#ifndef __JFIT__JFITTOOLKIT__ #define __JFIT__JFITTOOLKIT__ #include #include "JPhysics/JK40Rates.hh" #include "JMath/JMath.hh" #include "JMath/JMathSupportkit.hh" #include "JFit/JVectorNZ.hh" #include "JFit/JMatrixNZ.hh" /** * \file * * Auxiliary methods to evaluate Poisson probabilities and chi2. * \author mdejong */ /** * Auxiliary classes and methods for linear and iterative data regression. */ namespace JFIT {} namespace JPP { using namespace JFIT; } namespace JFIT { using JPHYSICS::JK40Rates; /** * Get Poisson probability to observe a hit or not * for given expectation value for the number of hits. * * \param expval expectation value * \param hit hit * \return probability */ inline double getP(const double expval, bool hit) { if (hit) return -expm1(-expval); // 1 - P(0) else return exp(-expval); // P(0) } /** * Get chi2 corresponding to given probability. * * \param P probability * \return chi2 */ inline double getChi2(const double P) { return -log(P); } /** * Get chi2 to observe a hit or not for given expectation value for the number of hits. * * \param expval expectation value * \param hit hit * \return probability */ inline double getChi2(const double expval, bool hit) { if (hit) return -log1p(-exp(-expval)); else return expval; } /** * Determine chi2 of a hit for a given model and time resolution. * * The template argument JModel_t refers to a data structure * which should provide for the following method: *
   *   double %getT(const JHit_t& hit) const;    // get expected time of hit
* * \param model model * \param hit hit * \param sigma sigma * \return chi2 */ template inline double getChi2(const JModel_t& model, const JHit_t& hit, const double sigma) { const double ds = (hit.getT() - model.getT(hit)) / sigma; return ds * ds; } /** * Determine chi2 of data for given model and time resolution. * * The template argument JModel_t refers to a data structure * which should provide for the following method: *
   *   double %getT(const value_type& hit) const;    // expected time of hit
* where value_type corresponds to the value type if the input data. * * \param model model * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data * \param sigma time resolution [ns] * \return chi2 */ template inline double getChi2(const JModel_t& model, T __begin, T __end, const double sigma) { double chi2 = 0.0; for (T hit = __begin; hit != __end; ++hit) { chi2 += getChi2(model, *hit, sigma); } return chi2; } /** * Determine chi2 using full covariance matrix. * * \param Y residuals * \param V covariance matrix * \return chi2 */ inline double getChi2(const JVectorNZ& Y, const JMatrixNZ& V) { return V.getDot(Y); } /** * Determine chi2 of data for given track using full covariance matrix. * * \param track track * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data * \param V covariance matrix * \return chi2 */ template inline double getChi2(const JLine1Z& track, T __begin, T __end, const JMatrixNZ& V) { const JVectorNZ Y(track, __begin, __end); return getChi2(Y, V); } /** * Determine chi2 of data for given track and angular and time resolution. * * \param track track * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data * \param alpha angular resolution [deg] * \param sigma time resolution [ns] * \return chi2 */ template inline double getChi2(const JLine1Z& track, T __begin, T __end, const double alpha, const double sigma) { JMatrixNZ V(track, __begin, __end, alpha, sigma); V.invert(); return getChi2(track, __begin, __end, V); } /** * Determine difference between chi2 with and without hit using full covariance matrix. * * \param Y residuals * \param V covariance matrix * \param i index of excluded hit * \return chi2 */ inline double getChi2(const JVectorNZ& Y, const JMatrixNZ& V, const int i) { double chi2 = 0.0; for (size_t j = 0; j != V.size(); ++j) { chi2 += V(i,j) * Y[j]; } return chi2*chi2 / V(i,i); } /** * Get chi2 of data for given model and fit function. * * The template argument JFit_t refers to a data structure * which should provide for the function object operator: *
   *   double operator()(const JModel_t& model, const value_type&) const;    // chi2
* where * JModel_t refers to the given model and * value_type to the value type if the input data. * The return value should correspond to the chi2 of the hit. * * \param model model * \param fit fit function * \param __begin begin of data * \param __end end of data */ template inline double getChi2(const JModel_t& model, const JFit_t& fit, T __begin, T __end) { double chi2 = 0.0; for (T hit = __begin; hit != __end; ++hit) { chi2 += fit(model, *hit); } return chi2; } /** * Get probability due to random background. * * \param N number of active PMTs * \param M multiplicity of hits * \param R_Hz rates [Hz] * \param T_ns time window [ns] * \return probability */ inline double getProbability(const size_t N, const size_t M, const JK40Rates& R_Hz, const double T_ns) { using namespace JPP; if (N == 0) { return (M == 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0); } const double T = T_ns * 1.0e-9; const double p = -expm1(-R_Hz.getSinglesRate() * N * T); // 1 - P(0) due to singles rate double P = 0.0; for (multiplicity_type i = R_Hz.getLowerL1Multiplicity(); i <= R_Hz.getUpperL1Multiplicity(); ++i) { P -= expm1(-R_Hz.getMultiplesRate(i) * T); // 1 - P(0) due to multiples rates } P *= (1.0 + p); // 1 - P(0) due to multiples rates M-1 combined with singles rate return (poisson(M, R_Hz.getSinglesRate() * N * T) - // P(M) due to singles rate expm1(-R_Hz.getMultiplesRate(M) * T) - // P(M) due to multiples rate expm1(-R_Hz.getMultiplesRate(M-1) * T) * p) / (1.0 + P); // P(M-1) * P(1) due to multiples rate combined with singles rate } } #endif