drop table if exists t1Aa,t2Aa,v1Aa,v2Aa; drop view if exists t1Aa,t2Aa,v1Aa,v2Aa; drop database if exists MySQLTest; create database MySQLTest; use MySQLTest; create table TaB (Field int); create view ViE as select * from TAb; show create table VIe; View Create View character_set_client collation_connection vie CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `vie` AS select `tab`.`Field` AS `Field` from `tab` latin1 latin1_swedish_ci drop database MySQLTest; use test; create table t1Aa (col1 int); create table t2aA (col1 int); create view v1Aa as select * from t1aA; create view v2aA as select * from v1aA; create view v3Aa as select v2Aa.col1 from v2aA,t2Aa where v2Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; update v2aA set col1 = (select max(col1) from v1Aa); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1Aa' prevents operation UPDATE on table 'v2aA'. update v2Aa set col1 = (select max(col1) from t1Aa); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2Aa' prevents operation UPDATE on table 'v2Aa'. update v2aA set col1 = (select max(col1) from v2Aa); ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 'v2aA' for update in FROM clause update v2aA,t2Aa set v2Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v1aA) where v2aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 'v2aA'. update t1aA,t2Aa set t1Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v1Aa) where t1aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1Aa' prevents operation UPDATE on table 't1aA'. update v1aA,t2Aa set v1Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v1aA) where v1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 'v1aA' for update in FROM clause update t2Aa,v2Aa set v2aA.col1 = (select max(col1) from v1aA) where v2Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 't2Aa'. update t2Aa,t1Aa set t1aA.col1 = (select max(col1) from v1Aa) where t1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1Aa' prevents operation UPDATE on table 't2Aa'. update t2Aa,v1aA set v1Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v1aA) where v1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 't2Aa'. update v2aA,t2Aa set v2Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from t1aA) where v2aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 'v2aA'. update t1Aa,t2Aa set t1aA.col1 = (select max(col1) from t1Aa) where t1aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 't1Aa' for update in FROM clause update v1aA,t2Aa set v1Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from t1Aa) where v1aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 'v1aA'. update t2Aa,v2Aa set v2aA.col1 = (select max(col1) from t1aA) where v2Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 't2Aa' for update in FROM clause update t2Aa,t1Aa set t1aA.col1 = (select max(col1) from t1Aa) where t1aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 't2Aa' for update in FROM clause update t2Aa,v1Aa set v1aA.col1 = (select max(col1) from t1Aa) where v1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 't2Aa' for update in FROM clause update v2aA,t2Aa set v2Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v2aA) where v2Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 'v2aA' for update in FROM clause update t1aA,t2Aa set t1Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v2aA) where t1aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 't1aA'. update v1aA,t2Aa set v1Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v2Aa) where v1aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2Aa' prevents operation UPDATE on table 'v1aA'. update t2Aa,v2aA set v2Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v2aA) where v2Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 't2Aa'. update t2Aa,t1Aa set t1aA.col1 = (select max(col1) from v2aA) where t1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 't2Aa'. update t2Aa,v1Aa set v1aA.col1 = (select max(col1) from v2Aa) where v1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2Aa' prevents operation UPDATE on table 't2Aa'. update v3aA set v3Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v1aA); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 'v3aA'. update v3aA set v3Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from t1aA); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v3aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 'v3aA'. update v3aA set v3Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v2aA); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2aA' prevents operation UPDATE on table 'v3aA'. update v3aA set v3Aa.col1 = (select max(col1) from v3aA); ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 'v3aA' for update in FROM clause delete from v2Aa where col1 = (select max(col1) from v1Aa); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1Aa' prevents operation DELETE on table 'v2Aa'. delete from v2aA where col1 = (select max(col1) from t1Aa); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2aA' prevents operation DELETE on table 'v2aA'. delete from v2Aa where col1 = (select max(col1) from v2aA); ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 'v2Aa' for update in FROM clause delete v2Aa from v2aA,t2Aa where (select max(col1) from v1aA) > 0 and v2Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1aA' prevents operation DELETE on table 'v2aA'. delete t1aA from t1Aa,t2Aa where (select max(col1) from v1Aa) > 0 and t1aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1Aa' prevents operation DELETE on table 't1Aa'. delete v1aA from v1Aa,t2Aa where (select max(col1) from v1aA) > 0 and v1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 'v1Aa' for update in FROM clause delete v2aA from v2Aa,t2Aa where (select max(col1) from t1Aa) > 0 and v2aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2Aa' prevents operation DELETE on table 'v2Aa'. delete t1aA from t1Aa,t2Aa where (select max(col1) from t1aA) > 0 and t1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 't1Aa' for update in FROM clause delete v1aA from v1Aa,t2Aa where (select max(col1) from t1aA) > 0 and v1aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1Aa' prevents operation DELETE on table 'v1Aa'. delete v2Aa from v2aA,t2Aa where (select max(col1) from v2Aa) > 0 and v2aA.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 'v2aA' for update in FROM clause delete t1Aa from t1aA,t2Aa where (select max(col1) from v2Aa) > 0 and t1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2Aa' prevents operation DELETE on table 't1aA'. delete v1Aa from v1aA,t2Aa where (select max(col1) from v2aA) > 0 and v1Aa.col1 = t2aA.col1; ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2aA' prevents operation DELETE on table 'v1aA'. insert into v2Aa values ((select max(col1) from v1aA)); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1aA' prevents operation INSERT on table 'v2Aa'. insert into t1aA values ((select max(col1) from v1Aa)); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1Aa' prevents operation INSERT on table 't1aA'. insert into v2aA values ((select max(col1) from v1aA)); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1aA' prevents operation INSERT on table 'v2aA'. insert into v2Aa values ((select max(col1) from t1Aa)); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2Aa' prevents operation INSERT on table 'v2Aa'. insert into t1aA values ((select max(col1) from t1Aa)); ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 't1aA' for update in FROM clause insert into v2aA values ((select max(col1) from t1aA)); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2aA' prevents operation INSERT on table 'v2aA'. insert into v2Aa values ((select max(col1) from v2aA)); ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 'v2Aa' for update in FROM clause insert into t1Aa values ((select max(col1) from v2Aa)); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2Aa' prevents operation INSERT on table 't1Aa'. insert into v2aA values ((select max(col1) from v2Aa)); ERROR HY000: You can't specify target table 'v2aA' for update in FROM clause insert into v3Aa (col1) values ((select max(col1) from v1Aa)); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v1Aa' prevents operation INSERT on table 'v3Aa'. insert into v3aA (col1) values ((select max(col1) from t1aA)); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v3aA' prevents operation INSERT on table 'v3aA'. insert into v3Aa (col1) values ((select max(col1) from v2aA)); ERROR HY000: The definition of table 'v2aA' prevents operation INSERT on table 'v3Aa'. drop view v3aA,v2Aa,v1aA; drop table t1Aa,t2Aa; create table t1Aa (col1 int); create view v1Aa as select col1 from t1Aa as AaA; show create view v1AA; View Create View character_set_client collation_connection v1aa CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v1aa` AS select `aaa`.`col1` AS `col1` from `t1aa` `aaa` latin1 latin1_swedish_ci drop view v1AA; select Aaa.col1 from t1Aa as AaA; col1 create view v1Aa as select Aaa.col1 from t1Aa as AaA; drop view v1AA; create view v1Aa as select AaA.col1 from t1Aa as AaA; show create view v1AA; View Create View character_set_client collation_connection v1aa CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v1aa` AS select `aaa`.`col1` AS `col1` from `t1aa` `aaa` latin1 latin1_swedish_ci drop view v1AA; drop table t1Aa; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b int); select X.a from t1 AS X group by X.b having (X.a = 1); a select X.a from t1 AS X group by X.b having (x.a = 1); a select X.a from t1 AS X group by X.b having (x.b = 1); a CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v1 AS select X.a from t1 AS X group by X.b having (X.a = 1); SHOW CREATE VIEW v1; View Create View character_set_client collation_connection v1 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v1` AS select `x`.`a` AS `a` from `t1` `x` group by `x`.`b` having (`x`.`a` = 1) latin1 latin1_swedish_ci SELECT * FROM v1; a DROP VIEW v1; DROP TABLE t1; End of 5.0 tests. # # Bug #53095: SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS # returns nothing # CREATE TABLE `ttt` ( `f1` char(3) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`f1`) )DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; SELECT count(COLUMN_NAME) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'TTT'; count(COLUMN_NAME) 1 SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'TTT'; count(*) 1 DROP TABLE `ttt`; End of 5.0 tests.