// Copyright 2015-2019 Hans Dembinski
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)


#include <type_traits>

  \file option.hpp Options for builtin axis types.

  Options `circular` and `growth` are mutually exclusive.
  Options `circular` and `underflow` are mutually exclusive.

namespace boost {
namespace histogram {
namespace axis {
namespace option {

/// Holder of axis options.
template <unsigned Bits>
struct bitset : std::integral_constant<unsigned, Bits> {

  /// Returns true if all option flags in the argument are set and false otherwise.
  template <unsigned B>
  static constexpr auto test(bitset<B>) {
    // B + 0 needed to avoid false positive -Wtautological-compare in gcc-6
    return std::integral_constant<bool, static_cast<bool>((Bits & B) == (B + 0))>{};

/// Set union of the axis option arguments.
template <unsigned B1, unsigned B2>
constexpr auto operator|(bitset<B1>, bitset<B2>) {
  return bitset<(B1 | B2)>{};

/// Set intersection of the option arguments.
template <unsigned B1, unsigned B2>
constexpr auto operator&(bitset<B1>, bitset<B2>) {
  return bitset<(B1 & B2)>{};

/// Set difference of the option arguments.
template <unsigned B1, unsigned B2>
constexpr auto operator-(bitset<B1>, bitset<B2>) {
  return bitset<(B1 & ~B2)>{};

  Single option flag.

  @tparam Pos position of the bit in the set.
template <unsigned Pos>
using bit = bitset<(1 << Pos)>;
struct bit;

/// All options off.
using none_t = bitset<0>;
/// Axis has an underflow bin. Mutually exclusive with `circular`.
using underflow_t = bit<0>;
/// Axis has overflow bin.
using overflow_t = bit<1>;
/// Axis is circular. Mutually exclusive with `growth` and `underflow`.
using circular_t = bit<2>;
/// Axis can grow. Mutually exclusive with `circular`.
using growth_t = bit<3>;

constexpr none_t none{};           ///< Instance of `none_t`.
constexpr underflow_t underflow{}; ///< Instance of `underflow_t`.
constexpr overflow_t overflow{};   ///< Instance of `overflow_t`.
constexpr circular_t circular{};   ///< Instance of `circular_t`.
constexpr growth_t growth{};       ///< Instance of `growth_t`.

} // namespace option
} // namespace axis
} // namespace histogram
} // namespace boost
