# That is a bit tricky: mysql_embedded.test MUST BE run only against the # standalone server (started by MTR). The thing is that the test stops the # server started by MTR and starts an embedded server on the same data files as # the MTR-server was started. It must be the standalone server, as there is no # way to stop embedded server started by MTR from within an MTR-test. --source include/not_embedded.inc # The test basically restarts the server on the same data set. # Thus, the InnoDB page size must be the default. Otherwise, the server # with the default page size will refuse to start on the data set with custom # page size. --source include/have_innodb_16k.inc --source include/have_no_undo_tablespaces.inc --echo # --echo # Bug#12561297 : LIBMYSQLD/EXAMPLE/MYSQL_EMBEDDED IS ABORTING. --echo # # Test case require mysql_embedded to be present. if(!$MYSQL_EMBEDDED) { --skip Test requires mysql_embedded executable } # Stop server --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc # Prepare a new config file without ssl. --let $special_config_file = $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/my.mysql_embedded.cnf --let IN_FILE_PATH = $PATH_CONFIG_FILE --let OUT_FILE_PATH = $special_config_file --perl use strict; my $in_file_path = $ENV{IN_FILE_PATH} or die "IN_FILE_PATH not set"; my $out_file_path = $ENV{OUT_FILE_PATH} or die "OUT_FILE_PATH not set"; open (IN_FILE, "<$in_file_path") or die ("Fail to open in-file '$in_file_path': $!\n"); open (OUT_FILE, ">$out_file_path") or die ("Fail to open out-file '$out_file_path': $!\n"); while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; print OUT_FILE "$line\n" unless ($line =~ /^ssl-ca=/ || $line =~ /^ssl-cert=/ || $line =~ /^ssl-key=/); } close (IN_FILE); close (OUT_FILE); EOF --exec $MYSQL_EMBEDDED --defaults-file=$special_config_file -e "SELECT 1" --echo # --echo # Bug#11764633 : 57491: THD->MAIN_DA.IS_OK() ASSERT IN EMBEDDED --echo # --exec $MYSQL_EMBEDDED --defaults-file=$special_config_file -e "\T foo/bar" # Start server --source include/start_mysqld.inc --remove_file $special_config_file