// @(#)root/mathmore:$Id$ // Author: L. Moneta Wed Dec 20 17:16:32 2006 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2006 LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT * * * * * **********************************************************************/ // Implementation file for class GSLNLSMinimizer #include "Math/GSLNLSMinimizer.h" #include "Math/MinimTransformFunction.h" #include "Math/MultiNumGradFunction.h" #include "Math/Error.h" #include "GSLMultiFit.h" #include "gsl/gsl_errno.h" #include "Math/FitMethodFunction.h" //#include "Math/Derivator.h" #include #include #include #include namespace ROOT { namespace Math { // class to implement transformation of chi2 function // in general could make template on the fit method function type class FitTransformFunction : public FitMethodFunction { public: FitTransformFunction(const FitMethodFunction & f, const std::vector & types, const std::vector & values, const std::map > & bounds) : FitMethodFunction( f.NDim(), f.NPoints() ), fOwnTransformation(true), fFunc(f), fTransform(new MinimTransformFunction( new MultiNumGradFunction(f), types, values, bounds) ), fGrad( std::vector(f.NDim() ) ) { // constructor // need to pass to MinimTransformFunction a new pointer which will be managed by the class itself // pass a gradient pointer although it will not be used byb the class } FitTransformFunction(const FitMethodFunction & f, MinimTransformFunction *transFunc ) : FitMethodFunction( f.NDim(), f.NPoints() ), fOwnTransformation(false), fFunc(f), fTransform(transFunc), fGrad( std::vector(f.NDim() ) ) { // constructor from al already existing Transformation object. Ownership of the transformation onbect is passed to caller } ~FitTransformFunction() { if (fOwnTransformation) { assert(fTransform); delete fTransform; } } // re-implement data element virtual double DataElement(const double * x, unsigned i, double * g = 0) const { // transform from x internal to x external const double * xExt = fTransform->Transformation(x); if ( g == 0) return fFunc.DataElement( xExt, i ); // use gradient double val = fFunc.DataElement( xExt, i, &fGrad[0]); // transform gradient fTransform->GradientTransformation( x, &fGrad.front(), g); return val; } IMultiGenFunction * Clone() const { // not supported return 0; } // dimension (this is number of free dimensions) unsigned int NDim() const { return fTransform->NDim(); } unsigned int NTot() const { return fTransform->NTot(); } // forward of transformation functions const double * Transformation( const double * x) const { return fTransform->Transformation(x); } /// inverse transformation (external -> internal) void InvTransformation(const double * xext, double * xint) const { fTransform->InvTransformation(xext,xint); } /// inverse transformation for steps (external -> internal) at external point x void InvStepTransformation(const double * x, const double * sext, double * sint) const { fTransform->InvStepTransformation(x,sext,sint); } ///transform gradient vector (external -> internal) at internal point x void GradientTransformation(const double * x, const double *gext, double * gint) const { fTransform->GradientTransformation(x,gext,gint); } void MatrixTransformation(const double * x, const double *cint, double * cext) const { fTransform->MatrixTransformation(x,cint,cext); } private: // objects of this class are not meant for copying or assignment FitTransformFunction(const FitTransformFunction& rhs); FitTransformFunction& operator=(const FitTransformFunction& rhs); double DoEval(const double * x) const { return fFunc( fTransform->Transformation(x) ); } bool fOwnTransformation; const FitMethodFunction & fFunc; // pointer to original fit method function MinimTransformFunction * fTransform; // pointer to transformation function mutable std::vector fGrad; // cached vector of gradient values }; // GSLNLSMinimizer implementation GSLNLSMinimizer::GSLNLSMinimizer( int type ) : //fNFree(0), fSize(0), fChi2Func(0) { // Constructor implementation : create GSLMultiFit wrapper object const gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_type * gsl_type = 0; // use default type defined in GSLMultiFit if (type == 1) gsl_type = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmsder; // scaled lmder version if (type == 2) gsl_type = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmder; // unscaled version fGSLMultiFit = new GSLMultiFit( gsl_type ); fEdm = -1; // default tolerance and max iterations int niter = ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultMaxIterations(); if (niter <= 0) niter = 100; SetMaxIterations(niter); fLSTolerance = ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultTolerance(); if (fLSTolerance <=0) fLSTolerance = 0.0001; // default internal value SetPrintLevel(ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultPrintLevel()); } GSLNLSMinimizer::~GSLNLSMinimizer () { assert(fGSLMultiFit != 0); delete fGSLMultiFit; } void GSLNLSMinimizer::SetFunction(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction & func) { // set the function to minimizer // need to create vector of functions to be passed to GSL multifit // support now only CHi2 implementation // call base class method. It will clone the function and set ndimension BasicMinimizer::SetFunction(func); //need to check if function can be used const ROOT::Math::FitMethodFunction * chi2Func = dynamic_cast(ObjFunction()); if (chi2Func == 0) { if (PrintLevel() > 0) std::cout << "GSLNLSMinimizer: Invalid function set - only Chi2Func supported" << std::endl; return; } fSize = chi2Func->NPoints(); if (fSize == 0) { MATH_WARN_MSG("GSLNLSMinimizer::SetFunction","Objective function has zero elements"); } fNFree = NDim(); // use vector by value fResiduals.reserve(fSize); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fSize; ++i) { fResiduals.push_back( LSResidualFunc(*chi2Func, i) ); } // keep pointers to the chi2 function fChi2Func = chi2Func; } void GSLNLSMinimizer::SetFunction(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGradFunction & func ) { // set the function to minimizer using gradient interface // not supported yet, implemented using the other SetFunction return SetFunction(static_cast(func) ); } bool GSLNLSMinimizer::Minimize() { // set initial parameters of the minimizer int debugLevel = PrintLevel(); assert (fGSLMultiFit != 0); if (fResiduals.size() != fSize || fChi2Func == 0) { MATH_ERROR_MSG("GSLNLSMinimizer::Minimize","Function has not been set"); return false; } if (fSize == 0) { MATH_ERROR_MSG("GSLNLSMinimizer::Minimize","Number of data points is zero"); return false; } unsigned int npar = NPar(); unsigned int ndim = NDim(); if (npar == 0 || npar < ndim) { MATH_ERROR_MSGVAL("GSLNLSMinimizer::Minimize","Wrong number of parameters",npar); return false; } // set residual functions and check if a transformation is needed std::vector startValues; // transformation need a grad function. Delegate fChi2Func to given object MultiNumGradFunction * gradFunction = new MultiNumGradFunction(*fChi2Func); MinimTransformFunction * trFuncRaw = CreateTransformation(startValues, gradFunction); // need to transform in a FitTransformFunction which is set in the residual functions std::auto_ptr trFunc; if (trFuncRaw) { trFunc.reset(new FitTransformFunction(*fChi2Func, trFuncRaw) ); //FitTransformationFunction *trFunc = new FitTransformFunction(*fChi2Func, trFuncRaw); for (unsigned int ires = 0; ires < fResiduals.size(); ++ires) { fResiduals[ires] = LSResidualFunc(*trFunc, ires); } assert(npar == trFunc->NTot() ); } if (debugLevel >=1 ) std::cout <<"Minimize using GSLNLSMinimizer " << std::endl; // // use a global step size = min (step vectors) // double stepSize = 1; // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fSteps.size(); ++i) // //stepSize += fSteps[i]; // if (fSteps[i] < stepSize) stepSize = fSteps[i]; int iret = fGSLMultiFit->Set( fResiduals, &startValues.front() ); if (iret) { MATH_ERROR_MSGVAL("GSLNLSMinimizer::Minimize","Error setting the residual functions ",iret); return false; } if (debugLevel >=1 ) std::cout <<"GSLNLSMinimizer: " << fGSLMultiFit->Name() << " - start iterating......... " << std::endl; // start iteration unsigned int iter = 0; int status; bool minFound = false; do { status = fGSLMultiFit->Iterate(); if (debugLevel >=1) { std::cout << "----------> Iteration " << iter << " / " << MaxIterations() << " status " << gsl_strerror(status) << std::endl; const double * x = fGSLMultiFit->X(); if (trFunc.get()) x = trFunc->Transformation(x); int pr = std::cout.precision(18); std::cout << " FVAL = " << (*fChi2Func)(x) << std::endl; std::cout.precision(pr); std::cout << " X Values : "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NDim(); ++i) std::cout << " " << VariableName(i) << " = " << X()[i]; std::cout << std::endl; } if (status) break; // check also the delta in X() status = fGSLMultiFit->TestDelta( Tolerance(), Tolerance() ); if (status == GSL_SUCCESS) { minFound = true; } // double-check with the gradient int status2 = fGSLMultiFit->TestGradient( Tolerance() ); if ( minFound && status2 != GSL_SUCCESS) { // check now edm fEdm = fGSLMultiFit->Edm(); if (fEdm > Tolerance() ) { // continue the iteration status = status2; minFound = false; } } if (debugLevel >=1) { std::cout << " after Gradient and Delta tests: " << gsl_strerror(status); if (fEdm > 0) std::cout << ", edm is: " << fEdm; std::cout << std::endl; } iter++; } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < MaxIterations() ); // check edm fEdm = fGSLMultiFit->Edm(); if ( fEdm < Tolerance() ) { minFound = true; } // save state with values and function value const double * x = fGSLMultiFit->X(); if (x == 0) return false; SetFinalValues(x); SetMinValue( (*fChi2Func)( x ) ); fStatus = status; fErrors.resize(NDim()); // get errors from cov matrix const double * cov = fGSLMultiFit->CovarMatrix(); if (cov) { fCovMatrix.resize(ndim*ndim); if (trFunc.get() ) { trFunc->MatrixTransformation(x, fGSLMultiFit->CovarMatrix(), &fCovMatrix[0] ); } else { std::copy(cov, cov + ndim*ndim, fCovMatrix.begin() ); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) fErrors[i] = std::sqrt(fCovMatrix[i*ndim + i]); } if (minFound) { if (debugLevel >=1 ) { std::cout << "GSLNLSMinimizer: Minimum Found" << std::endl; int pr = std::cout.precision(18); std::cout << "FVAL = " << MinValue() << std::endl; std::cout << "Edm = " << fEdm << std::endl; std::cout.precision(pr); std::cout << "NIterations = " << iter << std::endl; std::cout << "NFuncCalls = " << fChi2Func->NCalls() << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NDim(); ++i) std::cout << std::setw(12) << VariableName(i) << " = " << std::setw(12) << X()[i] << " +/- " << std::setw(12) << fErrors[i] << std::endl; } return true; } else { if (debugLevel >=1 ) { std::cout << "GSLNLSMinimizer: Minimization did not converge" << std::endl; std::cout << "FVAL = " << MinValue() << std::endl; std::cout << "Edm = " << fGSLMultiFit->Edm() << std::endl; std::cout << "Niterations = " << iter << std::endl; } return false; } return false; } const double * GSLNLSMinimizer::MinGradient() const { // return gradient (internal values) return fGSLMultiFit->Gradient(); } double GSLNLSMinimizer::CovMatrix(unsigned int i , unsigned int j ) const { // return covariance matrix element unsigned int ndim = NDim(); if ( fCovMatrix.size() == 0) return 0; if (i > ndim || j > ndim) return 0; return fCovMatrix[i*ndim + j]; } int GSLNLSMinimizer::CovMatrixStatus( ) const { // return covariance matrix status = 0 not computed, // 1 computed but is approximate because minimum is not valid, 3 is fine if ( fCovMatrix.size() == 0) return 0; // case minimization did not finished correctly if (fStatus != GSL_SUCCESS) return 1; return 3; } } // end namespace Math } // end namespace ROOT