--source include/linux.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc --echo # --echo # BUG#11747548:DETECT ORPHAN TEMP-POOL FILES, AND HANDLE GRACEFULLY. --echo # --echo #Set up. # # Note: We are explicitly using MyISAM engine here as the TC is trying # to check for MyISAM files MYD/MYI. With InnoDB no such files are created # instead intrinsic tables are stored in shared temporary tablespace. # let $internal_se = `select @@internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine`; set global internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine = myisam; CREATE TABLE pid_table(pid_no INT); CREATE TABLE t1 (a BLOB); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2); --echo #Create MYD and MYI files for intrinsic temp table. --let $pid_file=`SELECT @@pid_file` --replace_result $pid_file pid_file --eval LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$pid_file' INTO TABLE pid_table --let $temp_file_MYD= `SELECT CONCAT('#sql_', LCASE(HEX(pid_no)), '_0', '.MYD') FROM pid_table` --let $temp_file_MYI= `SELECT CONCAT('#sql_', LCASE(HEX(pid_no)), '_0', '.MYI') FROM pid_table` --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/$temp_file_MYD EOF --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/$temp_file_MYI EOF --echo #Reports an error since the temp file already exists. --replace_regex /.*Can't create\/write *.*/Can't create or write to file/ --error 1 SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY rand(1); --echo #With patch, the query executes successfully. SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY rand(1); --echo #cleanup DROP TABLE t1, pid_table; eval set global internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine = $internal_se;