# The include statement below is a temp one for tests that are yet to #be ported to run with InnoDB, #but needs to be kept for tests that would need MyISAM in future. --source include/force_myisam_default.inc --source include/have_debug.inc SET @old_debug = @@GLOBAL.debug; # # Bug#34678 @@debug variables incremental mode # set debug= 'T'; select @@debug; set debug= '+P'; select @@debug; set debug= '-P'; select @@debug; # # Bug#38054: "SET SESSION debug" modifies @@global.debug variable # SELECT @@session.debug, @@global.debug; SET SESSION debug = ''; SELECT @@session.debug, @@global.debug; --echo # --echo # Bug #52629: memory leak from sys_var_thd_dbug in --echo # binlog.binlog_write_error --echo # SET GLOBAL debug='d,injecting_fault_writing'; SELECT @@global.debug; SET GLOBAL debug=''; SELECT @@global.debug; SET GLOBAL debug=@old_debug; --echo # --echo # Bug #56709: Memory leaks at running the 5.1 test suite --echo # SET @old_local_debug = @@debug; SET @@debug='d,foo'; SELECT @@debug; SET @@debug=''; SELECT @@debug; SET @@debug = @old_local_debug; --echo End of 5.1 tests --echo # --echo # Bug#46165 server crash in dbug --echo # SET @old_globaldebug = @@global.debug; SET @old_sessiondebug= @@session.debug; --echo # Test 1 - Bug test case, single connection SET GLOBAL debug= '+O,../../log/bug46165.1.trace'; SET SESSION debug= '-d:-t:-i'; SET GLOBAL debug= ''; SET SESSION debug= ''; --echo # Test 2 - Bug test case, two connections --echo # Connection default connection default; SET GLOBAL debug= '+O,../../log/bug46165.2.trace'; SET SESSION debug= '-d:-t:-i'; --echo # Connection con1 connect (con1, localhost, root); SET GLOBAL debug= ''; --echo # Connection default connection default; SET SESSION debug= ''; --echo # Connection con1 connection con1; disconnect con1; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --echo # Connection default connection default; SET GLOBAL debug= ''; --echo # Test 3 - Active session trace file on disconnect --echo # Connection con1 connect (con1, localhost, root); SET GLOBAL debug= '+O,../../log/bug46165.3.trace'; SET SESSION debug= '-d:-t:-i'; SET GLOBAL debug= ''; disconnect con1; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --echo # Test 4 - Active session trace file on two connections --echo # Connection default connection default; SET GLOBAL debug= '+O,../../log/bug46165.4.trace'; SET SESSION debug= '-d:-t:-i'; --echo # Connection con1 connect (con1, localhost, root); SET SESSION debug= '-d:-t:-i'; SET GLOBAL debug= ''; SET SESSION debug= ''; --echo # Connection default connection default; SET SESSION debug= ''; --echo # Connection con1 connection con1; disconnect con1; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --echo # Connection default connection default; --echo # Test 5 - Different trace files SET SESSION debug= '+O,../../log/bug46165.5.trace'; SET SESSION debug= '+O,../../log/bug46165.6.trace'; SET SESSION debug= '-O'; SET GLOBAL debug= @old_globaldebug; SET SESSION debug= @old_sessiondebug;