set optimizer_switch='semijoin=on,materialization=on,firstmatch=on,loosescan=on,index_condition_pushdown=on,mrr=on'; set @save_storage_engine= @@default_storage_engine; set default_storage_engine=MyISAM; set end_markers_in_json=on; # new "FORMAT" keyword doesn't conflict with the FORMAT() function name: SELECT FORMAT(1, 2), FORMAT(1, 2, 3); FORMAT(1, 2) FORMAT(1, 2, 3) 1.00 1.00 Warnings: Warning 1649 Unknown locale: '3' # new "FORMAT" keyword is a valid identifier: SET @FORMAT=10; SELECT @FORMAT; @FORMAT 10 CREATE TABLE t1 (format INT); SELECT format FROM t1; format DROP TABLE t1; # different ways of format name writing: EXPLAIN FORMAT=traditional SELECT 1; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select 1 AS `1` EXPLAIN FORMAT='TrAdItIoNaL' SELECT 1; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select 1 AS `1` EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT 1; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "message": "No tables used" } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select 1 AS `1` EXPLAIN FORMAT=foo SELECT 1; ERROR HY000: Unknown EXPLAIN format name: 'foo' # various EXPLAIN output CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (i INT); CREATE TABLE t3 (i INT); CREATE TABLE t4 (i INT); # no end markers in JSON: set end_markers_in_json=off; EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "message": "no matching row in const table" } } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select NULL AS `i` from `test`.`t1` set end_markers_in_json=on; EXPLAIN INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 INSERT t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "table": { "insert": true, "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL" } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL no matching row in const table Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select NULL AS `i` from `test`.`t1` PREPARE stmt FROM 'EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1'; EXECUTE stmt; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "message": "no matching row in const table" } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select NULL AS `i` from `test`.`t1` EXECUTE stmt; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "message": "no matching row in const table" } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select NULL AS `i` from `test`.`t1` INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1), (2); # Check materialized derived table set @optimizer_switch_saved= @@optimizer_switch; set optimizer_switch='derived_merge=off'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT a1.i FROM (SELECT * FROM t1) a1, t2) a2) a3) a4; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 14 100.00 NULL 2 DERIVED NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 14 100.00 NULL 3 DERIVED NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 14 100.00 NULL 4 DERIVED t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 NULL 4 DERIVED NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) 5 DERIVED t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 NULL Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `a4`.`i` AS `i` from (/* select#2 */ select `a3`.`i` AS `i` from (/* select#3 */ select `a2`.`i` AS `i` from (/* select#4 */ select `a1`.`i` AS `i` from (/* select#5 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1`) `a1` join `test`.`t2`) `a2`) `a3`) `a4` EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT a1.i FROM (SELECT * FROM t1) a1, t2) a2) a3) a4; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "13.50" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "a4", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 14, "rows_produced_per_join": 14, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "10.70", "eval_cost": "2.80", "prefix_cost": "13.50", "data_read_per_join": "224" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "materialized_from_subquery": { "using_temporary_table": true, "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "13.50" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "a3", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 14, "rows_produced_per_join": 14, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "10.70", "eval_cost": "2.80", "prefix_cost": "13.50", "data_read_per_join": "224" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "materialized_from_subquery": { "using_temporary_table": true, "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "13.50" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "a2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 14, "rows_produced_per_join": 14, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "10.70", "eval_cost": "2.80", "prefix_cost": "13.50", "data_read_per_join": "224" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "materialized_from_subquery": { "using_temporary_table": true, "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 4, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "15.55" } /* cost_info */, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "a1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 14, "filtered": "100.00", "using_join_buffer": "Block Nested Loop", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "10.35", "eval_cost": "2.80", "prefix_cost": "15.55", "data_read_per_join": "224" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "materialized_from_subquery": { "using_temporary_table": true, "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 5, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "3.41" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 7, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.40", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "56" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } /* materialized_from_subquery */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* query_block */ } /* materialized_from_subquery */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } /* materialized_from_subquery */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } /* materialized_from_subquery */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `a4`.`i` AS `i` from (/* select#2 */ select `a3`.`i` AS `i` from (/* select#3 */ select `a2`.`i` AS `i` from (/* select#4 */ select `a1`.`i` AS `i` from (/* select#5 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1`) `a1` join `test`.`t2`) `a2`) `a3`) `a4` set optimizer_switch= @optimizer_switch_saved; # subquery in WHERE EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE i IN (SELECT i FROM t2 WHERE t1.i = 10 ORDER BY RAND()); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 14.29 Using where 1 SIMPLE t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 50.00 Using where; FirstMatch(t1); Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.i' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` semi join (`test`.`t2`) where ((`test`.`t1`.`i` = 10) and (`test`.`t2`.`i` = 10)) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE i IN (SELECT i FROM t2 WHERE t1.i = 10 ORDER BY RAND()); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "5.81" } /* cost_info */, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 0, "filtered": "14.29", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "3.21", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "7" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t1`.`i` = 10)" } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 0, "filtered": "50.00", "first_match": "t1", "using_join_buffer": "Block Nested Loop", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.20", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "5.82", "data_read_per_join": "7" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t2`.`i` = 10)" } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.i' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` semi join (`test`.`t2`) where ((`test`.`t1`.`i` = 10) and (`test`.`t2`.`i` = 10)) # two subqueries in WHERE EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE i IN (SELECT i FROM t2 WHERE t1.i = 10 ORDER BY RAND()) OR i IN (SELECT i FROM t4 ORDER BY RAND()); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 Using where 3 UNCACHEABLE SUBQUERY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL no matching row in const table 2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 50.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.i' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` where ((`test`.`t1`.`i`,(/* select#2 */ select 1 from `test`.`t2` where ((`test`.`t1`.`i` = 10) and ((`test`.`t1`.`i`) = `test`.`t2`.`i`)))) or (`test`.`t1`.`i`,`test`.`t1`.`i` in ( (/* select#3 */ select NULL from `test`.`t4` where 1 ), (`test`.`t1`.`i` in on where ((`test`.`t1`.`i` = `materialized-subquery`.`i`)))))) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE i IN (SELECT i FROM t2 WHERE t1.i = 10 ORDER BY RAND()) OR i IN (SELECT i FROM t4 ORDER BY RAND()); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "3.41" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 7, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.40", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "56" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "((`test`.`t1`.`i`,(/* select#2 */ select 1 from `test`.`t2` where ((`test`.`t1`.`i` = 10) and ((`test`.`t1`.`i`) = `test`.`t2`.`i`)))) or (`test`.`t1`.`i`,`test`.`t1`.`i` in ( (/* select#3 */ select NULL from `test`.`t4` where 1 ), (`test`.`t1`.`i` in on where ((`test`.`t1`.`i` = `materialized-subquery`.`i`))))))", "attached_subqueries": [ { "table": { "table_name": "", "access_type": "eq_ref", "key": "", "key_length": "5", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "materialized_from_subquery": { "using_temporary_table": true, "dependent": true, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "message": "no matching row in const table" } /* query_block */ } /* materialized_from_subquery */ } /* table */ }, { "dependent": true, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "50.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "((`test`.`t1`.`i` = 10) and ((`test`.`t1`.`i`) = `test`.`t2`.`i`))" } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* attached_subqueries */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.i' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` where ((`test`.`t1`.`i`,(/* select#2 */ select 1 from `test`.`t2` where ((`test`.`t1`.`i` = 10) and ((`test`.`t1`.`i`) = `test`.`t2`.`i`)))) or (`test`.`t1`.`i`,`test`.`t1`.`i` in ( (/* select#3 */ select NULL from `test`.`t4` where 1 ), (`test`.`t1`.`i` in on where ((`test`.`t1`.`i` = `materialized-subquery`.`i`)))))) # simple UNION EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 UNION SELECT * FROM t2 UNION SELECT * FROM t3; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 NULL 2 UNION t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 NULL 3 UNION NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL no matching row in const table NULL UNION RESULT NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Using temporary Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` union /* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t2` union /* select#3 */ select NULL AS `i` from `test`.`t3` EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 UNION SELECT * FROM t2 UNION SELECT * FROM t3; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "union_result": { "using_temporary_table": true, "table_name": "", "access_type": "ALL", "query_specifications": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "3.41" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 7, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.40", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "56" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ }, { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ }, { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "message": "no matching row in const table" } /* query_block */ } ] /* query_specifications */ } /* union_result */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` union /* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t2` union /* select#3 */ select NULL AS `i` from `test`.`t3` # more complex UNION EXPLAIN (SELECT t1.i FROM t1 JOIN t2) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE i IN (SELECT i FROM t4 ORDER BY RAND())); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 NULL 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) 2 UNION NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL no matching row in const table Warnings: Note 1003 (/* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` join `test`.`t2`) union all (/* select#2 */ select NULL AS `i` from `test`.`t3` semi join (`test`.`t4`) where multiple equal(NULL, `test`.`t4`.`i`)) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON (SELECT t1.i FROM t1 JOIN t2) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE i IN (SELECT i FROM t4 ORDER BY RAND())); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "union_result": { "using_temporary_table": false, "query_specifications": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "7.21" } /* cost_info */, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 14, "filtered": "100.00", "using_join_buffer": "Block Nested Loop", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "2.80", "prefix_cost": "7.22", "data_read_per_join": "112" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* query_block */ }, { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "message": "no matching row in const table" } /* query_block */ } ] /* query_specifications */ } /* union_result */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 (/* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` join `test`.`t2`) union all (/* select#2 */ select NULL AS `i` from `test`.`t3` semi join (`test`.`t4`) where multiple equal(NULL, `test`.`t4`.`i`)) # UNION with subquery in outer ORDER BY EXPLAIN (SELECT * FROM t1) UNION (SELECT * FROM t2) ORDER BY (SELECT i LIMIT 1); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 NULL 2 UNION t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 NULL NULL UNION RESULT NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Using temporary; Using filesort 3 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'i' of SELECT #3 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 (/* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1`) union (/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t2`) order by (/* select#3 */ select `i` limit 1) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON (SELECT * FROM t1) UNION (SELECT * FROM t2) ORDER BY (SELECT i LIMIT 1); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "ordering_operation": { "using_filesort": true, "union_result": { "using_temporary_table": true, "table_name": "", "access_type": "ALL", "query_specifications": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "3.41" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 7, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.40", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "56" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ }, { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* query_specifications */ } /* union_result */, "order_by_subqueries": [ { "dependent": true, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "message": "No tables used" } /* query_block */ } ] /* order_by_subqueries */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'i' of SELECT #3 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 (/* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1`) union (/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t2`) order by (/* select#3 */ select `i` limit 1) # optimizer-time subquery EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT LENGTH(1) FROM t2 LIMIT 1); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 NULL 2 SUBQUERY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 NULL Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` order by (/* select#2 */ select length(1) from `test`.`t2` limit 1) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT LENGTH(1) FROM t2 LIMIT 1); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "3.41" } /* cost_info */, "ordering_operation": { "using_filesort": false, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 7, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.40", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "56" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */, "optimized_away_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* optimized_away_subqueries */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` order by (/* select#2 */ select length(1) from `test`.`t2` limit 1) # subquery in the HAVING clause EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 HAVING i > ALL (SELECT i FROM t2) OR i < ALL (SELECT i FROM t2);; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 NULL 3 SUBQUERY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 NULL 2 SUBQUERY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 NULL Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` having (((`test`.`t1`.`i` <= (/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`i` from `test`.`t2`))) or ((`test`.`t1`.`i` >= (/* select#3 */ select `test`.`t2`.`i` from `test`.`t2`)))) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 HAVING i > ALL (SELECT i FROM t2) OR i < ALL (SELECT i FROM t2);; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "3.41" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 7, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.40", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "56" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */, "having_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ }, { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* having_subqueries */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` having (((`test`.`t1`.`i` <= (/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`i` from `test`.`t2`))) or ((`test`.`t1`.`i` >= (/* select#3 */ select `test`.`t2`.`i` from `test`.`t2`)))) # subquery in the GROUP BY clause EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY i > ALL (SELECT i FROM t2) OR i < ALL (SELECT i FROM t2);; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort 3 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where 2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` group by (((`test`.`t1`.`i`,(/* select#2 */ select 1 from `test`.`t2` where (outer_field_is_not_null, (((`test`.`t1`.`i`) <= `test`.`t2`.`i`) or isnull(`test`.`t2`.`i`)), true) having (outer_field_is_not_null, (`test`.`t2`.`i`), true)))) or ((`test`.`t1`.`i`,(/* select#3 */ select 1 from `test`.`t2` where (outer_field_is_not_null, (((`test`.`t1`.`i`) >= `test`.`t2`.`i`) or isnull(`test`.`t2`.`i`)), true) having (outer_field_is_not_null, (`test`.`t2`.`i`), true))))) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY i > ALL (SELECT i FROM t2) OR i < ALL (SELECT i FROM t2);; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "10.41" } /* cost_info */, "grouping_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": true, "cost_info": { "sort_cost": "7.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 7, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.40", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "56" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */, "group_by_subqueries": [ { "dependent": true, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(outer_field_is_not_null, (((`test`.`t1`.`i`) >= `test`.`t2`.`i`) or isnull(`test`.`t2`.`i`)), true)" } /* table */ } /* query_block */ }, { "dependent": true, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(outer_field_is_not_null, (((`test`.`t1`.`i`) <= `test`.`t2`.`i`) or isnull(`test`.`t2`.`i`)), true)" } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* group_by_subqueries */ } /* grouping_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` group by (((`test`.`t1`.`i`,(/* select#2 */ select 1 from `test`.`t2` where (outer_field_is_not_null, (((`test`.`t1`.`i`) <= `test`.`t2`.`i`) or isnull(`test`.`t2`.`i`)), true) having (outer_field_is_not_null, (`test`.`t2`.`i`), true)))) or ((`test`.`t1`.`i`,(/* select#3 */ select 1 from `test`.`t2` where (outer_field_is_not_null, (((`test`.`t1`.`i`) >= `test`.`t2`.`i`) or isnull(`test`.`t2`.`i`)), true) having (outer_field_is_not_null, (`test`.`t2`.`i`), true))))) # subquery in the SELECT list EXPLAIN SELECT (SELECT i + 1 FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1), i FROM t1;; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 NULL 2 UNCACHEABLE SUBQUERY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 7 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select (/* select#2 */ select (`test`.`t1`.`i` + 1) from `test`.`t1` order by rand() limit 1) AS `(SELECT i + 1 FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1)`,`test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT (SELECT i + 1 FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1), i FROM t1;; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "3.41" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 7, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.40", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "56" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */, "select_list_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "3.41" } /* cost_info */, "ordering_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": true, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 7, "rows_produced_per_join": 7, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.40", "prefix_cost": "3.41", "data_read_per_join": "56" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* select_list_subqueries */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select (/* select#2 */ select (`test`.`t1`.`i` + 1) from `test`.`t1` order by rand() limit 1) AS `(SELECT i + 1 FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1)`,`test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3, t4; # derived table that is optimized out CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); EXPLAIN SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 AS x FROM t1) tt WHERE x; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL no matching row in const table Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select 1 AS `1` from `test`.`t1` where 1 EXPLAIN FORMAT= JSON SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 AS x FROM t1) tt WHERE x; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "message": "no matching row in const table" } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select 1 AS `1` from `test`.`t1` where 1 DROP TABLE t1; # complex subqueries CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (c INT, d INT); CREATE TABLE t3 (e INT); CREATE TABLE t4 (f INT, g INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,10), (2,10); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,10), (2,20); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (10), (30); INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (2,10), (2,10); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.a IN (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE (SELECT e FROM t3) < SOME(SELECT e FROM t3 WHERE t1.b));; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where 1 PRIMARY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 50.00 Using where; FirstMatch(t1); Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) 4 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t3 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where 3 SUBQUERY t3 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 NULL Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.b' of SELECT #4 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,`test`.`t1`.`b` AS `b` from `test`.`t1` semi join (`test`.`t2`) where ((`test`.`t2`.`c` = `test`.`t1`.`a`) and (((/* select#3 */ select `test`.`t3`.`e` from `test`.`t3`),(/* select#4 */ select 1 from `test`.`t3` where (`test`.`t1`.`b` and (outer_field_is_not_null, ((((/* select#3 */ select `test`.`t3`.`e` from `test`.`t3`)) < `test`.`t3`.`e`) or isnull(`test`.`t3`.`e`)), true)) having (outer_field_is_not_null, (`test`.`t3`.`e`), true))))) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.a IN (SELECT c FROM t2 WHERE (SELECT e FROM t3) < SOME(SELECT e FROM t3 WHERE t1.b));; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "5.21" } /* cost_info */, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "32" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a", "b" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(((/* select#3 */ select `test`.`t3`.`e` from `test`.`t3`),(/* select#4 */ select 1 from `test`.`t3` where (`test`.`t1`.`b` and (outer_field_is_not_null, ((((/* select#3 */ select `test`.`t3`.`e` from `test`.`t3`)) < `test`.`t3`.`e`) or isnull(`test`.`t3`.`e`)), true)) having (outer_field_is_not_null, (`test`.`t3`.`e`), true))))", "attached_subqueries": [ { "dependent": true, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 4, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t3", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "e" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t1`.`b` and (outer_field_is_not_null, ((((/* select#3 */ select `test`.`t3`.`e` from `test`.`t3`)) < `test`.`t3`.`e`) or isnull(`test`.`t3`.`e`)), true))" } /* table */ } /* query_block */ }, { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t3", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "e" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* attached_subqueries */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "50.00", "first_match": "t1", "using_join_buffer": "Block Nested Loop", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "5.21", "data_read_per_join": "32" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t2`.`c` = `test`.`t1`.`a`)" } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.b' of SELECT #4 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,`test`.`t1`.`b` AS `b` from `test`.`t1` semi join (`test`.`t2`) where ((`test`.`t2`.`c` = `test`.`t1`.`a`) and (((/* select#3 */ select `test`.`t3`.`e` from `test`.`t3`),(/* select#4 */ select 1 from `test`.`t3` where (`test`.`t1`.`b` and (outer_field_is_not_null, ((((/* select#3 */ select `test`.`t3`.`e` from `test`.`t3`)) < `test`.`t3`.`e`) or isnull(`test`.`t3`.`e`)), true)) having (outer_field_is_not_null, (`test`.`t3`.`e`), true))))) DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3, t4; # semi-join materialization (if enabled) CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1); CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT) SELECT * FROM t1; CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT) SELECT * FROM t1; CREATE TABLE t4 (a INT) SELECT * FROM t1; EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.a IN (SELECT t2.a FROM t2 WHERE t2.a > 0) AND t1.a IN (SELECT t3.a FROM t3 WHERE t3.a IN (SELECT t4.a FROM t4 WHERE a > 0)); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "35.44" } /* cost_info */, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 12, "rows_produced_per_join": 12, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.02", "eval_cost": "2.40", "prefix_cost": "4.42", "data_read_per_join": "96" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "((`test`.`t1`.`a` is not null) and (`test`.`t1`.`a` is not null))" } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "", "access_type": "eq_ref", "key": "", "key_length": "5", "ref": [ "test.t1.a" ] /* ref */, "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "materialized_from_subquery": { "using_temporary_table": true, "query_block": { "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t4", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 12, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "33.33", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "3.62", "eval_cost": "0.80", "prefix_cost": "4.42", "data_read_per_join": "31" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t4`.`a` > 0)" } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t3", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 12, "rows_produced_per_join": 4, "filtered": "10.00", "using_join_buffer": "Block Nested Loop", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.02", "eval_cost": "0.96", "prefix_cost": "16.04", "data_read_per_join": "38" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t3`.`a` = `test`.`t4`.`a`)" } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* query_block */ } /* materialized_from_subquery */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "", "access_type": "eq_ref", "key": "", "key_length": "5", "ref": [ "test.t1.a" ] /* ref */, "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "materialized_from_subquery": { "using_temporary_table": true, "query_block": { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 12, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "33.33", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "3.62", "eval_cost": "0.80", "prefix_cost": "4.42", "data_read_per_join": "31" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t2`.`a` > 0)" } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } /* materialized_from_subquery */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a` from `test`.`t1` semi join (`test`.`t4` join `test`.`t3`) semi join (`test`.`t2`) where ((``.`a` = `test`.`t1`.`a`) and (``.`a` = `test`.`t1`.`a`) and (`test`.`t3`.`a` = `test`.`t4`.`a`) and (`test`.`t4`.`a` > 0) and (`test`.`t2`.`a` > 0)) DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3, t4; # the same subquery is associated with two different JOIN_TABs CREATE TABLE t1 ( i1 INTEGER NOT NULL, c1 VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'w'); CREATE TABLE t2 ( i1 INTEGER NOT NULL, c1 VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, c2 VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, KEY (c1, i1) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (8,'d','d'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (4,'v','v'); CREATE TABLE t3 ( c1 VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ('v'); EXPLAIN FORMAT=json SELECT i1 FROM t1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT t2.c1 FROM (t2 INNER JOIN t3 ON (t3.c1 = t2.c1)) WHERE t2.c2 != t1.c1 AND t2.c2 = (SELECT MIN(t3.c1) FROM t3)); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.20" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "1.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "1.20", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i1", "c1" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "exists(/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`c1` from `test`.`t2` join `test`.`t3` where ((`test`.`t2`.`c1` = `test`.`t3`.`c1`) and (`test`.`t2`.`c2` = (/* select#3 */ select min(`test`.`t3`.`c1`) from `test`.`t3`)) and ((/* select#3 */ select min(`test`.`t3`.`c1`) from `test`.`t3`) <> `test`.`t1`.`c1`)))", "attached_subqueries": [ { "dependent": true, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t3", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "1.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "1.20", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c1" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "((/* select#3 */ select min(`test`.`t3`.`c1`) from `test`.`t3`) <> `test`.`t1`.`c1`)", "attached_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.20" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t3", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "1.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "1.20", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c1" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* attached_subqueries */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ref", "possible_keys": [ "c1" ] /* possible_keys */, "key": "c1", "used_key_parts": [ "c1" ] /* used_key_parts */, "key_length": "3", "ref": [ "test.t3.c1" ] /* ref */, "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 0, "filtered": "50.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "1.00", "eval_cost": "0.10", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c1", "c2" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t2`.`c2` = (/* select#3 */ select min(`test`.`t3`.`c1`) from `test`.`t3`))", "attached_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.20" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t3", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "1.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "1.20", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c1" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* attached_subqueries */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* attached_subqueries */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.c1' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i1` AS `i1` from `test`.`t1` where exists(/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`c1` from `test`.`t2` join `test`.`t3` where ((`test`.`t2`.`c1` = `test`.`t3`.`c1`) and (`test`.`t2`.`c2` = (/* select#3 */ select min(`test`.`t3`.`c1`) from `test`.`t3`)) and ((/* select#3 */ select min(`test`.`t3`.`c1`) from `test`.`t3`) <> `test`.`t1`.`c1`))) DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3; # multiple materialization groups CREATE TABLE t1 (c_key INT, KEY c_key (c_key)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); CREATE TABLE t2 (c INT, c_key INT); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (8,5),(4,5),(8,1); CREATE TABLE t3 LIKE t1; INSERT INTO t3 SELECT * FROM t1; CREATE TABLE t4 LIKE t2; INSERT INTO t4 SELECT * FROM t2; CREATE TABLE t5 (c INT); INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (1), (2), (3); # This should show two materialization groups where applicable EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t5 WHERE c IN (SELECT t2.c FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t2.c_key = t1.c_key) AND c IN (SELECT t4.c FROM t3 JOIN t4 ON t4.c_key = t3.c_key); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t5 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Start temporary 1 SIMPLE t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 33.33 Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) 1 SIMPLE t1 NULL index c_key c_key 5 NULL 3 33.33 Using where; Using index; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) 1 SIMPLE t4 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 33.33 Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) 1 SIMPLE t3 NULL ref c_key c_key 5 test.t4.c_key 1 100.00 Using index; End temporary Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t5`.`c` AS `c` from `test`.`t5` semi join (`test`.`t1` join `test`.`t2`) semi join (`test`.`t3` join `test`.`t4`) where ((`test`.`t3`.`c_key` = `test`.`t4`.`c_key`) and (`test`.`t1`.`c_key` = `test`.`t2`.`c_key`) and (`test`.`t2`.`c` = `test`.`t5`.`c`) and (`test`.`t4`.`c` = `test`.`t5`.`c`)) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t5 WHERE c IN (SELECT t2.c FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t2.c_key = t1.c_key) AND c IN (SELECT t4.c FROM t3 JOIN t4 ON t4.c_key = t3.c_key); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "20.82" } /* cost_info */, "duplicates_removal": { "using_temporary_table": true, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t5", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 3, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "0.60", "prefix_cost": "2.61", "data_read_per_join": "24" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 3, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "33.33", "using_join_buffer": "Block Nested Loop", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "0.60", "prefix_cost": "6.41", "data_read_per_join": "48" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c", "c_key" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t2`.`c` = `test`.`t5`.`c`)" } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "index", "possible_keys": [ "c_key" ] /* possible_keys */, "key": "c_key", "used_key_parts": [ "c_key" ] /* used_key_parts */, "key_length": "5", "rows_examined_per_scan": 3, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "33.33", "using_index": true, "using_join_buffer": "Block Nested Loop", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "0.60", "prefix_cost": "12.22", "data_read_per_join": "24" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c_key" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t1`.`c_key` = `test`.`t2`.`c_key`)" } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t4", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 3, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "33.33", "using_join_buffer": "Block Nested Loop", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "0.60", "prefix_cost": "16.02", "data_read_per_join": "48" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c", "c_key" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "((`test`.`t4`.`c` = `test`.`t5`.`c`) and (`test`.`t4`.`c_key` is not null))" } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t3", "access_type": "ref", "possible_keys": [ "c_key" ] /* possible_keys */, "key": "c_key", "used_key_parts": [ "c_key" ] /* used_key_parts */, "key_length": "5", "ref": [ "test.t4.c_key" ] /* ref */, "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "100.00", "using_index": true, "cost_info": { "read_cost": "3.00", "eval_cost": "0.60", "prefix_cost": "20.82", "data_read_per_join": "24" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "c_key" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* duplicates_removal */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t5`.`c` AS `c` from `test`.`t5` semi join (`test`.`t1` join `test`.`t2`) semi join (`test`.`t3` join `test`.`t4`) where ((`test`.`t3`.`c_key` = `test`.`t4`.`c_key`) and (`test`.`t1`.`c_key` = `test`.`t2`.`c_key`) and (`test`.`t2`.`c` = `test`.`t5`.`c`) and (`test`.`t4`.`c` = `test`.`t5`.`c`)) DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3, t4, t5; CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (i INT); CREATE TABLE t3 (i INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1); # Subqueries in UPDATE values list EXPLAIN UPDATE t1 SET i=(SELECT i FROM t2); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 UPDATE t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL 2 SUBQUERY t2 NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON UPDATE t1 SET i=(SELECT i FROM t2); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "table": { "update": true, "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "filtered": "100.00" } /* table */, "update_value_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* update_value_subqueries */ } /* query_block */ } EXPLAIN UPDATE t1, t2 SET t1.i=(SELECT i FROM t3); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 UPDATE t1 NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL 1 PRIMARY t2 NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL 2 SUBQUERY t3 NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON UPDATE t1, t2 SET t1.i=(SELECT i FROM t3); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.00" } /* cost_info */, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "update": true, "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */, "update_value_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t3", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* update_value_subqueries */ } /* query_block */ } # INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE x=(SELECT ...) value list EXPLAIN INSERT INTO t1 (i) SELECT i FROM t2 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE i=(SELECT i FROM t2); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 INSERT t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 PRIMARY t2 NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL 2 SUBQUERY t2 NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON INSERT INTO t1 (i) SELECT i FROM t2 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE i=(SELECT i FROM t2); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "insert": true, "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL" } /* table */, "insert_from": { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* insert_from */, "update_value_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* update_value_subqueries */ } /* query_block */ } EXPLAIN INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE i = (SELECT i FROM t2); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 INSERT t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 SUBQUERY t2 NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE i = (SELECT i FROM t2); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "table": { "insert": true, "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL" } /* table */, "update_value_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* update_value_subqueries */ } /* query_block */ } # Subqueries in INSERT VALUES tuples: EXPLAIN INSERT INTO t3 VALUES((SELECT i FROM t1)), ((SELECT i FROM t2)); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 INSERT t3 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 SUBQUERY t2 NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL 2 SUBQUERY t1 NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON INSERT INTO t3 VALUES((SELECT i FROM t1)), ((SELECT i FROM t2)); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "table": { "insert": true, "table_name": "t3", "access_type": "ALL" } /* table */, "optimized_away_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ }, { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* optimized_away_subqueries */ } /* query_block */ } DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3; # Various queries EXPLAIN SELECT a, b FROM (SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b) t1 GROUP BY a ORDER BY b DESC; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort 2 DERIVED NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used 3 UNION NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `t1`.`a` AS `a`,`t1`.`b` AS `b` from (/* select#2 */ select 1 AS `a`,2 AS `b` union all /* select#3 */ select 1 AS `a`,2 AS `b`) `t1` group by `t1`.`a` order by `t1`.`b` desc EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT a, b FROM (SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b) t1 GROUP BY a ORDER BY b DESC; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "10.50" } /* cost_info */, "ordering_operation": { "using_filesort": true, "grouping_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": false, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "10.10", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "10.50", "data_read_per_join": "48" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a", "b" ] /* used_columns */, "materialized_from_subquery": { "using_temporary_table": true, "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "union_result": { "using_temporary_table": false, "query_specifications": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "message": "No tables used" } /* query_block */ }, { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "message": "No tables used" } /* query_block */ } ] /* query_specifications */ } /* union_result */ } /* query_block */ } /* materialized_from_subquery */ } /* table */ } /* grouping_operation */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `t1`.`a` AS `a`,`t1`.`b` AS `b` from (/* select#2 */ select 1 AS `a`,2 AS `b` union all /* select#3 */ select 1 AS `a`,2 AS `b`) `t1` group by `t1`.`a` order by `t1`.`b` desc # CREATE TABLE t1(a INT, b INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (), (); EXPLAIN SELECT 1 FROM t1 GROUP BY GREATEST(t1.a, (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT t1.b FROM t1, t1 t2 ORDER BY t1.a, t1.a LIMIT 1) AS d)); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort 2 SUBQUERY NULL system NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 100.00 NULL 3 DERIVED t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort 3 DERIVED t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select 1 AS `1` from `test`.`t1` group by greatest(`test`.`t1`.`a`,(/* select#2 */ select 1 from dual)) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT 1 FROM t1 GROUP BY GREATEST(t1.a, (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT t1.b FROM t1, t1 t2 ORDER BY t1.a, t1.a LIMIT 1) AS d)); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "4.40" } /* cost_info */, "grouping_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": true, "cost_info": { "sort_cost": "2.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "32" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */, "group_by_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "1.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "d", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "b" ] /* used_columns */, "materialized_from_subquery": { "using_temporary_table": true, "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "5.21" } /* cost_info */, "ordering_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": true, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "32" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a", "b" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 4, "filtered": "100.00", "using_join_buffer": "Block Nested Loop", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.80", "prefix_cost": "5.21", "data_read_per_join": "64" } /* cost_info */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } /* materialized_from_subquery */ } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* group_by_subqueries */ } /* grouping_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select 1 AS `1` from `test`.`t1` group by greatest(`test`.`t1`.`a`,(/* select#2 */ select 1 from dual)) DROP TABLE t1; # CREATE TABLE t1(f1 INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(1); EXPLAIN SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE (SELECT (SELECT 1 FROM t1 GROUP BY f1)); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 NULL 3 SUBQUERY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort Warnings: Note 1249 Select 2 was reduced during optimization Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select 1 AS `1` from `test`.`t1` where 1 EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE (SELECT (SELECT 1 FROM t1 GROUP BY f1)); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */ } /* table */, "optimized_away_subqueries": [ { "dependent": false, "cacheable": true, "query_block": { "select_id": 3, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "4.40" } /* cost_info */, "grouping_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": true, "cost_info": { "sort_cost": "2.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "f1" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* grouping_operation */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* optimized_away_subqueries */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1249 Select 2 was reduced during optimization Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select 1 AS `1` from `test`.`t1` where 1 DROP TABLE t1; # CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (i INT, j INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10); INSERT INTO t2 SELECT i, i * 10 FROM t1; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT t2.j FROM t2 WHERE t2.i = t1.i); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 100.00 Using filesort 2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 10.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.i' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` order by (/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`j` from `test`.`t2` where (`test`.`t2`.`i` = `test`.`t1`.`i`)) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY (SELECT t2.j FROM t2 WHERE t2.i = t1.i); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "4.02" } /* cost_info */, "ordering_operation": { "using_filesort": true, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 10, "rows_produced_per_join": 10, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.02", "eval_cost": "2.00", "prefix_cost": "4.02", "data_read_per_join": "80" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */, "order_by_subqueries": [ { "dependent": true, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "4.02" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 10, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "10.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.02", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "4.02", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i", "j" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t2`.`i` = `test`.`t1`.`i`)" } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* order_by_subqueries */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.i' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` order by (/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`j` from `test`.`t2` where (`test`.`t2`.`i` = `test`.`t1`.`i`)) EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY (SELECT t2.j FROM t2 WHERE t2.i = t1.i); id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort 2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 10.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.i' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` group by (/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`j` from `test`.`t2` where (`test`.`t2`.`i` = `test`.`t1`.`i`)) EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY (SELECT t2.j FROM t2 WHERE t2.i = t1.i); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "4.02" } /* cost_info */, "grouping_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": true, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 10, "rows_produced_per_join": 10, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.02", "eval_cost": "2.00", "prefix_cost": "4.02", "data_read_per_join": "80" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */, "group_by_subqueries": [ { "dependent": true, "cacheable": false, "query_block": { "select_id": 2, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "4.02" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 10, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "10.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.02", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "4.02", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "i", "j" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t2`.`i` = `test`.`t1`.`i`)" } /* table */ } /* query_block */ } ] /* group_by_subqueries */ } /* grouping_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.i' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1 Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `test`.`t1` group by (/* select#2 */ select `test`.`t2`.`j` from `test`.`t2` where (`test`.`t2`.`i` = `test`.`t1`.`i`)) DROP TABLE t1, t2; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT NOT NULL, b INT NOT NULL, KEY k1 (a, b)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10,1),(10,2),(10,3),(20,4),(20,5),(20,6), (30,7),(30,8),(30,9),(40,10),(40,11),(40,12),(40,13), (40,14),(40,15),(40,16),(40,17),(40,18),(40,19),(40,20); EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT a, MIN(b) AS b FROM t1 GROUP BY a ORDER BY b; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "6.50" } /* cost_info */, "ordering_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": true, "grouping_operation": { "using_filesort": false, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "range", "possible_keys": [ "k1" ] /* possible_keys */, "key": "k1", "used_key_parts": [ "a" ] /* used_key_parts */, "key_length": "4", "rows_examined_per_scan": 11, "rows_produced_per_join": 11, "filtered": "100.00", "using_index_for_group_by": true, "cost_info": { "read_cost": "4.30", "eval_cost": "2.20", "prefix_cost": "6.50", "data_read_per_join": "176" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a", "b" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* grouping_operation */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,min(`test`.`t1`.`b`) AS `b` from `test`.`t1` group by `test`.`t1`.`a` order by `b` DROP TABLE t1; # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT NOT NULL, b CHAR(3) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (a)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'ABC'), (2,'EFG'), (3,'HIJ'); CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT NOT NULL,b CHAR(3) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (a, b)); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,'a'),(1,'b'),(3,'F'); EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT t1.a, GROUP_CONCAT(t2.b) AS b FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.a=t2.a GROUP BY t1.a ORDER BY t1.b; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "6.20" } /* cost_info */, "ordering_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": true, "grouping_operation": { "using_filesort": true, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "possible_keys": [ "PRIMARY" ] /* possible_keys */, "rows_examined_per_scan": 3, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "0.60", "prefix_cost": "2.61", "data_read_per_join": "48" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a", "b" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "ref", "possible_keys": [ "PRIMARY" ] /* possible_keys */, "key": "PRIMARY", "used_key_parts": [ "a" ] /* used_key_parts */, "key_length": "4", "ref": [ "test.t1.a" ] /* ref */, "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "100.00", "using_index": true, "cost_info": { "read_cost": "3.00", "eval_cost": "0.60", "prefix_cost": "6.21", "data_read_per_join": "48" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a", "b" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* grouping_operation */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,group_concat(`test`.`t2`.`b` separator ',') AS `b` from `test`.`t1` left join `test`.`t2` on((`test`.`t2`.`a` = `test`.`t1`.`a`)) where 1 group by `test`.`t1`.`a` order by `test`.`t1`.`b` DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,4), (2,2), (2,2), (4,1), (4,1), (4,1), (4,1), (2,1), (2,1); EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT SUM(b) FROM t1 GROUP BY a WITH ROLLUP; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "12.82" } /* cost_info */, "grouping_operation": { "using_filesort": true, "cost_info": { "sort_cost": "9.00" } /* cost_info */, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 9, "rows_produced_per_join": 9, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.02", "eval_cost": "1.80", "prefix_cost": "3.82", "data_read_per_join": "144" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a", "b" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* grouping_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select sum(`test`.`t1`.`b`) AS `SUM(b)` from `test`.`t1` group by `test`.`t1`.`a` with rollup DROP TABLE t1; # Composition of DISTINCT, GROUP BY and ORDER BY CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1); EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT DISTINCT SUM(b) s FROM t1 GROUP BY a ORDER BY s; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "3.01" } /* cost_info */, "ordering_operation": { "using_filesort": true, "duplicates_removal": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": false, "grouping_operation": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": false, "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "rows_examined_per_scan": 5, "rows_produced_per_join": 5, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.01", "eval_cost": "1.00", "prefix_cost": "3.01", "data_read_per_join": "80" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a", "b" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } /* grouping_operation */ } /* duplicates_removal */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select distinct sum(`test`.`t1`.`b`) AS `s` from `test`.`t1` group by `test`.`t1`.`a` order by `s` FLUSH STATUS; SELECT DISTINCT SUM(b) s FROM t1 GROUP BY a ORDER BY s; s 1 3 SHOW SESSION STATUS WHERE (Variable_name LIKE 'Sort_%' OR Variable_name LIKE 'Created_%_tables') AND Value > 0; Variable_name Value Created_tmp_tables 1 Sort_rows 2 Sort_scan 1 DROP TABLE t1; # "buffer_result" node CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT NOT NULL); CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (a)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1),(2); EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT SQL_BIG_RESULT DISTINCT t1.a FROM t1,t2 ORDER BY t2.a; EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "2.40" } /* cost_info */, "ordering_operation": { "using_filesort": false, "duplicates_removal": { "using_temporary_table": true, "using_filesort": false, "buffer_result": { "using_temporary_table": true, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "system", "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 1, "filtered": "100.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "0.00", "eval_cost": "0.20", "prefix_cost": "0.00", "data_read_per_join": "8" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "index", "key": "PRIMARY", "used_key_parts": [ "a" ] /* used_key_parts */, "key_length": "4", "rows_examined_per_scan": 2, "rows_produced_per_join": 2, "filtered": "100.00", "using_index": true, "distinct": true, "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.00", "eval_cost": "0.40", "prefix_cost": "2.40", "data_read_per_join": "16" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* buffer_result */ } /* duplicates_removal */ } /* ordering_operation */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select distinct sql_big_result '1' AS `a` from `test`.`t2` order by `test`.`t2`.`a` DROP TABLE t1, t2; # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT NOT NULL, b INT, PRIMARY KEY (a)); CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (a)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,10), (2,20), (3,30), (4,40); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2), (3), (4), (5); EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE t2.a IN (SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE t1.b <> 30); EXPLAIN { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "cost_info": { "query_cost": "6.41" } /* cost_info */, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "t1", "access_type": "ALL", "possible_keys": [ "PRIMARY" ] /* possible_keys */, "rows_examined_per_scan": 4, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "75.00", "cost_info": { "read_cost": "2.21", "eval_cost": "0.60", "prefix_cost": "2.81", "data_read_per_join": "48" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a", "b" ] /* used_columns */, "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t1`.`b` <> 30)" } /* table */ }, { "table": { "table_name": "t2", "access_type": "eq_ref", "possible_keys": [ "PRIMARY" ] /* possible_keys */, "key": "PRIMARY", "used_key_parts": [ "a" ] /* used_key_parts */, "key_length": "4", "ref": [ "test.t1.a" ] /* ref */, "rows_examined_per_scan": 1, "rows_produced_per_join": 3, "filtered": "100.00", "using_index": true, "cost_info": { "read_cost": "3.00", "eval_cost": "0.60", "prefix_cost": "6.41", "data_read_per_join": "24" } /* cost_info */, "used_columns": [ "a" ] /* used_columns */ } /* table */ } ] /* nested_loop */ } /* query_block */ } Warnings: Note 1003 /* select#1 */ select `test`.`t2`.`a` AS `a` from `test`.`t1` join `test`.`t2` where ((`test`.`t2`.`a` = `test`.`t1`.`a`) and (`test`.`t1`.`b` <> 30)) DROP TABLE t1, t2; set default_storage_engine= @save_storage_engine; set optimizer_switch=default;