--source include/not_embedded.inc --echo # --echo # WL#5968: Implement START TRANSACTION READ (WRITE|ONLY); --echo # --echo # --echo # Test9: The --transaction-read-only startup option. --echo # Check that the option was set by the .opt file. SELECT @@tx_read_only; --echo # Also for new connections. Switching to con1 connect (con1, localhost, root); SELECT @@tx_read_only; SET SESSION TRANSACTION READ WRITE; SELECT @@tx_read_only; disconnect con1; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --echo # Connection default connection default; SELECT @@tx_read_only; --echo # --echo # Test 10: SET TRANSACTION / START TRANSACTION + implicit commit. SET SESSION TRANSACTION READ WRITE; --disable_ps_protocol SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY; --echo # Since DDL does implicit commit before starting, SET TRANSACTION --echo # will have no effect because the "next" transaction will already --echo # be over before the DDL statement starts. CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); START TRANSACTION READ ONLY; --echo # The same happens with START TRANSACTION DROP TABLE t1; --enable_ps_protocol