--source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/have_example_plugin.inc --echo # --echo # Bug#51770: UNINSTALL PLUGIN requires no privileges --echo # set @orig_sql_mode = @@sql_mode; set sql_mode=(select replace(@@sql_mode,'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER','')); GRANT INSERT ON mysql.plugin TO bug51770@localhost; set sql_mode= @orig_sql_mode; connect(con1,localhost,bug51770,,); --replace_regex /\.dll/.so/ eval INSTALL PLUGIN example SONAME '$EXAMPLE_PLUGIN'; --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR UNINSTALL PLUGIN example; connection default; GRANT DELETE ON mysql.plugin TO bug51770@localhost; connection con1; UNINSTALL PLUGIN example; disconnect con1; connection default; DROP USER bug51770@localhost; # # BUG#58246: INSTALL PLUGIN not secure & crashable # # The bug consisted of not recognizing / on Windows, so checking / on # all platforms should cover this case. let $path = `select CONCAT_WS('/', '..', '$EXAMPLE_PLUGIN')`; --replace_regex /\.dll/.so/ --error ER_UDF_NO_PATHS eval INSTALL PLUGIN example SONAME '$path';