[cluster_config] MaxNoOfSavedMessages= 1000 MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions= 2048 MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations= 10000 MaxNoOfConcurrentScans= 64 BatchSizePerLocalScan= 64 DataMemory= 20M IndexMemory= 8M Diskless= 0 TimeBetweenWatchDogCheck= 30000 MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes= 128 MaxNoOfAttributes= 2048 TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints= 3000 TimeBetweenEpochs= 100 NoOfFragmentLogFiles= 4 FragmentLogFileSize= 12M DiskPageBufferMemory= 4M SharedGlobalMemory= 20M LongMessageBuffer= 4M RedoBuffer= 4M BackupDataBufferSize= 2M BackupLogBufferSize= 2M BackupMemory= 4M TwoPassInitialNodeRestartCopy=1 TransactionDeadlockDetectionTimeout=3000 Checksum=1 # O_DIRECT has issues on 2.4 which have not been handled, Bug #29612 #ODirect= 1 CompressedLCP= 1 CompressedBackup= 1 # the following parametes just function as a small regression # test that the parameter exists InitialNoOfOpenFiles= 27 # Increase timeouts for slow test-machines HeartbeatIntervalDbDb= 30000 HeartbeatIntervalDbApi= 30000 #TransactionDeadlockDetectionTimeout= 7500 DiskIOThreadPool=1 ####### # Configure a typical MT configuration in order to test # several instances of the MT'ed components. # # (Option is ignored for non-MT'ed NDB) # ThreadConfig=main={count=1},tc={count=3},ldm={count=4},io={count=1},rep={count=1},recv={count=2},send={count=2} [ENV] # Use the multithreaded scheduler whenever available MTR_NDBMTD= 1