#include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "JGeometry3D/JQuaternion3D.hh" #include "JMath/JConstants.hh" #include "JTools/JRange.hh" #include "JTools/JQuantile.hh" #include "JROOT/JManager.hh" #include "JROOT/JRootToolkit.hh" #include "JDetector/JDetector.hh" #include "JDetector/JDetectorToolkit.hh" #include "JDetector/JModuleRouter.hh" #include "JDetector/JDetectorCalibration.hh" #include "Jeep/JProperties.hh" #include "Jeep/JParser.hh" #include "Jeep/JMessage.hh" namespace { using namespace JPP; /** * Compare time calibration of PMTs between two optical modules. * * \param module_a module * \param module_b module * \return quantile */ inline JQuantile getQuantile(const JModule& module_a, const JModule& module_b) { JQuantile Q; JModule::const_iterator pmt_a = module_a.begin(); JModule::const_iterator pmt_b = module_b.begin(); for ( ; pmt_a != module_a.end() && pmt_b != module_b.end(); ++pmt_a, ++pmt_b) { Q.put(pmt_a->getT0() - pmt_b->getT0()); } return Q; } /** * Get ROOT histogram abscissa value. * * \param buffer buffer * \param value value * \return value */ inline Double_t getBin(const std::set& buffer, const int value) { return std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.find(value)); } } /** * \file * * Auxiliary program to find differences between two detector files.\n * A ROOT output file with histograms is optionally produced. * \author mjongen */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; struct { double tcal = 0.001; // [ns] double pcal = 0.001; // [m] double rcal = 0.001; // [rad] double acal = 0.001; // [ns] double ccal = 0.001; // [deg] int scal = 0xFFFFFFFF; // [status] } precision; string detectorFile_a; string detectorFile_b; string outputFile; int debug; try { JProperties properties; properties[TCAL] = precision.tcal; properties[PCAL] = precision.pcal; properties[RCAL] = precision.rcal; properties[ACAL] = precision.acal; properties[CCAL] = precision.ccal; properties[SCAL] = precision.scal; JParser<> zap("Auxiliary program to find differences between two detector files."); zap['a'] = make_field(detectorFile_a); zap['b'] = make_field(detectorFile_b); zap['o'] = make_field(outputFile) = ""; zap['p'] = make_field(properties) = JPARSER::initialised(); zap['d'] = make_field(debug) = 3; zap(argc, argv); } catch(const exception &error) { FATAL(error.what() << endl); } JDetector detector_a; JDetector detector_b; try { load(detectorFile_a, detector_a); } catch(const JException& error) { FATAL(error); } try { load(detectorFile_b, detector_b); } catch(const JException& error) { FATAL(error); } size_t numberOfPMTs = 0; bool is_equal = true; const JModuleRouter module_router_a(detector_a); const JModuleRouter module_router_b(detector_b); setFormat (JFormat_t(15, 9, std::ios::fixed | std::ios::showpos)); // compare detector identifiers if (detector_a.getID() != detector_b.getID()) { DEBUG("* Different detector identifiers " << setw(5) << detector_a.getID() << " (A) and " << endl << setw(5) << detector_b.getID() << " (B)." << endl << endl); is_equal = false; } // UTM positions if (getDistance(detector_a.getPosition(), detector_b.getPosition()) > precision.pcal) { DEBUG(" * different UTM position: " << detector_a.getPosition() << " (A), " << detector_b.getPosition() << " (B)" << ", B - A " << JPosition3D(detector_b.getPosition() - detector_a.getPosition()) << endl); is_equal = false; } for (JDetector::iterator module = detector_a.begin(); module != detector_a.end(); ++module) { if (module->size() > numberOfPMTs) { numberOfPMTs = module->size(); } } // check whether the same modules are present in the file for (JDetector::iterator module = detector_a.begin(); module != detector_a.end(); ++module) { if (!module_router_b.hasModule(module->getID())) { DEBUG("* Module " << setw(10) << module->getID() << " is in A " << getLabel(*module) << " but not in B" << endl); is_equal = false; } } for (JDetector::iterator module = detector_b.begin(); module != detector_b.end(); ++module) { if (!module_router_a.hasModule(module->getID())) { DEBUG("* Module " << setw(10) << module->getID() << " is in B " << getLabel(*module) << " but not in A" << endl); is_equal = false; } } DEBUG(endl); // compare the modules that the files have in common DEBUG("Comparing module by module." << endl); for (JDetector::iterator module_a = detector_a.begin(); module_a != detector_a.end(); ++module_a) { if (!module_router_b.hasModule(module_a->getID())) { continue; is_equal = false; } const JModule* module_b = &module_router_b.getModule(module_a->getID()); DEBUG(" Module " << setw(10) << module_a->getID()); // string and floor numbers if (module_a->getLocation() == module_b->getLocation()) { DEBUG(" " << getLabel(*module_a) << endl); } else { DEBUG(endl); DEBUG(" * different location: " << getLabel(*module_a) << " (A), " << getLabel(*module_b) << " (B)" << endl); is_equal = false; } // time offset if (fabs(module_a->getT0() - module_b->getT0()) > precision.acal) { DEBUG(" * different T0: " << module_a->getT0() << " (A), " << module_b->getT0() << " (B) " << ", B - A " << module_b->getT0() - module_a->getT0() << endl); is_equal = false; } // quaternion calibration if (module_a->getQuaternion() != JQuaternion3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) && module_b->getQuaternion() != JQuaternion3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) && getAngle(module_a->getQuaternion(), module_b->getQuaternion()) > precision.ccal) { DEBUG(" * different quaternion calibration: " << module_a->getQuaternion() << " (A), " << module_b->getQuaternion() << " (B) " << ", B - A " << getAngle(module_b->getQuaternion(), module_a->getQuaternion()) << endl); is_equal = false; } // average DOM positions if (getDistance(module_a->getPosition(), module_b->getPosition()) > precision.pcal) { DEBUG(" * different position: " << module_a->getPosition() << " (A), " << module_b->getPosition() << " (B)" << ", B - A " << JPosition3D(module_b->getPosition() - module_a->getPosition()) << endl); is_equal = false; } // number of PMTs if (module_a->size() != module_b->size()) { DEBUG(" * different number of PMTs: " << module_a->size() << " (A), " << module_b->size() << " (B)" << endl); is_equal = false; } // average t0 if (!module_a->empty() && !module_b->empty()) { const JQuantile q = getQuantile(*module_a, *module_b); if (fabs(q.getMean()) > precision.tcal) { DEBUG(" * different average t0: " << ", B - A " << q.getMean() << endl); is_equal = false; } } // status if (module_a->getStatus(precision.scal) != module_b->getStatus(precision.scal)) { DEBUG(" * different status module " << module_a->getID() << ": " << module_a->getStatus() << " (A), " << module_b->getStatus() << " (B)" << endl); is_equal = false; } // comparing by PMT // identifier for (unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt != module_a->size() && pmt != module_b->size(); ++pmt) { const JPMT& pmt_a = module_a->getPMT(pmt); const JPMT& pmt_b = module_b->getPMT(pmt); if (pmt_a.getID() != pmt_b.getID()) { DEBUG(" * different identifier PMT " << pmt << ": " << setw(8) << pmt_a.getID() << " (A" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << "), " << FILL() << setw(8) << pmt_b.getID() << " (B" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << ")" << FILL() << ", B - A " << pmt_b.getID() - pmt_a.getID() << endl); is_equal = false; } } // t0 for (unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt != module_a->size() && pmt != module_b->size(); ++pmt) { const JPMT& pmt_a = module_a->getPMT(pmt); const JPMT& pmt_b = module_b->getPMT(pmt); if (fabs(pmt_a.getT0() - pmt_b.getT0()) > precision.tcal) { DEBUG(" * different T0 PMT " << pmt << ": " << pmt_a.getT0() << " (A" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << "), " << FILL() << pmt_b.getT0() << " (B" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << ")" << FILL() << ", B - A " << pmt_b.getT0() - pmt_a.getT0() << endl); is_equal = false; } } // positions for (unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt != module_a->size() && pmt != module_b->size(); ++pmt) { const JPMT& pmt_a = module_a->getPMT(pmt); const JPMT& pmt_b = module_b->getPMT(pmt); // PMT positions if (pmt_a.getPosition().getDistance(pmt_b.getPosition()) > precision.pcal) { DEBUG(" * different PMT position: " << pmt_a.getPosition() << " (A" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << "), " << FILL() << pmt_b.getPosition() << " (B" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << ")" << FILL() << ", B - A " << JPosition3D(pmt_b.getPosition() - pmt_a.getPosition()) << endl); is_equal = false; } } // orientations for (unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt != module_a->size() && pmt != module_b->size(); ++pmt) { const JPMT& pmt_a = module_a->getPMT(pmt); const JPMT& pmt_b = module_b->getPMT(pmt); // PMT positions const double dot = pmt_a.getDirection().getDot(pmt_b.getDirection()); if ((1.0 - dot) > precision.rcal) { DEBUG(" * different PMT direction: " << pmt_a.getDirection() << " (A" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << "), " << FILL() << pmt_b.getDirection() << " (B" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << ")" << FILL() << ", B - A " << JPosition3D(JPosition3D(pmt_b.getDirection()) - JPosition3D(pmt_a.getDirection())) << ' ' << dot << endl); is_equal = false; } } // status for (unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt != module_a->size() && pmt != module_b->size(); ++pmt) { const JPMT& pmt_a = module_a->getPMT(pmt); const JPMT& pmt_b = module_b->getPMT(pmt); if (pmt_a.getStatus(precision.scal) != pmt_b.getStatus(precision.scal)) { DEBUG(" * different status PMT " << pmt << ": " << pmt_a.getStatus() << " (A" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << "), " << FILL() << pmt_b.getStatus() << " (B" << FILL(2,'0') << pmt << ")" << FILL() << endl); is_equal = false; } } } DEBUG(endl); if (outputFile != "") { set string; set floor; for (JDetector::iterator module = detector_a.begin(); module != detector_a.end(); ++module) { string.insert(module->getString()); floor .insert(module->getFloor ()); } for (JDetector::iterator module = detector_b.begin(); module != detector_b.end(); ++module) { string.insert(module->getString()); floor .insert(module->getFloor ()); } JManager H1(new TH1D("M[%]", NULL, numberOfPMTs, -0.5, numberOfPMTs - 0.5)); TH2D M2("M2", NULL, string.size(), -0.5, string.size() - 0.5, floor .size(), -0.5, floor .size() - 0.5); for (set::const_iterator i = string.begin(); i != string.end(); ++i) { M2.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(distance(string.begin(), i) + 1, MAKE_CSTRING(*i)); } for (set::const_iterator i = floor.begin(); i != floor.end(); ++i) { M2.GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(distance(floor.begin(), i) + 1, MAKE_CSTRING(*i)); } TH2D* X2 = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("X2" ); TH2D* Y2 = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("Y2" ); TH2D* Z2 = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("Z2" ); TH2D* T2 = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("T2" ); TH2D* RMS = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("RMS"); TH2D* R2 = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("R2" ); TH2D* QA = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("QA" ); TH2D* QB = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("QB" ); TH2D* QC = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("QC" ); TH2D* QD = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("QD" ); TH2D* Q2 = (TH2D*) M2.Clone("Q2" ); for (JDetector::iterator module = detector_a.begin(); module != detector_a.end(); ++module) { if (!module_router_b.hasModule(module->getID()) ) { M2.Fill(module->getString(), module->getFloor(), -1.0); } } for (JDetector::iterator module = detector_b.begin(); module != detector_b.end(); ++module) { if (!module_router_a.hasModule(module->getID()) ) { M2.Fill(module->getString(), module->getFloor(), +1.0); } } for (JDetector::iterator module_a = detector_a.begin(); module_a != detector_a.end(); ++module_a) { if (!module_router_b.hasModule(module_a->getID())) { continue; } const JModule* module_b = &module_router_b.getModule(module_a->getID()); for (size_t i = 0; i != numberOfPMTs; ++i) { if (module_a->getFloor() != 0) { H1[module_a->getID()]->SetBinContent(i + 1, module_a->getPMT(i).getT0() - module_b->getPMT(i).getT0()); } } X2 ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), module_a->getX() - module_b->getX() + numeric_limits::min()); Y2 ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), module_a->getY() - module_b->getY() + numeric_limits::min()); Z2 ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), module_a->getZ() - module_b->getZ() + numeric_limits::min()); if (module_a->getFloor() != 0 && module_b->getFloor() != 0) { const JQuaternion3D Q = getRotation(*module_a, *module_b); const JQuantile q = getQuantile(*module_a, *module_b); const JQuaternion3D::decomposition q1(Q, JVector3Z_t); const double phi = (JVector3Z_t.getDot(q1.twist) >= 0.0 ? +1.0 : -1.0) * q1.twist.getAngle(); R2 ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), phi); QA ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), Q.getA()); QB ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), Q.getB()); QC ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), Q.getC()); QD ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), Q.getD()); Q2 ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), Q.getAngle()); T2 ->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), q.getMean()); RMS->Fill(getBin(string, module_a->getString()), getBin(floor, module_a->getFloor()), q.getSTDev()); } } TFile out(outputFile.c_str(), "recreate"); for (TH2D* h2 : { &M2, X2, Y2, Z2, T2, RMS, R2, QA, QB, QC, QD, Q2 }) { out << *h2; } out << H1; out.Write(); out.Close(); } ASSERT(is_equal); return 0; }