Rsvg – 2.0
Librsvg - load and render SVG documents
Handle |
DimensionData | Dimensions of an SVG image from |
Length |
PositionData | Position of an SVG fragment from |
Rectangle | A data structure for holding a rectangle. |
Unit | Units for the |
HandleFlags | Configuration flags for an |
Error Domains
Error | An enumeration representing possible errors. |
SizeFunc | Function to let a user of the library specify the SVG’s dimensions. |
cleanup | This function does nothing. |
init | This function does nothing. |
pixbuf_from_file | Loads a new |
pixbuf_from_file_at_max_size | Loads a new |
pixbuf_from_file_at_size | Loads a new |
pixbuf_from_file_at_zoom | Loads a new |
pixbuf_from_file_at_zoom_with_max | Loads a new |
set_default_dpi | Do not use this function. Create an |
set_default_dpi_x_y | Do not use this function. Create an |
term | This function does nothing. |
Function Macros
CHECK_VERSION | This C macro returns |
MAJOR_VERSION | This is a C macro that expands to a number with the major version of librsvg against which your program is compiled. |
MICRO_VERSION | This is a C macro that expands to a number with the micro version of librsvg against which your program is compiled. |
MINOR_VERSION | This is a C macro that expands to a number with the minor version of librsvg against which your program is compiled. |
VERSION | This is a C macro that expands to a string with the version of librsvg against which your program is compiled. |