# The include statement below is a temp one for tests that are yet to #be ported to run with InnoDB, #but needs to be kept for tests that would need MyISAM in future. --source include/force_myisam_default.inc # We currently only have named pipe support on windows, so # in order to optimize things we skip this test on all # other platforms --source include/windows.inc # thread pool causes different results -- source include/not_threadpool.inc # Only run this test if named pipe is avaliable let $nmp= query_get_value("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'named_pipe'", Value, 1); if ($nmp != ON){ skip No named pipe support; } # Connect using named pipe for testing connect(pipe_con,localhost,root,,,,,PIPE); # Source select test case -- source include/common-tests.inc connection default; disconnect pipe_con;