#ifndef _XRDOSS_API_H
#define _XRDOSS_API_H
/* */
/* X r d O s s A p i . h h */
/* */
/* (c) 2003 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOss.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssConfig.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssError.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssStatInfo.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucExport.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucPList.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucStream.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
/* o o s s _ D i r */
class XrdOssDir : public XrdOssDF
int Close(long long *retsz=0);
int Opendir(const char *, XrdOucEnv &);
int Readdir(char *buff, int blen);
int StatRet(struct stat *buff);
// Constructor and destructor
XrdOssDir(const char *tid) : lclfd(0), mssfd(0), Stat(0), tident(tid),
pflags(0), ateof(0), isopen(0), dirFD(0)
~XrdOssDir() {if (isopen > 0) Close(); isopen = 0;}
DIR *lclfd;
void *mssfd;
struct stat *Stat;
const char *tident;
unsigned long long pflags;
int ateof;
int isopen;
int dirFD;
/* o o s s _ F i l e */
class oocx_CXFile;
class XrdSfsAio;
class XrdOssCache_FS;
class XrdOssMioFile;
class XrdOssFile : public XrdOssDF
// The following two are virtual functions to allow for upcasting derivations
// of this implementation
virtual int Close(long long *retsz=0);
virtual int Open(const char *, int, mode_t, XrdOucEnv &);
int Fchmod(mode_t mode);
int Fstat(struct stat *);
int Fsync();
int Fsync(XrdSfsAio *aiop);
int Ftruncate(unsigned long long);
int getFD() {return fd;}
off_t getMmap(void **addr);
int isCompressed(char *cxidp=0);
ssize_t Read( off_t, size_t);
ssize_t Read( void *, off_t, size_t);
int Read(XrdSfsAio *aiop);
ssize_t ReadV(XrdOucIOVec *readV, int);
ssize_t ReadRaw( void *, off_t, size_t);
ssize_t Write(const void *, off_t, size_t);
int Write(XrdSfsAio *aiop);
// Constructor and destructor
XrdOssFile(const char *tid)
{cxobj = 0; rawio = 0; cxpgsz = 0; cxid[0] = '\0';
mmFile = 0; tident = tid;
virtual ~XrdOssFile() {if (fd >= 0) Close();}
int Open_ufs(const char *, int, int, unsigned long long);
static int AioFailure;
oocx_CXFile *cxobj;
XrdOssCache_FS *cacheP;
XrdOssMioFile *mmFile;
const char *tident;
long long FSize;
int rawio;
int cxpgsz;
char cxid[4];
/* o o s s _ S y s */
class XrdFrcProxy;
class XrdOssCache_Group;
class XrdOssCache_Space;
class XrdOssCreateInfo;
class XrdOucMsubs;
class XrdOucName2Name;
class XrdOucProg;
class XrdOssSpace;
class XrdOssStage_Req;
struct XrdVersionInfo;
class XrdOssSys : public XrdOss
virtual XrdOssDF *newDir(const char *tident)
{return (XrdOssDF *)new XrdOssDir(tident);}
virtual XrdOssDF *newFile(const char *tident)
{return (XrdOssDF *)new XrdOssFile(tident);}
int Chmod(const char *, mode_t mode, XrdOucEnv *eP=0);
int Configure(const char *, XrdSysError &, XrdOucEnv *envP);
void Config_Display(XrdSysError &);
int Create(const char *, const char *, mode_t, XrdOucEnv &, int opts=0);
int GenLocalPath(const char *, char *);
int GenRemotePath(const char *, char *);
int Init(XrdSysLogger *, const char *, XrdOucEnv *envP);
int Init(XrdSysLogger *lP, const char *cP) {return Init(lP, cP, 0);}
int IsRemote(const char *path)
{return (RPList.Find(path) & XRDEXP_REMOTE) != 0;}
int Lfn2Pfn(const char *Path, char *buff, int blen);
const char *Lfn2Pfn(const char *Path, char *buff, int blen, int &rc);
int Mkdir(const char *, mode_t mode, int mkpath=0, XrdOucEnv *eP=0);
int Mkpath(const char *, mode_t mode);
unsigned long long PathOpts(const char *path) {return RPList.Find(path);}
int Reloc(const char *tident, const char *path,
const char *cgName, const char *anchor=0);
int Remdir(const char *, int Opts=0, XrdOucEnv *eP=0); // In Unlink()
int Rename(const char *, const char *,
XrdOucEnv *eP1=0, XrdOucEnv *eP2=0);
int Stage(const char *, const char *, XrdOucEnv &, int, mode_t, unsigned long long );
void *Stage_In(void *carg);
int Stat(const char *, struct stat *, int opts=0, XrdOucEnv *Env=0);
int StatFS(const char *path, char *buff, int &blen, XrdOucEnv *Env=0);
int StatFS(const char *path, unsigned long long &Opt,
long long &fSize, long long &fSpace);
int StatLS(XrdOucEnv &env, const char *path, char *buff, int &blen);
int StatPF(const char *, struct stat *);
int StatVS(XrdOssVSInfo *sP, const char *sname=0, int updt=0);
int StatXA(const char *path, char *buff, int &blen, XrdOucEnv *Env=0);
int StatXP(const char *path, unsigned long long &attr, XrdOucEnv *Env=0);
int Truncate(const char *, unsigned long long Size, XrdOucEnv *eP=0);
int Unlink(const char *, int Opts=0, XrdOucEnv *eP=0);
int Stats(char *bp, int bl);
static int AioInit();
static int AioAllOk;
static int runOld; // Run in backward compatability mode
static char tryMmap; // Memory mapped files enabled
static char chkMmap; // Memory mapped files are selective
int MSS_Closedir(void *);
int MSS_Create(const char *path, mode_t, XrdOucEnv &);
void *MSS_Opendir(const char *, int &rc);
int MSS_Readdir(void *fd, char *buff, int blen);
int MSS_Remdir(const char *, const char *) {return -ENOTSUP;}
int MSS_Rename(const char *, const char *);
int MSS_Stat(const char *, struct stat *buff=0);
int MSS_Unlink(const char *);
static const int MaxArgs = 15;
char *ConfigFN; // -> Pointer to the config file name
char *LocalRoot; // -> Path prefix for local filename
char *RemoteRoot; // -> Path prefix for remote filename
int MaxTwiddle; // Maximum seconds of internal wait
int StageRealTime; // If 1, Invoke stage command on demand
int StageAsync; // If 1, return EINPROGRESS to the caller
int StageCreate; // If 1, use open path to create files
int StageFormat; // Format for default stagecmd
char *StageCmd; // -> Staging command to use
char *StageMsg; // -> Staging message to be passed
XrdOucMsubs *StageSnd; // -> Parsed Message
XrdFrcProxy *StageFrm; // -> Built-in stagecmd or zero
char *StageEvents; // -> file://// if async staging
int StageEvSize; // Length of above
int StageActLen; // Length of below
char *StageAction; // -> "wq " if sync | "wfn " if async
char *StageArg[MaxArgs];
int StageAln[MaxArgs];
int StageAnum; // Count of valid Arg/Aln array elements
char *RSSCmd; // -> Remote Storage Service Command
int isMSSC; // RSSCmd is old-style msscmd
int RSSTout; // RSSCmd response timeout
long long MaxSize; // Maximum file size (*obsolete*)
int FDFence; // Smallest file FD number allowed
int FDLimit; // Largest file FD number allowed
unsigned long long DirFlags;// Default directory settings
int Trace; // Trace flags
int Solitary; // True if running in stand-alone mode
int OptFlags; // General option flags
XrdOucPListAnchor SPList; // The path to space list
#define spAssign 1
char *N2N_Lib; // -> Name2Name Library Path
char *N2N_Parms; // -> Name2Name Object Parameters
XrdOucName2Name *lcl_N2N; // -> File mapper for local files
XrdOucName2Name *rmt_N2N; // -> File mapper for remote files
XrdOucName2Name *the_N2N; // -> File mapper object
XrdOucPListAnchor RPList; // The real path list
OssDPath *DPList; // The stat path list
int lenDP;
short numDP;
short numCG;
char *STT_Lib; // -> StatInfo Library Path
char *STT_Parms; // -> StatInfo Library Paramaters
union {
XrdOssStatInfo_t STT_Func;
XrdOssStatInfo2_t STT_Fund;
int STT_PreOp;
char STT_DoN2N;
char STT_V2;
char STT_DoARE;
long long prPBits; // Page lo order bit mask
long long prPMask; // Page hi order bit mask
int prPSize; // preread page size
int prBytes; // preread byte limit
int prActive; // preread activity count
short prDepth; // preread depth
short prQSize; // preread maximum allowed
XrdVersionInfo *myVersion; // Compilation version set by constructor
virtual ~XrdOssSys() {}
// Cache management related data and methods
long long minalloc; // Minimum allocation
int ovhalloc; // Allocation overage
int fuzalloc; // Allocation fuzz
int cscanint; // Seconds between cache scans
int xfrspeed; // Average transfer speed (bytes/second)
int xfrovhd; // Minimum seconds to get a file
int xfrhold; // Second hold limit on failing requests
int xfrkeep; // Second keep queued requests
int xfrthreads; // Number of threads for staging
int xfrtcount; // Actual count of threads (used for dtr)
long long pndbytes; // Total bytes to be staged (pending)
long long stgbytes; // Total bytes being staged (active)
long long totbytes; // Total bytes were staged (active+pending)
int totreqs; // Total successful requests
int badreqs; // Total unsuccessful requests
XrdOucProg *StageProg; // Command or manager than handles staging
XrdOucProg *RSSProg; // Command for Remote Storage Services
char *UDir; // -> Usage logdir
char *QFile; // -> Quota file
char *xfrFdir; // -> Fail file base dir
int xfrFdln; // strlen(xfrFDir)
int Alloc_Cache(XrdOssCreateInfo &, XrdOucEnv &);
int Alloc_Local(XrdOssCreateInfo &, XrdOucEnv &);
int BreakLink(const char *local_path, struct stat &statbuff);
int CalcTime();
int CalcTime(XrdOssStage_Req *req);
int SetFattr(XrdOssCreateInfo &crInfo, int datfd, time_t mtime);
void doScrub();
int Find(XrdOssStage_Req *req, void *carg);
int getCname(const char *path, struct stat *sbuff, char *cgbuff);
int getStats(char *buff, int blen);
int GetFile(XrdOssStage_Req *req);
int getID(const char *, XrdOucEnv &, char *, int);
time_t HasFile(const char *fn, const char *sfx, time_t *mTime=0);
int Stage_QT(const char *, const char *, XrdOucEnv &, int, mode_t);
int Stage_RT(const char *, const char *, XrdOucEnv &, unsigned long long);
// Configuration related methods
void ConfigMio(XrdSysError &Eroute);
int ConfigN2N(XrdSysError &Eroute, XrdOucEnv *envP);
int ConfigProc(XrdSysError &Eroute);
void ConfigSpace(XrdSysError &Eroute);
void ConfigSpace(const char *Lfn);
void ConfigSpath(XrdSysError &Eroute, const char *Pn,
unsigned long long &Fv, int noMSS);
int ConfigStage(XrdSysError &Eroute);
int ConfigStageC(XrdSysError &Eroute);
int ConfigStatLib(XrdSysError &Eroute, XrdOucEnv *envP);
void ConfigStats(XrdSysError &Eroute);
void ConfigStats(dev_t Devnum, char *lP);
int ConfigXeq(char *, XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &);
void List_Path(const char *, const char *, unsigned long long, XrdSysError &);
int xalloc(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xcache(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xcachescan(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xdefault(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xfdlimit(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xmaxsz(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xmemf(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xnml(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xpath(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xprerd(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xspace(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute, int *isCD=0);
int xspace(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute,
const char *grp, bool isAsgn);
int xspaceBuild(char *grp, char *fn, int isxa, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xstg(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xstl(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xusage(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xtrace(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
int xxfr(XrdOucStream &Config, XrdSysError &Eroute);
// Mass storage related methods
int tranmode(char *);
int MSS_Xeq(XrdOucStream **xfd, int okerr,
const char *cmd, const char *arg1=0, const char *arg2=0);
// Other methods
int RenameLink(char *old_path, char *new_path);
int RenameLink2(int Llen, char *oLnk, char *old_path,
char *nLnk, char *new_path);
int RenameLink3(char *cPath, char *old_path, char *new_path);
/* A P I S p e c i f i c D e f i n e s */
// The Check_RO macro is valid only for XrdOssSys objects.
#define Check_RO(act, flags, path, opname) \
XRDEXP_REMOTE & (flags = PathOpts(path)); \
if (flags & XRDEXP_NOTRW) \
return OssEroute.Emsg(#act, -XRDOSS_E8005, opname, path)
#define Check_RW(act, path, opname) \
if (PathOpts(path) & XRDEXP_NOTRW) \
return OssEroute.Emsg(#act, -XRDOSS_E8005, opname, path)