok((char*)0,"\""); //name of Setter in ptr1
if (ptr1 == 0) {
Fatal("TDataMember","Internal error, found \"SetMethod\" but not \"\\\"\" in %s.",gCint->DataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo));
if (GetClass()->GetMethod(ptr1,"1"))
// FIXME: wrong in case called derives via multiple inheritance from this class
fValueSetter = new TMethodCall(GetClass(),ptr1,"1");
//Now let's parse option strings...
Int_t opt_cnt = 0;
TList *optionlist = new TList(); //storage for options strings
for (i=0;iDataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo));
ptr1 = strtok((char*)0,"()");
if (ptr1 == 0) {
Fatal("TDataMember","Internal error, found \"Items\" but not \"()\" in %s.",gCint->DataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo));
char opts[2048]; //and save it!
//now parse it...
//fistly we just store strings like: xxx="Label Name"
//We'll store it in TOptionListItem objects, because they're derived
//from TObject and thus can be stored in TList.
//It's not elegant but works.
do {
ptr1 = strtok(opt_cnt++ ? (char*)0:opts,","); //options extraction
if (ptr1) {
TOptionListItem *it = new TOptionListItem(this,1,0,0,ptr1,"");
} while(ptr1);
//having all options extracted and put into list, we finally can parse
//them to create a list of options...
fOptions = new TList(); //create the list
TIter next(optionlist); //we'll iterate through all
//strings containing options
TOptionListItem *it = 0;
TOptionListItem *it1 = 0;
while ((it=(TOptionListItem*)next())) {
ptr1 = it->fOptName; // We will change the value of OptName ... but it is fine since we delete the object at the end of the loop.
Bool_t islabel = (ptr1[0]=='\"'); // value is label or numerical?
ptr2 = strtok((char*)ptr1,"=\""); //extract LeftHandeSide
ptr3 = strtok(0,"=\""); //extract RightHandedSize
if (islabel) {
it1=new TOptionListItem(this,-9999,0,0,ptr3,ptr2);
} else {
//We'll try to find global enum existing in ROOT...
Long_t l=0;
Int_t *value;
TGlobal *enumval = gROOT->GetGlobal(ptr1,kTRUE);
if (enumval){
value = (Int_t*)(enumval->GetAddress());
l = (Long_t)(*value);
} else if (IsEnum()) {
TObject *obj = fClass->GetListOfDataMembers()->FindObject(ptr1);
if (obj)
l = gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("%s::%s;",fClass->GetName(),ptr1));
l = gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("%s;",ptr1));
} else
l = atol(ptr1);
it1 = new TOptionListItem(this,l,0,0,ptr3,ptr1);
optionlist->Remove(it); //delete this option string from list
delete it; // and dispose of it.
// Garbage colletion
// dispose of temporary option list...
delete optionlist;
//And dispose tokens string...
for (i=0;iGetTypeName(),65); //save the typename!!! must do it!
const char *gtypename = 0;
TList *globals = (TList*)(gROOT->GetListOfGlobals(kTRUE)); //get all globals
if (!globals) return;
TIter nextglobal(globals); //iterate through all global to find
while ((global=(TGlobal*)nextglobal())) { // values belonging to this enum type
if (global->Property() & G__BIT_ISENUM) {
gtypename = global->GetTypeName();
if (strcmp(gtypename,etypename)==0) {
Int_t *value = (Int_t*)(global->GetAddress());
Long_t l = (Long_t)(*value);
TOptionListItem *it = new TOptionListItem(this,l,0,0,global->GetName(),global->GetName());
// and the case od Bool_t : we add items "ON" and "Off"
} else if (!strncmp(GetFullTypeName(),"Bool_t",6)){
fOptions = new TList();
TOptionListItem *it = new TOptionListItem(this,1,0,0,"ON",0);
it = new TOptionListItem(this,0,0,0,"Off",0);
} else fOptions = 0;
TDataMember::TDataMember(const TDataMember& dm) :
fOptions(dm.fOptions ? (TList*)dm.fOptions->Clone() : 0)
//copy constructor
TDataMember& TDataMember::operator=(const TDataMember& dm)
//assignement operator
if(this!=&dm) {
delete fValueSetter;
delete fValueGetter;
if (fOptions) {
delete fOptions;
fOptions = 0;
fInfo= gCint->DataMemberInfo_FactoryCopy(dm.fInfo);
fOptions = dm.fOptions ? (TList*)dm.fOptions->Clone() : 0;
return *this;
// TDataMember dtor deletes adopted CINT DataMemberInfo object.
delete fValueSetter;
delete fValueGetter;
if (fOptions) {
delete fOptions;
Int_t TDataMember::GetArrayDim() const
// Return number of array dimensions.
return gCint->DataMemberInfo_ArrayDim(fInfo);
const char *TDataMember::GetArrayIndex() const
// If the data member is pointer and has a valid array size in its comments
// GetArrayIndex returns a string pointing to it;
// otherwise it returns an empty string.
const char* val = gCint->DataMemberInfo_ValidArrayIndex(fInfo);
return (val && IsaPointer() ) ? val : "";
Int_t TDataMember::GetMaxIndex(Int_t dim) const
// Return maximum index for array dimension "dim".
return gCint->DataMemberInfo_MaxIndex(fInfo,dim);
const char *TDataMember::GetTypeName() const
// Get type of data member, e,g.: "class TDirectory*" -> "TDirectory".
if (fProperty==(-1)) Property();
return fTypeName.Data();
const char *TDataMember::GetFullTypeName() const
// Get full type description of data member, e,g.: "class TDirectory*".
if (fProperty==(-1)) Property();
return fFullTypeName.Data();
const char *TDataMember::GetTrueTypeName() const
// Get full type description of data member, e,g.: "class TDirectory*".
return fTrueTypeName.Data();
Long_t TDataMember::GetOffset() const
// Get offset from "this".
if (fOffset>=0) return fOffset;
//case of an interpreted or emulated class
if (fClass->GetDeclFileLine() < 0) {
((TDataMember*)this)->fOffset = gCint->DataMemberInfo_Offset(fInfo);
return fOffset;
//case of a compiled class
//Note that the offset cannot be computed in case of an abstract class
//for which the list of real data has not yet been computed via
//a real daughter class.
TString dmbracket;
TIter next(fClass->GetListOfRealData());
TRealData *rdm;
Int_t offset = 0;
while ((rdm = (TRealData*)next())) {
char *rdmc = (char*)rdm->GetName();
//next statement required in case a class and one of its parent class
//have data members with the same name
if (this->IsaPointer() && rdmc[0] == '*') rdmc++;
if (rdm->GetDataMember() != this) continue;
if (strcmp(rdmc,GetName()) == 0) {
offset = rdm->GetThisOffset();
if (strcmp(rdm->GetName(),GetName()) == 0) {
if (rdm->IsObject()) {
offset = rdm->GetThisOffset();
if (strstr(rdm->GetName(),dmbracket.Data())) {
offset = rdm->GetThisOffset();
((TDataMember*)this)->fOffset = offset;
return fOffset;
Long_t TDataMember::GetOffsetCint() const
// Get offset from "this" using the information in CINT only.
return gCint->DataMemberInfo_Offset(fInfo);
Int_t TDataMember::GetUnitSize() const
// Get the sizeof the underlying type of the data member
// (i.e. if the member is an array sizeof(member)/length)
if (IsaPointer()) return sizeof(void*);
if (IsEnum() ) return sizeof(Int_t);
if (IsBasic() ) return GetDataType()->Size();
TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass(GetTypeName());
if (!cl) cl = TClass::GetClass(GetTrueTypeName());
if ( cl) return cl->Size();
Warning("GetUnitSize","Can not determine sizeof(%s)",GetTypeName());
return 0;
Bool_t TDataMember::IsBasic() const
// Return true if data member is a basic type, e.g. char, int, long...
if (fProperty == -1) Property();
return (fProperty & kIsFundamental) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
Bool_t TDataMember::IsEnum() const
// Return true if data member is an enum.
if (fProperty == -1) Property();
return (fProperty & kIsEnum) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
Bool_t TDataMember::IsaPointer() const
// Return true if data member is a pointer.
if (fProperty == -1) Property();
return (fProperty & kIsPointer) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
int TDataMember::IsSTLContainer()
// The return type is defined in TDictionary (kVector, kList, etc.)
if (fSTLCont != -1) return fSTLCont;
fSTLCont = abs(TClassEdit::IsSTLCont(GetTrueTypeName()));
return fSTLCont;
Long_t TDataMember::Property() const
// Get property description word. For meaning of bits see EProperty.
R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex); // We could move it later if fProperty was an atomic
if (fProperty!=(-1)) return fProperty;
TDataMember *t = (TDataMember*)this;
if (!fInfo) return 0;
int prop = gCint->DataMemberInfo_Property(fInfo);
int propt = gCint->DataMemberInfo_TypeProperty(fInfo);
t->fProperty = prop|propt;
const char *tname = gCint->DataMemberInfo_TypeName(fInfo);
t->fTypeName = gCint->TypeName(tname);
t->fFullTypeName = tname;
t->fName = gCint->DataMemberInfo_Name(fInfo);
t->fTitle = gCint->DataMemberInfo_Title(fInfo);
return fProperty;
TList *TDataMember::GetOptions() const
// Returns list of options - list of TOptionListItems
return fOptions;
TMethodCall *TDataMember::GetterMethod(TClass *cl)
// Return a TMethodCall method responsible for getting the value
// of data member. The cl argument specifies the class of the object
// which will be used to call this method (in case of multiple
// inheritance TMethodCall needs to know this to calculate the proper
// offset).
if (!fValueGetter || cl) {
if (!cl) cl = fClass;
if (fValueGetter) {
TString methodname = fValueGetter->GetMethodName();
delete fValueGetter;
fValueGetter = new TMethodCall(cl, methodname.Data(), "");
} else {
// try to guess Getter function:
// we strip the fist character of name of data field ('f') and then
// try to find the name of Getter by applying "Get", "Is" or "Has"
// as a prefix
const char *dataname = GetName();
TString gettername;
gettername.Form( "Get%s", dataname+1);
if (GetClass()->GetMethod(gettername, ""))
return fValueGetter = new TMethodCall(cl, gettername, "");
gettername.Form( "Is%s", dataname+1);
if (GetClass()->GetMethod(gettername, ""))
return fValueGetter = new TMethodCall(cl, gettername, "");
gettername.Form( "Has%s", dataname+1);
if (GetClass()->GetMethod(gettername, ""))
return fValueGetter = new TMethodCall(cl, gettername, "");
return fValueGetter;
TMethodCall *TDataMember::SetterMethod(TClass *cl)
// Return a TMethodCall method responsible for setting the value
// of data member. The cl argument specifies the class of the object
// which will be used to call this method (in case of multiple
// inheritance TMethodCall needs to know this to calculate the proper
// offset).
if (!fValueSetter || cl) {
if (!cl) cl = fClass;
if (fValueSetter) {
TString methodname = fValueSetter->GetMethodName();
TString params = fValueSetter->GetParams();
delete fValueSetter;
fValueSetter = new TMethodCall(cl, methodname.Data(), params.Data());
} else {
// try to guess Setter function:
// we strip the fist character of name of data field ('f') and then
// try to find the name of Setter by applying "Set" as a prefix
const char *dataname = GetName();
TString settername;
settername.Form( "Set%s", dataname+1);
if (strstr(settername, "Is")) settername.Form( "Set%s", dataname+3);
if (GetClass()->GetMethod(settername, "1"))
fValueSetter = new TMethodCall(cl, settername, "1");
if (!fValueSetter)
if (GetClass()->GetMethod(settername, "true"))
fValueSetter = new TMethodCall(cl, settername, "true");
return fValueSetter;
TOptionListItem::TOptionListItem(TDataMember *d, Long_t val, Long_t valmask,
Long_t tglmask,const char *name, const char *label)
// Constuctor.
fDataMember = d;
fValue = val;
fValueMaskBit = valmask;
fToggleMaskBit = tglmask;
if (name) {
fOptName = name;
if(label) {
fOptLabel = fOptLabel;