// @(#)root/netx:$Id$ // Author: Frank Winklmeier, Fabrizio Furano /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TXNetSystem #define ROOT_TXNetSystem ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TXNetSystem // // // // Authors: Frank Winklmeier, Fabrizio Furano // // INFN Padova, 2005 // // // // TXNetSystem is an extension of TNetSystem able to deal with new // // xrootd servers. The class detects the nature of the server and // // redirects the calls to TNetSystem in case of a rootd server. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TNetFile.h" #include "Rtypes.h" #include "TString.h" #include "THashList.h" class XrdClientAdmin; class TCollection; class TXNetSystemConnectGuard; typedef /*XrdClientVector<XrdOucString>*/ void* VecStringVP_t; class TXrdClientAdminWrapper : public TNamed { public: TXrdClientAdminWrapper(const char *key, XrdClientAdmin *ca) : TNamed(key,""), fXCA(ca) { } virtual ~TXrdClientAdminWrapper(); XrdClientAdmin *fXCA; }; class TXNetSystem : public TNetSystem { friend class TXNetSystemConnectGuard; private: Bool_t fIsRootd; // Nature of remote file server Bool_t fIsXRootd; // Nature of remote file server TString fDir; // Current directory void *fDirp; // Directory pointer VecStringVP_t fDirList; // Buffer for directory content TString fDirEntry; // Last dir entry TString fUrl; // Initial url static Bool_t fgInitDone; // Avoid initializing more than once static Bool_t fgRootdBC; // Control rootd backward compatibility XrdClientAdmin *Connect(const char *url); // Connect to server void *GetDirPtr() const { return fDirp; } void InitXrdClient(); static THashList fgAddrFQDN; // Cross-table address<->FQDN static THashList fgAdminHash; // List of existing XrdClientAdmin static XrdClientAdmin *GetClientAdmin(const char *url); static TString GetKey(const char *url); public: TXNetSystem(Bool_t owner = kTRUE); TXNetSystem(const char *url, Bool_t owner = kTRUE); virtual ~TXNetSystem() { } Bool_t AccessPathName(const char *path, EAccessMode mode); virtual Bool_t ConsistentWith(const char *path, void *dirptr); virtual void FreeDirectory(void *dirp); virtual const char *GetDirEntry(void *dirp); virtual Int_t GetPathInfo(const char* path, FileStat_t &buf); virtual Bool_t IsPathLocal(const char *path); virtual Int_t Locate(const char* path, TString &endurl); virtual Int_t MakeDirectory(const char* dir); virtual void *OpenDirectory(const char* dir); virtual int Unlink(const char *path); // TXNetSystem specific Bool_t GetPathsInfo(const char *paths, UChar_t *info); Bool_t IsOnline(const char *path); Bool_t Prepare(const char *path, UChar_t opt = 8, UChar_t prio = 0); Int_t Prepare(TCollection *paths, UChar_t opt = 8, UChar_t prio = 0, TString *buf = 0); ClassDef(TXNetSystem,0) // System management class for xrootd servers }; // // Simple guard class for connections // class TXNetSystemConnectGuard { private: XrdClientAdmin *fClientAdmin; // Handle to the client admin object public: TXNetSystemConnectGuard(TXNetSystem *xn, const char *url); ~TXNetSystemConnectGuard(); bool IsValid() const { return ((fClientAdmin) ? 1 : 0); } XrdClientAdmin *ClientAdmin() const { return fClientAdmin; } void NotifyLastError(); }; #endif