#include "Math/Polynomial.h" #include "Math/Functor.h" #include "Math/RootFinder.h" #include "Math/RootFinderAlgorithms.h" #ifdef HAVE_ROOTLIBS #include "TStopwatch.h" #else struct TStopwatch { void Start(){} void Stop(){} void Reset(){} double RealTime() { return 0; } double CpuTime() { return 0; } }; #endif #include typedef double ( * FP ) ( double, void * ); const int iterTest = 10000; int myfuncCalls = 0; const double absTol = 1E-3; //const double relTol = 1E-6; double myfunc ( double x) { myfuncCalls += 1; return x*x - 5; } // required for GSL type func double myfunc_gsl(double x, void *) { return myfunc(x); } double myfunc_deriv ( double x ) { return 2.0*x; } double myfunc_deriv_gsl ( double x, void * /*params*/) { return myfunc_deriv(x); } void myfunc_fdf( double x, void * /*params*/, double *y, double *dy) { *y = x*x - 5; *dy = 2.0*x; } template int findRoot( RF * r ) { //int returnCode = r->Solve( 100, absTol, relTol); bool ret = r->Solve(); int returnCode = !ret; //r->Status(); return returnCode; } template int printStats( RF * r, int returnCode, TStopwatch& timer ) { std::cout << "\nTest " << r->Name() << " algorithm " << std::endl; double root = r->Root(); std::cout << "Return code: " << returnCode << std::endl; std::cout << "Result: " << root << " n iters = " << r->Iterations() << std::endl; std::cout << "Exact result: " << sqrt(5.0) << " difference: " << root - sqrt(5.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "Time: " << timer.RealTime()/(double) iterTest << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of calls to function: " << myfuncCalls/iterTest << std::endl; if ( fabs(root - sqrt(5.0)) > absTol ) { std::cerr << "Test Root finder with " << r->Name() << " failed " << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; } int testGSLRootFinder() { int returnCode; int status = 0; TStopwatch timer; ROOT::Math::Polynomial polyf(2); std::vector p(3); p[0] = -5; p[1] = 0; p[2] = 1; polyf.SetParameters(&p[0]); //ROOT::Math::IGenFunction *func = &polyf; ROOT::Math::Functor1D func (&myfunc); ROOT::Math::RootFinder *rf1 = new ROOT::Math::RootFinder(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_BISECTION); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); myfuncCalls = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterTest; ++i) { rf1->SetFunction( func, 0, 5); returnCode = findRoot(rf1); } timer.Stop(); status += printStats(rf1, returnCode, timer); ROOT::Math::RootFinder *rf2 = new ROOT::Math::RootFinder(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_FALSE_POS); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); myfuncCalls = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterTest; ++i) { rf2->SetFunction( func, 0, 5); returnCode = findRoot(rf2); } timer.Stop(); status += printStats(rf2, returnCode, timer); // methods using derivatives ROOT::Math::RootFinder *rf3 = new ROOT::Math::RootFinder(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_SECANT); ROOT::Math::GradFunctor1D gfunc( &myfunc, &myfunc_deriv); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); myfuncCalls = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterTest; ++i) { rf3->SetFunction( gfunc, 1); returnCode = findRoot(rf3); } timer.Stop(); status += printStats(rf3, returnCode, timer); ROOT::Math::RootFinder *rf4 = new ROOT::Math::RootFinder(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_STEFFENSON); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); myfuncCalls = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterTest; ++i) { rf4->SetFunction( gfunc, 1); returnCode = findRoot(rf4); } timer.Stop(); status += printStats(rf4, returnCode, timer); ROOT::Math::Roots::Newton *rf5 = new ROOT::Math::Roots::Newton(); void * ptr2 = 0; timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); myfuncCalls = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterTest; ++i) { rf5->SetFunction(myfunc_gsl, myfunc_deriv_gsl, myfunc_fdf, ptr2, 5.); returnCode = findRoot(rf5); } timer.Stop(); status += printStats(rf5, returnCode, timer); // the following two examples won't work when interpreted CINT //const FP funcPtr = &myfunc; ROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder::GSLFuncPointer funcPtr = &myfunc_gsl; void * ptr1 = 0; ROOT::Math::Roots::Brent *rf6 = new ROOT::Math::Roots::Brent(); //ROOT::Math::RootFinder *rf6 = new ROOT::Math::RootFinder; timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); myfuncCalls = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterTest; ++i) { rf6->SetFunction( funcPtr, ptr1, 0.0, 5.0); returnCode = findRoot(rf6); } timer.Stop(); status += printStats(rf6, returnCode, timer); return status; } int main() { int status = 0; status += testGSLRootFinder(); return status; }