@misc{snowglobes, Author = {{SNOwGLoBES contributors}}, Date-Added = {2020-05-22 22:43:03 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-05-22 22:50:31 +0200}, Journal = {GitHub repository}, Publisher = {GitHub}, Title = {SNOwGLoBES code: SuperNova Observatories with GLoBES}, Url = {https://github.com/SNOwGLoBES/snowglobes}, Year = {2020}} @article{Askins2020, Abstract = {New developments in liquid scintillators, high-efficiency, fast photon detectors, and chromatic photon sorting have opened up the possibility for building a large-scale detector that can discriminate between Cherenkov and scintillation signals. Such a detector could reconstruct particle direction and species using Cherenkov light while also having the excellent energy resolution and low threshold of a scintillator detector. Situated deep underground, and utilizing new techniques in computing and reconstruction, this detector could achieve unprecedented levels of background rejection, enabling a rich physics program spanning topics in nuclear, high-energy, and astrophysics, and across a dynamic range from hundreds of keV to many GeV. The scientific program would include observations of low- and high-energy solar neutrinos, determination of neutrino mass ordering and measurement of the neutrino CP-violating phase {\$}{\$}{$\backslash$}delta {\$}{\$}δ, observations of diffuse supernova neutrinos and neutrinos from a supernova burst, sensitive searches for nucleon decay and, ultimately, a search for neutrinoless double beta decay, with sensitivity reaching the normal ordering regime of neutrino mass phase space. This paper describes Theia, a detector design that incorporates these new technologies in a practical and affordable way to accomplish the science goals described above.}, Author = {Askins, M. and Bagdasarian, Z. and Barros, N. and Beier, E. W. and Blucher, E. and Bonventre, R. and Bourret, E. and Callaghan, E. J. and Caravaca, J. and Diwan, M. and Dye, S. T. and Eisch, J. and Elagin, A. and Enqvist, T. and Fischer, V. and Frankiewicz, K. and Grant, C. and Guffanti, D. and Hagner, C. and Hallin, A. and Jackson, C. M. and Jiang, R. and Kaptanoglu, T. and Klein, J. R. and Kolomensky, Yu. G. and Kraus, C. and Krennrich, F. and Kutter, T. and Lachenmaier, T. and Land, B. and Lande, K. and Learned, J. G. and Lozza, V. and Ludhova, L. and Malek, M. and Manecki, S. and Maneira, J. and Maricic, J. and Martyn, J. and Mastbaum, A. and Mauger, C. and Moretti, F. and Napolitano, J. and Naranjo, B. and Nieslony, M. and Oberauer, L. and Orebi Gann, G. D. and Ouellet, J. and Pershing, T. and Petcov, S. T. and Pickard, L. and Rosero, R. and Sanchez, M. C. and Sawatzki, J. and Seo, S. H. and Smiley, M. and Smy, M. and Stahl, A. and Steiger, H. and Stock, M. R. and Sunej, H. and Svoboda, R. and Tiras, E. and Trzaska, W. H. and Tzanov, M. and Vagins, M. and Vilela, C. and Wang, Z. and Wang, J. and Wetstein, M. and Wilking, M. J. and Winslow, L. and Wittich, P. and Wonsak, B. and Worcester, E. and Wurm, M. and Yang, G. and Yeh, M. and Zimmerman, E. D. and Zsoldos, S. and Zuber, K.}, Date-Added = {2020-05-22 22:06:05 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-05-22 22:26:19 +0200}, Doi = {10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7977-8}, Isbn = {1434-6052}, Journal = {The European Physical Journal C}, Number = {5}, Pages = {416}, Title = {{THEIA: An advanced optical neutrino detector}}, Url = {https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7977-8}, Volume = {80}, Year = {2020}} @article{Armbruster1998, Author = {Armbruster, B and others}, Collaboration = {KARMEN}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 15:48:53 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 15:48:54 +0200}, Doi = {10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00087-2}, Journal = {Phys. Lett. B}, Pages = {15--20}, Title = {{Measurement of the weak neutral current excitation C-12(nu(mu) nu'(mu))C*-12(1+,1,15.1-MeV) at E(nu(mu)) = 29.8-MeV}}, Volume = {423}, Year = {1998}} @article{Donnelly1979, Author = {Donnelly, T.W. and Peccei, R.D.}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 15:47:21 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 15:47:22 +0200}, Doi = {10.1016/0370-1573(79)90010-3}, Journal = {Phys. Rept.}, Pages = {1}, Reportnumber = {ITP-597-STANFORD}, Title = {{Neutral Current Effects in Nuclei}}, Volume = {50}, Year = {1979}} @article{Kolbe1999, Archiveprefix = {arXiv}, Author = {Kolbe, E. and Langanke, K. and Vogel, P.}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 15:04:17 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 15:04:18 +0200}, Doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(99)00152-9}, Eprint = {nucl-th/9903022}, Journal = {Nucl. Phys. A}, Pages = {91--100}, Title = {{Weak reactions on C-12 within the continuum random phase approximation with partial occupancies}}, Volume = {652}, Year = {1999}} @article{Askins2015, Archiveprefix = {arXiv}, Author = {Askins, M. and Bergevin, M. and Bernstein, A. and Dazeley, S. and Dye, S. T. and Handler, T. and Hatzikoutelis, A. and Hellfeld, D. and Jaffke, P. and Kamyshkov, Y. and Land, B. and Learned, J. G. and Marleau, P. and Mauger, C. and Orebi Gann, G. D. and Roecker, C. and Rountree, S. D. and Shokair, T. M. and Smy, M. and Svoboda, R. and Sweany, M. and Vagins, M. and {van Bibber}, K. A. and Vogelaar, R. B. and Wetstein, M. J. and Yeh, M.}, Collaboration = {WATCHMAN}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 14:30:01 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-05-26 14:06:31 +0200}, Eprint = {1502.01132}, Month = {2}, Note = {\href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01132}{\texttt{arXiv:1502.01132}}}, Primaryclass = {physics.ins-det}, Title = {{The Physics and Nuclear Nonproliferation Goals of WATCHMAN: A WAter CHerenkov Monitor for ANtineutrinos}}, Year = {2015}} @article{Kolbe2002, Author = {Kolbe, E. and Langanke, K. and Vogel, P.}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 14:06:37 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 14:06:37 +0200}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.66.013007}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Pages = {013007}, Slaccitation = {%%CITATION = PHRVA,D66,013007;%%}, Title = {{Estimates of weak and electromagnetic nuclear decay signatures for neutrino reactions in Super-Kamiokande}}, Volume = {D66}, Year = {2002}} @article{Seadrow2018, Archiveprefix = {arXiv}, Author = {Seadrow, Shaquann and Burrows, Adam and Vartanyan, David and Radice, David and Skinner, M. Aaron}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 13:48:06 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 13:48:06 +0200}, Doi = {10.1093/mnras/sty2164}, Eprint = {1804.00689}, Journal = {Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.}, Number = {4}, Pages = {4710-4731}, Primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, Slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1804.00689;%%}, Title = {{Neutrino Signals of Core-Collapse Supernovae in Underground Detectors}}, Volume = {480}, Year = {2018}} @article{Tamborra2012, Annote = {Gamma spectrum}, Author = {Irene Tamborra and B. Müller and L. Hüdepohl and H.-Th. Janka and Georg G. Raffelt}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 13:47:50 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 13:59:54 +0200}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.86.125031}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Number = {125031}, Title = {High-resolution supernova neutrino spectra represented by a simple fit}, Volume = {D86}, Year = {2012}} @article{Keil2003, Annote = {Gamma spectrum in eq. (14)}, Author = {M. T. Keil and Georg G. Raffelt and H.-Th. Janka}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 13:47:44 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 13:59:54 +0200}, Doi = {10.1086/375130}, Journal = {Astrophys. J.}, Pages = {971--991}, Title = {Monte Carlo Study of Supernova Neutrino Spectra Formation}, Volume = {590}, Year = {2003}} @article{Mirizzi2006, Annote = {galactic SN-distribution, see Fig. 4}, Author = {A. Mirizzi and Georg G. Raffelt and P. D. Serpico}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 13:47:29 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 13:59:54 +0200}, Doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2006/05/012}, Journal = {JCAP}, Number = {012}, Title = {Earth matter effects in supernova neutrinos: optimal detector locations}, Volume = {05}, Year = {2006}} @article{Dighe2003, Author = {Amol S. Dighe and Mathias Th. Keil and Georg G. Raffelt}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 13:47:19 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 13:59:54 +0200}, Doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2003/06/006}, Journal = {JCAP}, Number = {06}, Pages = {006}, Title = {Identifying Earth matter effects on supernova neutrinos at a single detector}, Year = {2003}} @article{Esteban-Pretel2008, Archiveprefix = {arXiv}, Author = {Esteban-Pretel, A. and Mirizzi, A. and Pastor, S. and Tomas, R. and Raffelt, G. G. and Serpico, P. D. and Sigl, G.}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 13:46:28 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 13:46:28 +0200}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.78.085012}, Eprint = {0807.0659}, Journal = {Phys. 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In this paper, we describe the detector in detail, including its site, configuration, data acquisition equipment, online and offline software, and calibration systems which were used during Super-Kamiokande I.}, Author = {S. Fukuda and others}, Date-Added = {2020-04-22 13:22:05 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2020-04-22 13:59:54 +0200}, Journal = {Nucl. Instrum. 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