// @(#)root/eg:$Id$ // Author: Ola Nordmann 29/09/95 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TAttParticle // // // // Particle definition, based on GEANT3 particle definition // // // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TAttParticle #define ROOT_TAttParticle #include "TNamed.h" #include "TAttLine.h" class THashList; class TAttParticle : public TNamed { private: Double_t fPDGMass; //Mass of the particle in GeV/c2 Bool_t fPDGStable; //Logical indicator, if TRUE the particle can not decay Double_t fPDGDecayWidth; //Life time of the particle in sec. Double_t fPDGCharge; //Charge of the particle in units of e TString fParticleType; //Text indicator for the particle family Int_t fMCnumberOfPDG; //PDG MC number followed by //http://pdg.lbl.gov/rpp/mcdata/all.mc Double_t fEnergyCut; //Lower energy cut off, the default is 10 keV Double_t fEnergyLimit; //High energy cut off, the default is 10 TeV Double_t fGranularity; //Granularity of the fLogEScale public: TAttParticle(); TAttParticle(const char *name, const char *title, Double_t Mass, Bool_t Stable, Double_t DecayWidth, Double_t Charge, const char *Type, Int_t MCnumber, Int_t granularity=90, Double_t LowerCutOff=1.e-5, Double_t HighCutOff=1.e4); virtual ~TAttParticle(); static THashList *fgList; static Int_t ConvertISAtoPDG(Int_t isaNumber); static void DefinePDG(); virtual Double_t GetCharge() const { return fPDGCharge; } virtual Double_t GetEnergyCut() const { return fEnergyCut; } virtual Double_t GetEnergyLimit() const { return fEnergyLimit; } virtual Double_t GetGranularity() const { return fGranularity; } virtual Double_t GetDecayWidth() const { return fPDGDecayWidth; } virtual Double_t GetMass() const { return fPDGMass; } virtual Int_t GetMCNumber() const { return fMCnumberOfPDG; } static TAttParticle *GetParticle(const char *name); static TAttParticle *GetParticle(Int_t mcnumber); virtual const char *GetParticleType() const { return fParticleType.Data(); } virtual Bool_t GetStable() const { return fPDGStable; } virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const ; virtual Double_t SampleMass() const ; virtual Double_t SampleMass(Double_t widthcut) const ; ClassDef(TAttParticle,1) //Particle definition }; #endif