# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Auto-generated by Stone, do not modify. # @generated # flake8: noqa # pylint: skip-file from __future__ import unicode_literals from stone.backends.python_rsrc import stone_base as bb from stone.backends.python_rsrc import stone_validators as bv from dropbox import common class GroupManagementType(bb.Union): """ The group type determines how a group is managed. This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method. :ivar team_common.GroupManagementType.user_managed: A group which is managed by selected users. :ivar team_common.GroupManagementType.company_managed: A group which is managed by team admins only. :ivar team_common.GroupManagementType.system_managed: A group which is managed automatically by Dropbox. """ _catch_all = 'other' # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition user_managed = None # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition company_managed = None # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition system_managed = None # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition other = None def is_user_managed(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``user_managed``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'user_managed' def is_company_managed(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``company_managed``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'company_managed' def is_system_managed(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``system_managed``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'system_managed' def is_other(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``other``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'other' def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): super(GroupManagementType, self)._process_custom_annotations(annotation_type, field_path, processor) GroupManagementType_validator = bv.Union(GroupManagementType) class GroupSummary(bb.Struct): """ Information about a group. :ivar team_common.GroupSummary.group_external_id: External ID of group. This is an arbitrary ID that an admin can attach to a group. :ivar team_common.GroupSummary.member_count: The number of members in the group. :ivar team_common.GroupSummary.group_management_type: Who is allowed to manage the group. """ __slots__ = [ '_group_name_value', '_group_id_value', '_group_external_id_value', '_member_count_value', '_group_management_type_value', ] _has_required_fields = True def __init__(self, group_name=None, group_id=None, group_management_type=None, group_external_id=None, member_count=None): self._group_name_value = bb.NOT_SET self._group_id_value = bb.NOT_SET self._group_external_id_value = bb.NOT_SET self._member_count_value = bb.NOT_SET self._group_management_type_value = bb.NOT_SET if group_name is not None: self.group_name = group_name if group_id is not None: self.group_id = group_id if group_external_id is not None: self.group_external_id = group_external_id if member_count is not None: self.member_count = member_count if group_management_type is not None: self.group_management_type = group_management_type # Instance attribute type: str (validator is set below) group_name = bb.Attribute("group_name") # Instance attribute type: str (validator is set below) group_id = bb.Attribute("group_id") # Instance attribute type: str (validator is set below) group_external_id = bb.Attribute("group_external_id", nullable=True) # Instance attribute type: int (validator is set below) member_count = bb.Attribute("member_count", nullable=True) # Instance attribute type: GroupManagementType (validator is set below) group_management_type = bb.Attribute("group_management_type", user_defined=True) def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): super(GroupSummary, self)._process_custom_annotations(annotation_type, field_path, processor) GroupSummary_validator = bv.Struct(GroupSummary) class GroupType(bb.Union): """ The group type determines how a group is created and managed. This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method. :ivar team_common.GroupType.team: A group to which team members are automatically added. Applicable to `team folders `_ only. :ivar team_common.GroupType.user_managed: A group is created and managed by a user. """ _catch_all = 'other' # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition team = None # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition user_managed = None # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition other = None def is_team(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``team``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'team' def is_user_managed(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``user_managed``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'user_managed' def is_other(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``other``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'other' def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): super(GroupType, self)._process_custom_annotations(annotation_type, field_path, processor) GroupType_validator = bv.Union(GroupType) class MemberSpaceLimitType(bb.Union): """ The type of the space limit imposed on a team member. This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method. :ivar team_common.MemberSpaceLimitType.off: The team member does not have imposed space limit. :ivar team_common.MemberSpaceLimitType.alert_only: The team member has soft imposed space limit - the limit is used for display and for notifications. :ivar team_common.MemberSpaceLimitType.stop_sync: The team member has hard imposed space limit - Dropbox file sync will stop after the limit is reached. """ _catch_all = 'other' # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition off = None # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition alert_only = None # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition stop_sync = None # Attribute is overwritten below the class definition other = None def is_off(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``off``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'off' def is_alert_only(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``alert_only``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'alert_only' def is_stop_sync(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``stop_sync``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'stop_sync' def is_other(self): """ Check if the union tag is ``other``. :rtype: bool """ return self._tag == 'other' def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): super(MemberSpaceLimitType, self)._process_custom_annotations(annotation_type, field_path, processor) MemberSpaceLimitType_validator = bv.Union(MemberSpaceLimitType) class TimeRange(bb.Struct): """ Time range. :ivar team_common.TimeRange.start_time: Optional starting time (inclusive). :ivar team_common.TimeRange.end_time: Optional ending time (exclusive). """ __slots__ = [ '_start_time_value', '_end_time_value', ] _has_required_fields = False def __init__(self, start_time=None, end_time=None): self._start_time_value = bb.NOT_SET self._end_time_value = bb.NOT_SET if start_time is not None: self.start_time = start_time if end_time is not None: self.end_time = end_time # Instance attribute type: datetime.datetime (validator is set below) start_time = bb.Attribute("start_time", nullable=True) # Instance attribute type: datetime.datetime (validator is set below) end_time = bb.Attribute("end_time", nullable=True) def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): super(TimeRange, self)._process_custom_annotations(annotation_type, field_path, processor) TimeRange_validator = bv.Struct(TimeRange) GroupExternalId_validator = bv.String() GroupId_validator = bv.String() MemberExternalId_validator = bv.String(max_length=64) ResellerId_validator = bv.String() TeamId_validator = bv.String() TeamMemberId_validator = bv.String() GroupManagementType._user_managed_validator = bv.Void() GroupManagementType._company_managed_validator = bv.Void() GroupManagementType._system_managed_validator = bv.Void() GroupManagementType._other_validator = bv.Void() GroupManagementType._tagmap = { 'user_managed': GroupManagementType._user_managed_validator, 'company_managed': GroupManagementType._company_managed_validator, 'system_managed': GroupManagementType._system_managed_validator, 'other': GroupManagementType._other_validator, } GroupManagementType.user_managed = GroupManagementType('user_managed') GroupManagementType.company_managed = GroupManagementType('company_managed') GroupManagementType.system_managed = GroupManagementType('system_managed') GroupManagementType.other = GroupManagementType('other') GroupSummary.group_name.validator = bv.String() GroupSummary.group_id.validator = GroupId_validator GroupSummary.group_external_id.validator = bv.Nullable(GroupExternalId_validator) GroupSummary.member_count.validator = bv.Nullable(bv.UInt32()) GroupSummary.group_management_type.validator = GroupManagementType_validator GroupSummary._all_field_names_ = set([ 'group_name', 'group_id', 'group_external_id', 'member_count', 'group_management_type', ]) GroupSummary._all_fields_ = [ ('group_name', GroupSummary.group_name.validator), ('group_id', GroupSummary.group_id.validator), ('group_external_id', GroupSummary.group_external_id.validator), ('member_count', GroupSummary.member_count.validator), ('group_management_type', GroupSummary.group_management_type.validator), ] GroupType._team_validator = bv.Void() GroupType._user_managed_validator = bv.Void() GroupType._other_validator = bv.Void() GroupType._tagmap = { 'team': GroupType._team_validator, 'user_managed': GroupType._user_managed_validator, 'other': GroupType._other_validator, } GroupType.team = GroupType('team') GroupType.user_managed = GroupType('user_managed') GroupType.other = GroupType('other') MemberSpaceLimitType._off_validator = bv.Void() MemberSpaceLimitType._alert_only_validator = bv.Void() MemberSpaceLimitType._stop_sync_validator = bv.Void() MemberSpaceLimitType._other_validator = bv.Void() MemberSpaceLimitType._tagmap = { 'off': MemberSpaceLimitType._off_validator, 'alert_only': MemberSpaceLimitType._alert_only_validator, 'stop_sync': MemberSpaceLimitType._stop_sync_validator, 'other': MemberSpaceLimitType._other_validator, } MemberSpaceLimitType.off = MemberSpaceLimitType('off') MemberSpaceLimitType.alert_only = MemberSpaceLimitType('alert_only') MemberSpaceLimitType.stop_sync = MemberSpaceLimitType('stop_sync') MemberSpaceLimitType.other = MemberSpaceLimitType('other') TimeRange.start_time.validator = bv.Nullable(common.DropboxTimestamp_validator) TimeRange.end_time.validator = bv.Nullable(common.DropboxTimestamp_validator) TimeRange._all_field_names_ = set([ 'start_time', 'end_time', ]) TimeRange._all_fields_ = [ ('start_time', TimeRange.start_time.validator), ('end_time', TimeRange.end_time.validator), ] ROUTES = { }