#! /bin/sh # # Copyright 1999-2006 University of Chicago # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # openssl_cmd="/cvmfs/km3net.egi.eu/micromamba/x86/envs/mpenv_snakemake7_v1.0.0-rc2_redhat9-x86/bin/openssl" # catch the kill signal (ctrl-c) and do cleanup trap do_trap 1 2 3 6 9 13 15 ############################################################ # main code section ############################################################ prefix="${GLOBUS_LOCATION-/cvmfs/km3net.egi.eu/micromamba/x86/envs/mpenv_snakemake7_v1.0.0-rc2_redhat9-x86}" exec_prefix="${prefix}" sbindir="${exec_prefix}/sbin" bindir="${exec_prefix}/bin" includedir="/cvmfs/km3net.egi.eu/micromamba/x86/envs/mpenv_snakemake7_v1.0.0-rc2_redhat9-x86/include/globus" datarootdir="${prefix}/share" datadir="${datarootdir}" libexecdir="/cvmfs/km3net.egi.eu/micromamba/x86/envs/mpenv_snakemake7_v1.0.0-rc2_redhat9-x86/share/globus" sysconfdir="${prefix}/etc" sharedstatedir="${prefix}/com" localstatedir="${prefix}/var" PROGRAM_NAME="${0##*/}" PROGRAM_VERSION="5.3" PACKAGE="globus_simple_ca" VERSION="5.3" DIRT_TIMESTAMP="1629915172" DIRT_BRANCH_ID="0" CYGPATH_W="echo" host_os="linux-gnu" short_usage="$PROGRAM_NAME [-help] -in REQUEST -out CERTIFICATE [options ...]" openssl_options="" alias construct_path=echo if test x"$CYGPATH_W" != x; then case $host_os in *mingw32*) alias construct_path="$CYGPATH_W" ;; esac fi printhelp() { option="${1}" helpstr="${2}" optwidth="${optwidth:-$((${COLUMNS:-80} / 3))}" if [ "$optwidth" -gt 30 ]; then optwidth=30 fi helpwidth="${helpwidth:-$((${COLUMNS:-80} - $optwidth - 6))}" helpstrformatted="$(echo "${helpstr}" | tr -sd '\n\t' ' ' | \ fold -sw ${helpwidth})" OLDIFS="$IFS" IFS=" " first=1 for x in $helpstrformatted; do printf " %-${optwidth}s %-${helpwidth}s\n" "${first:+$option}" "$x" first="" done if [ "$first" = "1" ]; then printf " %-${optwidth}s\n" "${first:+$option}" fi IFS="$OLDIFS" } long_usage () { cat < $tmp_output 2>&1 openssl_result=$? end_password_input # check to see if an error occurred while signing if test ${openssl_result} != 0; then # check that a certificate with the same subject has not # already been signed already_signed=`grep \ "ERROR:There is already a certificate" \ ${tmp_output}` already_signed2=`grep \ "unique_subject = \"yes\"" \ ${tmp_output}` already_signed3=`grep \ "TXT_DB error number 2" \ ${tmp_output}` if test -n "${already_signed}" || test -n "${already_signed2}" \ || test -n "${already_signed3}"; then subj_tmp_output=/tmp/tmp_output.$$ "${openssl_cmd}" req -noout -in $(construct_path ${INPUT_REQ_FILE}) \ -subject -nameopt sep_multiline | \ sed -e '/^subject=/d' -e 's!^\s*!/!' | tr -d '\n' \ > ${subj_tmp_output} 2>&1 res=$? if test $res != 0; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Failed to get subject of request ${INPUT_REQ_FILE}" echo "" do_cleanup exit 1 fi req_subj=`grep "^subject=" < ${subj_tmp_output} \ | sed -e "s|subject= *|/|" -e "s|,|/|g"` # find signed cert for p in ${GRID_CA_DIR}/newcerts/*.pem; do subj_tmp_output=/tmp/tmp_output.$$ "${openssl_cmd}" x509 -noout -in $(construct_path ${p}) \ -subject -nameopt sep_multiline | \ sed -e '/^subject=/d' -e 's!^\s*!/!' | tr -d '\n' \ > ${subj_tmp_output} 2>&1 res=$? if test $res != 0; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Failed to get subject of signed cert at: ${p}" echo "" fi signed_subj="$(sed -e "s|subject= *|/|" -e "s|,|/|g" < "${subj_tmp_output}")" if test "${signed_subj}" = "${req_subj}"; then SIGNED_CERT=${p} fi done if test -z "${SIGNED_CERT}"; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Failed to find signed cert in CA cert store with subject:" echo " ${req_subj}" echo "" do_cleanup exit 1 fi if test ! -f "${SIGNED_CERT}"; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Could not find cert file to revoke in certificate store:" echo " ${SIGNED_CERT}" echo "" do_cleanup exit 1 fi SIGNED_SUBJECT="${req_subj}" expired=$("${openssl_cmd}" x509 -in $(construct_path ${SIGNED_CERT}) -checkend 0 > /dev/null; echo $?) if test -n "${force_sign}" || test "${expired}" = "0"; then echo "" echo "Revoking previous certificate" tmp_revoke_output=/tmp/tmp_revoke_out.$$ do_password_input "To revoke the current certificate" "${openssl_cmd}" ca $openssl_options -batch -config $(construct_path ${grid_ca_conf}) \ -revoke $(construct_path ${SIGNED_CERT}) \ 2> ${tmp_revoke_output} res=$? end_password_input if test $res != 0; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Failed to revoke previous certificate with subject:" echo " ${SIGNED_SUBJECT}" echo "" echo "========== ERROR MESSAGES FROM OPENSSL ==========" cat ${tmp_revoke_output} 1>&2 echo "=================================================" echo "" rm -f ${tmp_revoke_output} do_cleanup exit 1 else rm -f ${tmp_revoke_output} echo "" echo "Signing new certificate" do_sign; return; fi else echo "" echo "There is already a valid certificate that matches this subject at:" echo echo "${SIGNED_CERT}" echo echo "You can use the -force option to overwrite" echo "this certificate and create a new one." echo "" rm -f ${subj_tmp_output} do_cleanup exit 1 fi fi echo "" echo "ERROR running command:" echo "" echo " ${openssl_cmd} ca $openssl_options \\" echo " -batch -config $(construct_path ${grid_ca_conf}) \\" echo " -in $(construct_path ${INPUT_REQ_FILE}) -out $(construct_path ${SIGNED_OUTPUT_FILE})" echo "" echo "========== ERROR MESSAGES FROM OPENSSL ==========" cat ${tmp_output} 1>&2 echo "=================================================" # check if the error was with no_config_file=`grep "error loading the config file" ${tmp_output}` if test -n "${no_config_file}"; then echo "" echo "ERROR: No CA config file found." echo "Either simple CA setup package is not installed," echo "or the config file is not located at:" echo "" echo " ${grid_ca_conf}" echo "" fi # check if the CA's private key could be loaded wrong_password=`grep "unable to load CA private key" ${tmp_output}` if test -n "${wrong_password}"; then echo "" echo "ERROR: The CA private key could not be loaded." echo "Possibly an incorrect password for the CA key was used." echo "" fi # check that the cert request matches the CA cert wrong_org=`grep "field needed to be the same" ${tmp_output}` if test -n "${wrong_org}"; then echo "" echo "ERROR: The cert request does not match CA cert" echo "Check that the correct security config files are" echo "set during grid-cert-request" echo "" echo "The default configuration can be set using either" echo "the command: grid-default-ca, or via the -ca option" echo "to grid-cert-request." echo "" fi rm -f ${tmp_output} echo "" do_cleanup exit 1 fi } readCommandLine "$@" if test -z "$GRID_CA_DIR"; then if test -w "${localstatedir}/lib/globus/simple_ca/."; then GRID_CA_DIR="${localstatedir}/lib/globus/simple_ca" elif test -d "${HOME}/.globus/simpleCA/."; then GRID_CA_DIR="${HOME}/.globus/simpleCA" else exec 1>&2 echo "" echo "ERROR: No usable Simple CA directory found at \${HOME}/.globus/simpleCA or " echo "\${localstatedir}/lib/globus/simple_ca" echo "" echo "Either specify a directory with -dir, or run" echo "grid-ca-create to create a CA" echo "" exit 1 fi fi if test ! -f ${GRID_CA_DIR}/cacert.pem; then exec 1>&2 echo "" echo "ERROR: No CA certificate found at ${GRID_CA_DIR}/cacert.pem" echo "The CA certificate is missing!" echo "Please run setup-simple-ca before" echo "signing certificates." echo "" exit 1 fi grid_ca_conf=${GRID_CA_DIR}/grid-ca-ssl.conf echo "${openssl_options}" | grep -- -passin > /dev/null res1=$? if test ! $res1 = 0; then echo ${openssl_options} | grep -- -key > /dev/null res1=$? fi if test ! $res1 = 0; then if test -f ${GRID_CA_DIR}/passwd; then openssl_options="${openssl_options} -passin file:$(construct_path ${GRID_CA_DIR}/passwd)" res1=0 fi fi if test ! $res1 = 0; then need_password_input=1 openssl_options="${openssl_options} -passin stdin" fi do_sign; if test ! -f ${SIGNED_OUTPUT_FILE}; then exec 1>&2 echo "ERROR: ${SIGNED_OUTPUT_FILE} does not exist. Invalid internal state, exiting..." echo "" exit 1 fi NEW_SERIAL="$("${openssl_cmd}" x509 -in $(construct_path ${SIGNED_OUTPUT_FILE}) -noout -serial)" res=$? if test $res != 0; then exec 1>&2 echo "" echo "ERROR: Failed to get serial number of newly signed cert at: ${SIGNED_OUTPUT_FILE}" echo "" fi NEW_SERIAL="${NEW_SERIAL##serial=}" echo "" echo "The new signed certificate is at: ${GRID_CA_DIR}/newcerts/${NEW_SERIAL}.pem" echo "" do_cleanup exit