// @(#)root/minuit2:$Id$ // Authors: M. Winkler, F. James, L. Moneta, A. Zsenei 2003-2005 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2005 LCG ROOT Math team, CERN/PH-SFT * * * **********************************************************************/ /* mnplot.F -- translated by f2c (version 20010320). You must link the resulting object file with the libraries: -lf2c -lm (in that order) */ #include #include #include namespace ROOT { namespace Minuit2 { void mnbins(double, double, int, double&, double&, int&, double&); void mnplot(double* xpt, double* ypt, char* chpt, int nxypt, int npagwd, int npagln) { //*-*-*-*Plots points in array xypt onto one page with labelled axes*-*-*-*-* //*-* =========================================================== //*-* NXYPT is the number of points to be plotted //*-* XPT(I) = x-coord. of ith point //*-* YPT(I) = y-coord. of ith point //*-* CHPT(I) = character to be plotted at this position //*-* the input point arrays XPT, YPT, CHPT are destroyed. //*-* //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* // char cdot[] = "."; // char cslash[] = "/"; /* Local variables */ double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, savx, savy, yprt; double bwidx, bwidy, xbest, ybest, ax, ay, bx, by; double xvalus[12], any, dxx, dyy; int iten, i, j, k, maxnx, maxny, iquit, ni, linodd; int nxbest, nybest, km1, ibk, isp1, nx, ny, ks, ix; char ctemp[120]; bool overpr; char cline[120]; char chsav, chbest; /* Function Body */ //*-* Computing MIN maxnx = npagwd-20 < 100 ? npagwd-20 : 100; if (maxnx < 10) maxnx = 10; maxny = npagln; if (maxny < 10) maxny = 10; if (nxypt <= 1) return; xbest = xpt[0]; ybest = ypt[0]; chbest = chpt[0]; //*-*- order the points by decreasing y km1 = nxypt - 1; for (i = 1; i <= km1; ++i) { iquit = 0; ni = nxypt - i; for (j = 1; j <= ni; ++j) { if (ypt[j-1] > ypt[j]) continue; savx = xpt[j-1]; xpt[j-1] = xpt[j]; xpt[j] = savx; savy = ypt[j-1]; ypt[j-1] = ypt[j]; ypt[j] = savy; chsav = chpt[j-1]; chpt[j-1]= chpt[j]; chpt[j] = chsav; iquit = 1; } if (iquit == 0) break; } //*-*- find extreme values xmax = xpt[0]; xmin = xmax; for (i = 1; i <= nxypt; ++i) { if (xpt[i-1] > xmax) xmax = xpt[i-1]; if (xpt[i-1] < xmin) xmin = xpt[i-1]; } dxx = (xmax - xmin)*.001; xmax += dxx; xmin -= dxx; mnbins(xmin, xmax, maxnx, xmin, xmax, nx, bwidx); ymax = ypt[0]; ymin = ypt[nxypt-1]; if (ymax == ymin) ymax = ymin + 1; dyy = (ymax - ymin)*.001; ymax += dyy; ymin -= dyy; mnbins(ymin, ymax, maxny, ymin, ymax, ny, bwidy); any = (double) ny; //*-*- if first point is blank, it is an 'origin' if (chbest == ' ') goto L50; xbest = (xmax + xmin)*.5; ybest = (ymax + ymin)*.5; L50: //*-*- find Scale constants ax = 1 / bwidx; ay = 1 / bwidy; bx = -ax*xmin + 2; by = -ay*ymin - 2; //*-*- convert points to grid positions for (i = 1; i <= nxypt; ++i) { xpt[i-1] = ax*xpt[i-1] + bx; ypt[i-1] = any - ay*ypt[i-1] - by; } nxbest = int((ax*xbest + bx)); nybest = int((any - ay*ybest - by)); //*-*- print the points ny += 2; nx += 2; isp1 = 1; linodd = 1; overpr = false; for (i = 1; i <= ny; ++i) { for (ibk = 1; ibk <= nx; ++ibk) { cline[ibk-1] = ' '; } cline[nx] = '\0'; cline[nx+1] = '\0'; cline[0] = '.'; // not needed - but to avoid a wrongly reported compiler warning (see ROOT-6496) if (nx>0) cline[nx-1] = '.'; cline[nxbest-1] = '.'; if (i != 1 && i != nybest && i != ny) goto L320; for (j = 1; j <= nx; ++j) { cline[j-1] = '.'; } L320: yprt = ymax - double(i-1)*bwidy; if (isp1 > nxypt) goto L350; //*-*- find the points to be plotted on this line for (k = isp1; k <= nxypt; ++k) { ks = int(ypt[k-1]); if (ks > i) goto L345; ix = int(xpt[k-1]); if (cline[ix-1] == '.') goto L340; if (cline[ix-1] == ' ') goto L340; if (cline[ix-1] == chpt[k-1]) continue; overpr = true; //*-*- OVERPR is true if one or more positions contains more than //*-*- one point cline[ix-1] = '&'; continue; L340: cline[ix-1] = chpt[k-1]; } isp1 = nxypt + 1; goto L350; L345: isp1 = k; L350: if (linodd == 1 || i == ny) goto L380; linodd = 1; memcpy(ctemp, cline, 120); printf(" %s",(const char*)ctemp); goto L400; L380: // ctemp = cline; memcpy(ctemp, cline, 120); printf(" %14.7g ..%s",yprt,(const char*)ctemp); linodd = 0; L400: printf("\n"); } //*-*- print labels on x-axis every ten columns for (ibk = 1; ibk <= nx; ++ibk) { cline[ibk-1] = ' '; if (ibk % 10 == 1) cline[ibk-1] = '/'; } printf(" %s",cline); printf("\n"); for (ibk = 1; ibk <= 12; ++ibk) { xvalus[ibk-1] = xmin + double(ibk-1)*10*bwidx; } printf(" "); iten = (nx + 9) / 10; for (ibk = 1; ibk <= iten; ++ibk) { printf(" %9.4g", xvalus[ibk-1]); } printf("\n"); if (overpr) { char chmess[] = " Overprint character is &"; printf(" ONE COLUMN=%13.7g%s",bwidx,(const char*)chmess); } else { char chmess[] = " "; printf(" ONE COLUMN=%13.7g%s",bwidx,(const char*)chmess); } printf("\n"); } /* mnplot_ */ } // namespace Minuit2 } // namespace ROOT