// benchmark comparing write/read to/from keys or trees // for example for N=10000, the following output is produced // on a P IV 62.4GHz // // root -b -q bill.C or root -b -q bill.C++ // //billw0 : RT= 1.070 s, Cpu= 1.050 s, File size= 45508003 bytes, CX= 1 //billr0 : RT= 0.740 s, Cpu= 0.730 s //billtw0 : RT= 0.720 s, Cpu= 0.660 s, File size= 45163959 bytes, CX= 1 //billtr0 : RT= 0.420 s, Cpu= 0.420 s //billw1 : RT= 6.600 s, Cpu= 6.370 s, File size= 16215349 bytes, CX= 2.80687 //billr1 : RT= 2.290 s, Cpu= 2.270 s //billtw1 : RT= 3.260 s, Cpu= 3.230 s, File size= 6880273 bytes, CX= 6.5642 //billtr1 : RT= 0.990 s, Cpu= 0.980 s //billtot : RT= 18.290 s, Cpu= 15.920 s //****************************************************************** //* ROOTMARKS = 600.9 * Root3.05/02 20030201/1840 //****************************************************************** // //Author: Rene Brun #include "TFile.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TROOT.h" const Int_t N = 10000; //number of events to be processed TStopwatch timer; void billw(Int_t compress) { //write N histograms as keys timer.Start(); TFile f("bill.root","recreate","bill benchmark with keys",compress); TH1F h("h","h",1000,-3,3); h.FillRandom("gaus",50000); for (Int_t i=0;iRndm()); h.Write(); } timer.Stop(); printf("billw%d : RT=%7.3f s, Cpu=%7.3f s, File size= %9d bytes, CX= %g\n",compress,timer.RealTime(),timer.CpuTime(), (Int_t)f.GetBytesWritten(),f.GetCompressionFactor()); } void billr(Int_t compress) { //read N histograms from keys timer.Start(); TFile f("bill.root"); TIter next(f.GetListOfKeys()); TH1F *h; TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); TKey *key; Int_t i=0; TH1F *hmean = new TH1F("hmean","hist mean from keys",100,0,1); while ((key=(TKey*)next())) { h = (TH1F*)key->ReadObj(); hmean->Fill(h->GetMean()); delete h; i++; } timer.Stop(); printf("billr%d : RT=%7.3f s, Cpu=%7.3f s\n",compress,timer.RealTime(),timer.CpuTime()); } void billtw(Int_t compress) { //write N histograms to a Tree timer.Start(); TFile f("billt.root","recreate","bill benchmark with trees",compress); TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","h",1000,-3,3); h->FillRandom("gaus",50000); TTree *T = new TTree("T","test bill"); T->Branch("event","TH1F",&h,64000,0); for (Int_t i=0;iSetName(name); h->Fill(2*gRandom->Rndm()); T->Fill(); } T->Write(); delete T; timer.Stop(); printf("billtw%d : RT=%7.3f s, Cpu=%7.3f s, File size= %9d bytes, CX= %g\n",compress,timer.RealTime(),timer.CpuTime(), (Int_t)f.GetBytesWritten(),f.GetCompressionFactor()); } void billtr(Int_t compress) { //read N histograms from a tree timer.Start(); TFile f("billt.root"); TH1F *h = 0; TTree *T = (TTree*)f.Get("T"); T->SetBranchAddress("event",&h); TH1F *hmeant = new TH1F("hmeant","hist mean from tree",100,0,1); Long64_t nentries = T->GetEntries(); for (Long64_t i=0;iGetEntry(i); hmeant->Fill(h->GetMean()); } timer.Stop(); printf("billtr%d : RT=%7.3f s, Cpu=%7.3f s\n",compress,timer.RealTime(),timer.CpuTime()); } void bill() { TStopwatch totaltimer; totaltimer.Start(); for (Int_t compress=0;compress<2;compress++) { billw(compress); billr(compress); billtw(compress); billtr(compress); } gSystem->Unlink("bill.root"); gSystem->Unlink("billt.root"); totaltimer.Stop(); Double_t rtime = totaltimer.RealTime(); Double_t ctime = totaltimer.CpuTime(); printf("billtot : RT=%7.3f s, Cpu=%7.3f s\n",rtime,ctime); //reference is a P IV 2.4 GHz Float_t rootmarks = 600*(16.98 + 14.40)/(rtime + ctime); printf("******************************************************************\n"); printf("* ROOTMARKS =%6.1f * Root%-8s %d/%d\n",rootmarks,gROOT->GetVersion(),gROOT->GetVersionDate(),gROOT->GetVersionTime()); printf("******************************************************************\n"); }