#include "Math/Random.h" #include "Math/GSLRndmEngines.h" #include "Math/DistFunc.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TRandom2.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "TH3D.h" #include "TMath.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNURAN #include "UnuRanDist.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP #include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandPoissonT.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandPoisson.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandPoissonQ.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGaussQ.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGaussT.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandBinomial.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/JamesRandom.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/MTwistEngine.h" #endif #ifndef PI #define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338328 /* pi */ #endif #ifndef NEVT_DEFAULT #define NEVT_DEFAULT 1000000 #endif //#define TEST_TIME using namespace ROOT::Math; #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP using namespace CLHEP; #endif static bool fillHist = false; static int NEVT = NEVT_DEFAULT; void testDiff(TH1D & h1, TH1D & h2, const std::string & name="") { double chi2; int ndf; if (h1.GetEntries() == 0 && h2.GetEntries() == 0) return; int igood = 0; double prob = h1.Chi2TestX(&h2,chi2,ndf,igood,"UU"); std::cout << "\nTest " << name << " chi2 = " << chi2 << " ndf " << ndf << " prob = " << prob; if (igood) std::cout << " \t\t" << " igood = " << igood; std::cout << std::endl; std::string cname="c1_" + name; std::string ctitle="Test of " + name; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(cname.c_str(), ctitle.c_str(),200,10,800,600); h1.DrawCopy(); h2.DrawCopy("Esame"); c1->Update(); } template std::string findName( const R & r) { std::string type = typeid(r).name(); if (type.find("GSL") != std::string::npos ) return "ROOT::Math::Random"; else if (type.find("TRandom") != std::string::npos ) return "TRandom "; else if (type.find("UnuRan") != std::string::npos ) return "UnuRan "; else if (type.find("Rand") != std::string::npos ) return "CLHEP "; return "????????? "; } template void testPoisson( R & r,double mu,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int n = r.Poisson(mu ); if (fillHist) h.Fill( double(n) ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Poisson - mu = " << mu << "\t\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testPoisson(r,mu,h); } // Knuth Algorith for Poisson (used also in GSL) template unsigned int genPoisson( R & r, double mu) { // algorithm described by Knuth Vol 2. 2nd edition pag. 132 // for generating poisson deviates when mu is large unsigned int k = 0; while (mu > 20) { const double alpha = 0.875; // 7/8 unsigned int m = static_cast ((alpha*mu) ); // generate xg according to a Gamma distribution of m double sqm = std::sqrt( 2.*m -1.); double pi = TMath::Pi(); double x,y,v; do { do { y = std::tan( pi * r.Rndm() ); x = sqm * y + m - 1.; } while (x <= 0); v = r.Rndm(); } while ( v > (1 + y * y) * std::exp ( (m - 1) * std::log (x / (m - 1)) - sqm * y)); // x is now distributed according to a gamma of m if ( x >= mu ) return k + r.Binomial( m-1, mu/x); else { // continue the loop decresing mu mu -= x; k += m; } } // for lower values of mu use rejection method from exponential double expmu = TMath::Exp(-mu); double pir = 1.0; do { pir *= r.Rndm(); k++; } while (pir > expmu); return k -1; } // Numerical Receip algorithm for Poisson (used also in CLHEP) template unsigned int genPoisson2( R & r, double mu) { //double om = getOldMean(); if( mu < 12.0 ) { double expmu = TMath::Exp(-mu); double pir = 1.0; unsigned int k = 0; do { pir *= r.Rndm(); k++; } while (pir > expmu); return k-1; } // for large mu values (should care for values larger than 2E9) else { double em, t, y; double sq, alxm, g; double pi = TMath::Pi(); sq = std::sqrt(2.0*mu); alxm = std::log(mu); g = mu*alxm - TMath::LnGamma(mu + 1.0); do { do { y = std::tan(pi*r.Rndm()); em = sq*y + mu; } while( em < 0.0 ); em = std::floor(em); t = 0.9*(1.0 + y*y)* std::exp(em*alxm - TMath::LnGamma(em + 1.0) - g); } while( r.Rndm() > t ); return static_cast (em); } } template void testPoisson2( R & r,double mu,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // int n = genPoisson2(r,mu); int n = r.PoissonD(mu); if (fillHist) h.Fill( double(n) ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Poisson \t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testPoisson2(r,mu,h); } #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP template void testPoissonCLHEP( R & r, double mu,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); // r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { //int n = RandPoisson::shoot(mu + RandFlat::shoot()); int n = static_cast ( r(mu) ) ; if (fillHist) h.Fill( double(n) ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Poisson - mu = " << mu << "\t\t" << findName(r) <<"\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testPoissonCLHEP(r,mu,h); } template void testGausCLHEP( R & r,double mu,double sigma,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // int n1 = 100; // int n2 = n/n1; w.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // for (int j = 0; j < n1; ++j) { double x = r(mu,sigma ); if (fillHist) h.Fill( x ); } //} w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Gaussian - mu,sigma = " << mu << " , " << sigma << "\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testGausCLHEP(r,mu,sigma,h); } template void testFlatCLHEP( R & r,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; w.Start(); //r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = r(); if (fillHist) h.Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Flat - [0,1] \t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testFlatCLHEP(r,h); } #endif template void testFlat( R & r,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = r.Rndm(); if (fillHist) h.Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Flat - [0,1] \t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testFlat(r,h); } template void testGaus( R & r,double mu,double sigma,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = r.Gaus(mu,sigma ); if (fillHist) h.Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Gaussian - mu,sigma = " << mu << " , " << sigma << "\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testGaus(r,mu,sigma,h); } template void testLandau( R & r,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = r.Landau(); if (fillHist) h.Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Landau " << "\t\t\t\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testLandau(r,h); } template void testBreitWigner( R & r,double mu,double gamma,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = r.BreitWigner(mu,gamma ); if (fillHist) h.Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Breit-Wigner - m,g = " << mu << " , " << gamma << "\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testBreitWigner(r,mu,gamma,h); } template void testBinomial( R & r,int ntot,double p,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = double( r.Binomial(ntot,p ) ); if (fillHist) h.Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Binomial - ntot,p = " << ntot << " , " << p << "\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testBinomial(r,ntot,p,h); } template void testBinomialCLHEP( R & r,int ntot,double p,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); //r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = double( r(ntot,p ) ); if (fillHist) h.Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Binomial - ntot,p = " << ntot << " , " << p << "\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testBinomialCLHEP(r,ntot,p,h); } template void testMultinomial( R & r,int ntot, TH1D & h1, TH1D & h2) { // generates the p distribution const int nbins = h1.GetNbinsX(); std::vector p(nbins); double psum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nbins; ++i) { double x1 = h1.GetBinLowEdge(i+1); double x2 = x1 + h1.GetBinWidth(i+1); p[i] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(x2) - ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(x1); psum += p[i]; } //std::cout << " psum = " << psum << std::endl; // generate the multinomial TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT/10; if (fillHist) n = 1; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { std::vector multDist = r.Multinomial(ntot,p); if (fillHist) { for (int j = 0; j < nbins; ++j) h1.SetBinContent(j+1,multDist[j]); } } w.Stop(); if (!fillHist) { std::cout << "Multinomial - nb, ntot = " << nbins << " , " << ntot << "\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/n << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/n << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; } // check now time using poisson distribution w.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < nbins; ++j) { double y = r.Poisson(ntot*p[j]); if (fillHist) h2.SetBinContent(j+1,y); } } w.Stop(); if (!fillHist) { std::cout << "Multi-Poisson - nb, ntot = " << nbins << " , " << ntot << "\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/n << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/n << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; } if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testMultinomial(r,ntot,h1,h2); } template void testExp( R & r,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double x = r.Exp(1.); if (fillHist) h.Fill( x ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Exponential " << "\t\t\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testExp(r,h); } template void testCircle( R & r,TH1D & h) { TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); double x,y; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { r.Circle(x,y,1.0); if (fillHist) h.Fill( std::atan2(x,y) ); } w.Stop(); if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Circle " << "\t\t\t\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testCircle(r,h); } template void testSphere( R & r,TH1D & h1, TH1D & h2 ) { #ifdef PLOT_SPHERE TH2D hxy("hxy","xy",100,-1.1,1.1,100,-1.1,1.1); TH3D h3d("h3d","sphere",100,-1.1,1.1,100,-1.1,1.1,100,-1.1,1.1); TH1D hz("hz","z",100,-1.1,1.1); #endif TStopwatch w; int n = NEVT; // estimate PI w.Start(); r.SetSeed(0); double x,y,z; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { r.Sphere(x,y,z,1.0); if (fillHist) { h1.Fill( std::atan2(x,y) ); h2.Fill( std::atan2( std::sqrt(x*x+y*y), z ) ); #ifdef PLOT_SPHERE hxy.Fill(x,y); hz.Fill(z); h3d.Fill(x,y,z); #endif } } w.Stop(); #ifdef PLOT_SPHERE if (fillHist) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1_xyz","sphere",220,20,800,900); c1->Divide(2,2); c1->cd(1); hxy.DrawCopy(); c1->cd(2); hz.DrawCopy(); c1->cd(3); h3d.DrawCopy(); c1->Update(); } #endif if (fillHist) { fillHist=false; return; } std::cout << "Sphere " << "\t\t\t\t"<< findName(r) << "\tTime = " << w.RealTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << " \t" << w.CpuTime()*1.0E9/NEVT << "\t(ns/call)" << std::endl; // fill histogram the second pass fillHist = true; testSphere(r,h1,h2); } int testRandomDist(int nevt = 0) { // use given number of events if given if (nevt > 0) NEVT = nevt; std::cout << "***************************************************\n"; std::cout << " TEST RANDOM DISTRIBUTIONS NEVT = " << NEVT << std::endl; std::cout << "***************************************************\n\n"; Random r; TRandom3 tr; #ifdef HAVE_UNURAN UnuRanDist ur; #else TRandom2 ur; #endif // flat double xmin = 0; double xmax = 1; int nch = 1000; TH1D hf1("hf1","FLAT ROOT",nch,xmin,xmax); TH1D hf2("hf2","Flat GSL",nch,xmin,xmax); testFlat(r,hf1); testFlat(tr,hf2); testDiff(hf1,hf2,"Flat ROOT-GSL"); #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP //HepJamesRandom eng; MTwistEngine eng; RandFlat crf(eng); TH1D hf3("hf3","Flat CLHEP",nch,xmin,xmax); testFlatCLHEP(crf,hf3); testDiff(hf3,hf1,"Flat CLHEP-GSL"); #endif // Poisson std::cout << std::endl; double mu = 100; xmin = std::floor(std::max(0.0,mu-5*std::sqrt(mu) ) ); xmax = std::floor( mu+5*std::sqrt(mu) ); nch = std::min( int(xmax-xmin),1000); TH1D hp1("hp1","Poisson ROOT",nch,xmin,xmax); TH1D hp2("hp2","Poisson GSL",nch,xmin,xmax); TH1D hp3("hp3","Poisson UNR",nch,xmin,xmax); testPoisson(r,mu,hp1); testPoisson(tr,mu,hp2); testPoisson(ur,mu,hp3); #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP RandPoisson crp(eng); TH1D hp4("hp4","Poisson CLHEP",nch,xmin,xmax); testPoissonCLHEP(crp,mu,hp4); RandPoissonQ crpQ(eng); TH1D hp5("hp5","PoissonQ CLHEP",nch,xmin,xmax); testPoissonCLHEP(crpQ,mu,hp5); RandPoissonT crpT(eng); TH1D hp6("hp6","PoissonT CLHEP",nch,xmin,xmax); testPoissonCLHEP(crpT,mu,hp6); #endif //testPoisson2(tr,mu,h2); // test differences testDiff(hp1,hp2,"Poisson ROOT-GSL"); testDiff(hp1,hp3,"Poisson ROOT-UNR"); #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP testDiff(hp1,hp4,"Poisson ROOT-CLHEP"); testDiff(hp1,hp5,"PoissonQ ROOT-CLHEP"); testDiff(hp1,hp6,"PoissonT ROOT-CLHEP"); #endif // Gaussian std::cout << std::endl; TH1D hg1("hg1","Gaussian ROOT",nch,xmin,xmax); TH1D hg2("hg2","Gaussian GSL",nch,xmin,xmax); TH1D hg3("hg3","Gaussian UNURAN",nch,xmin,xmax); testGaus(r,mu,sqrt(mu),hg1); testGaus(tr,mu,sqrt(mu),hg2); testGaus(ur,mu,sqrt(mu),hg3); #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP RandGauss crg(eng); TH1D hg4("hg4","Gauss CLHEP",nch,xmin,xmax); testGausCLHEP(crg,mu,sqrt(mu),hg4); RandGaussQ crgQ(eng); TH1D hg5("hg5","Gauss CLHEP",nch,xmin,xmax); testGausCLHEP(crgQ,mu,sqrt(mu),hg5); RandGaussT crgT(eng); TH1D hg6("hg6","Gauss CLHEP",nch,xmin,xmax); testGausCLHEP(crgT,mu,sqrt(mu),hg6); #endif testDiff(hg1,hg2,"Gaussian ROOT-GSL"); testDiff(hg1,hg3,"Gaussian ROOT_UNR"); #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP testDiff(hg1,hg4,"Gaussian ROOT-CLHEP"); testDiff(hg1,hg5,"GaussianQ ROOT-CLHEP"); testDiff(hg1,hg6,"GaussianT ROOT-CLHEP"); #endif // Landau std::cout << std::endl; TH1D hl1("hl1","Landau ROOT",300,0,50); TH1D hl2("hl2","Landau GSL",300,0,50); testLandau(r,hl1); testLandau(tr,hl2); testDiff(hl1,hl2,"Landau"); // Breit Wigner std::cout << std::endl; TH1D hbw1("hbw1","BreitWigner ROOT",nch,xmin,xmax); TH1D hbw2("hbw2","BreitWigner GSL",nch,xmin,xmax); testBreitWigner(r,mu,sqrt(mu),hbw1); testBreitWigner(tr,mu,sqrt(mu),hbw2); testDiff(hbw1,hbw2,"Breit-Wigner"); // binomial std::cout << std::endl; int ntot = 100; double p =0.1; xmin = 0; xmax = ntot+1; nch = std::min(1000,ntot+1); TH1D hb1("hb1","Binomial ROOT",nch,xmin,xmax); TH1D hb2("hb2","Binomial GSL",nch,xmin,xmax); TH1D hb3("hb3","Binomial UNR",nch,xmin,xmax); testBinomial(r,ntot,p,hb1); testBinomial(tr,ntot,p,hb2); testBinomial(ur,ntot,p,hb3); #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP RandBinomial crb(eng); TH1D hb4("hb4","Binomial CLHEP",nch,xmin,xmax); testBinomialCLHEP(crb,ntot,p,hb4); #endif testDiff(hb1,hb2,"Binomial ROOT-GSL"); testDiff(hb1,hb3,"Binomial ROOT-UNR"); #ifdef HAVE_CLHEP testDiff(hb1,hb4,"Binomial ROOT-CLHEP"); #endif // multinomial std::cout << std::endl; TH1D hmt1("hmt1","Multinomial GSL",30,-3,3); TH1D hmt2("hmt2","Multi-Poisson GSL",30,-3,3); TH1D hmt3("hmt3","Gaus",30,-3,3); ntot = 10000; testMultinomial(r,ntot,hmt1,hmt2); hmt3.FillRandom("gaus",ntot); testDiff(hmt1,hmt2,"Multinomial-Poisson"); testDiff(hmt1,hmt3,"Multinomial-gaus"); // exponential std::cout << std::endl; TH1D he1("he1","Exp ROOT",300,0,20); TH1D he2("he2","Exp GSL",300,0,20); testExp(r,he1); testExp(tr,he2); testDiff(he1,he2,"Exponential"); // circle std::cout << std::endl; TH1D hc1("hc1","Circle ROOT",300,-PI,PI); TH1D hc2("hc2","Circle GSL",300,-PI,PI); testCircle(r,hc1); testCircle(tr,hc2); testDiff(hc1,hc2,"Circle"); // sphere std::cout << std::endl; TH1D hs1("hs1","Sphere-Phi ROOT",300,-PI,PI); TH1D hs2("hs2","Sphere-Phi GSL ",300,-PI,PI); TH1D hs3("hs3","Sphere-Theta ROOT",300,0,PI); TH1D hs4("hs4","Sphere-Theta GSL ",300,0,PI); testSphere(r,hs1,hs3); testSphere(tr,hs2,hs4); testDiff(hs1,hs2,"Sphere-phi"); testDiff(hs3,hs4,"Sphere-theta"); return 0; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int nev = 0; // Parse command line arguments for (Int_t i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++) { std::string arg = argv[i] ; if (arg == "-n") { nev = atoi(argv[++i]); std::cout << "testRandomDist: use n = " << nev << std::endl; } else if (arg == "-h") { std::cout << "usage: testRandomDist [ options ] " << std::endl; std::cout << "" << std::endl; std::cout << " -n N : use number of generated events N" << std::endl; } } return testRandomDist(nev); }