// @(#)root/hist:$Id$ // Author: Christophe.Delaere@cern.ch 21/08/2002 #ifndef ROOT_TLimit #define ROOT_TLimit #include "TObject.h" #include "TVectorDfwd.h" class TConfidenceLevel; class TRandom; class TLimitDataSource; class TArrayD; class TOrdCollection; class TH1; class TLimit { protected: static bool Fluctuate(TLimitDataSource * input, TLimitDataSource * output, bool init,TRandom *, bool stat=false); static Double_t LogLikelihood(Double_t s, Double_t b, Double_t b2, Double_t d); public: TLimit() {} virtual ~TLimit() {} static TConfidenceLevel *ComputeLimit(TLimitDataSource * data, Int_t nmc =50000, bool stat = false, TRandom * generator = 0); static TConfidenceLevel *ComputeLimit(Double_t s, Double_t b, Int_t d, Int_t nmc =50000, bool stat = false, TRandom * generator = 0); static TConfidenceLevel *ComputeLimit(Double_t s, Double_t b, Int_t d, TVectorD* se, TVectorD* be, TObjArray*, Int_t nmc =50000, bool stat = false, TRandom * generator = 0); static TConfidenceLevel *ComputeLimit(TH1* s, TH1* b, TH1* d, Int_t nmc =50000, bool stat = false, TRandom * generator = 0); static TConfidenceLevel *ComputeLimit(TH1* s, TH1* b, TH1* d, TVectorD* se, TVectorD* be, TObjArray*, Int_t nmc =50000, bool stat = false, TRandom * generator = 0); private: static TArrayD *fgTable; // a log table... just to speed up calculation static TOrdCollection *fgSystNames; // Collection of systematics names ClassDef(TLimit, 2) // Class to compute 95% CL limits }; #endif