## Various regression tests ## --let $dont_load_plugin = 1 --let $wait_for_unixsocket_status = no_wait --source ../include/xplugin_preamble.inc call mtr.add_suppression("Plugin mysqlx reported: .Error parsing message of type 17:"); call mtr.add_suppression("Plugin mysqlx reported: .Setup of UNIX socket .. failed, the socket file path is empty"); --let $wait_for_unixsocket_status = no_wait --source ../include/restart_mysqld_and_wait_for_xplugin.inc ## Test starts here --write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression-ps.tmp # Test case for Bug #21472634 SHOW PROCESSLIST RETURNS DIFERENT RESULTS THAN IS QUERY WITH XPROTOCOL CONNECTN -->echo Bug #21472634 -->stmtsql show processlist; -->recvresult Id User Host db Command State Info -->sql SELECT id,user,command,state FROM information_schema.processlist ORDER BY id; -->endsql EOF --replace_regex /localhost:[0-9]*/localhost/ / [12] / 0 / /[0-9]+ root(.+)Sleep/$PROC_1_ID root\1Sleep/ /[0-9]+ root(.+)Query/$PROC_2_ID root\1Query/ /Execute/Query/ --exec $MYSQLXTEST -uroot --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression-ps.tmp 2>&1 --remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression-ps.tmp ## New Test starts here --write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp # Test case for Issue MYP-150 count() function is quoted causing error in server -->echo Issue MYP-150 -->sql use test; create table complexq (age int, name varchar(100)); insert into complexq values (50, 'blabla'); -->endsql Mysqlx.Crud.Find { collection { name: "complexq" schema: "test" } data_model: TABLE projection { source { type: IDENT identifier { name: "age" } } alias: "age_group" } projection { source { type: FUNC_CALL function_call { name { name: "count" } param { type: IDENT identifier { name: "name" } } } } alias: "cnt" } grouping { type: IDENT identifier { name: "age_group" } } } -->recvresult -->sql drop table complexq; -->endsql EOF --exec $MYSQLXTEST -uroot --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp 2>&1 --remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp ## MYP-140 - not "in" a database after logging in --echo Check whether default db on connect works --write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp -->sql select schema(); -->endsql EOF --exec $MYSQLXTEST -uroot --password='' --schema=test --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp 2>&1 --remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp ## MYP-255 - LIST_CLIENTS,KILL_CLIENTS WORKS WITH PASSWORD_EXPIRED USER WITHOUT SETTING PWD create user expired@localhost; alter user expired@localhost password expire; --echo Check whether password expired sandbox applies to admin cmds --write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecute { stmt: "list_clients" namespace: "xplugin" } -->expecterror 1820 -->recvresult Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecute { stmt: "set password=password('a')" } -->recvresult Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecute { stmt: "list_clients" namespace: "xplugin" } -->recvresult EOF --replace_regex /[0-9]+ /N / / [0-9]+/ N/ --exec $MYSQLXTEST -uexpired --password='' --connect-expired-password --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp 2>&1 --remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp drop user expired@localhost; ### # install and uninstall plugin a bunch of times... should fail because uninstall is forbidden --write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp -->title -Bug #21362400 MYSQLXTEST HANG WHEN EXECUTING INSTALL AND UNINSTALL PLUGIN -->expecterror 3130 -->sql INSTALL PLUGIN mysqlx SONAME 'mysqlx.so'; -->endsql -->expecterror 3130 -->sql UNINSTALL PLUGIN mysqlx; -->endsql -->expecterror 3130 -->sql INSTALL PLUGIN mysqlx SONAME 'mysqlx.so'; -->endsql -->expecterror 3130 -->sql UNINSTALL PLUGIN mysqlx; -->endsql -->expecterror 3130 -->sql INSTALL PLUGIN mysqlx SONAME 'mysqlx.so'; -->endsql EOF --exec $MYSQLXTEST -uroot --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp 2>&1 --remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp ### # send a msg with invalid encoding, which was triggering a crash --write_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp -->title -Bug Crash when sending an invalid message of type Find, for example -->repeat 10 -->newsession foo # send a Find message with missing fields -->binsend \x01\x00\x00\x00\x11 # expect a protobuf decode error -->recverror 5000 -->closesession abort -->newsession foo - # send a CapabilitySet message with missing fields -->binsend \x01\x00\x00\x00\x02 # expect a protobuf decode error -->recverror 5000 -->closesession abort -->endrepeat EOF --exec $MYSQLXTEST -uroot --password='' --file=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp 2>&1 --remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqlx-regression.tmp ##cleanup