#ifndef __fitparameters__
#define __fitparameters__

 * KM3NeT Data Definitions v3.0.0
 * https://git.km3net.de/common/km3net-dataformat

 * fitparameters
static const int JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD               = 0;         //!< angular resolution [rad]                           from JGandalf.cc
static const int JGANDALF_BETA1_RAD               = 1;         //!< angular resolution [rad]                           from JGandalf.cc
static const int JGANDALF_CHI2                    = 2;         //!< chi2                                               from JGandalf.cc
static const int JGANDALF_NUMBER_OF_HITS          = 3;         //!< number of hits                                     from JGandalf.cc
static const int JENERGY_ENERGY                   = 4;         //!< uncorrected energy [GeV]                           from JEnergy.cc
static const int JENERGY_CHI2                     = 5;         //!< chi2                                               from JEnergy.cc
static const int JGANDALF_LAMBDA                  = 6;         //!< control parameter                                  from JGandalf.cc
static const int JGANDALF_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS    = 7;         //!< number of iterations                               from JGandalf.cc
static const int JSTART_NPE_MIP                   = 8;         //!< number of photo-electrons up to the barycentre     from JStart.cc
static const int JSTART_NPE_MIP_TOTAL             = 9;         //!< number of photo-electrons along the whole track    from JStart.cc
static const int JSTART_NPE_MIP_MISSED            = 22;        //!< number of photo-electrons missed    from JStart.cc
static const int JSTART_LENGTH_METRES             = 10;        //!< distance between first and last hits in metres     from JStart.cc
static const int JVETO_NPE                        = 11;        //!< number of photo-electrons                          from JVeto.cc
static const int JVETO_NUMBER_OF_HITS             = 12;        //!< number of hits                                     from JVeto.cc
static const int JENERGY_MUON_RANGE_METRES        = 13;        //!< range of a muon with the reconstructed energy [m]  from JEnergy.cc
static const int JENERGY_NOISE_LIKELIHOOD         = 14;        //!< log likelihood of every hit being K40              from JEnergy.cc
static const int JENERGY_NDF                      = 15;        //!< number of degrees of freedom                       from JEnergy.cc
static const int JENERGY_NUMBER_OF_HITS           = 16;        //!< number of hits                                     from JEnergy.cc
static const int JCOPY_Z_M                        = 17;        //!< true vertex position along track [m]               from JCopy.cc
static const int JPP_COVERAGE_ORIENTATION         = 18;        //!< coverage of dynamic orientation calibration        from any Jpp application
static const int JPP_COVERAGE_POSITION            = 19;        //!< coverage of dynamic position calibration           from any Jpp application
static const int JENERGY_MINIMAL_ENERGY           = 20;        //!< minimal energy [GeV]                           from JEnergy.cc
static const int JENERGY_MAXIMAL_ENERGY           = 21;        //!< maximal energy [GeV]                           from JEnergy.cc
static const int JSHOWERFIT_ENERGY                = 4;         //!< uncorrected energy [GeV]                           from JShowerFit.cc
static const int AASHOWERFIT_ENERGY               = 0;         //!< uncorrected energy [GeV]
static const int AASHOWERFIT_NUMBER_OF_HITS       = 1;         //!< number of hits used