#ifndef __JLANG__JALLOCATOR__ #define __JLANG__JALLOCATOR__ #include #include #include "JLang/JException.hh" /** * \file * Auxiliary class to speed up new/delete operations of any class. * \author mdejong */ namespace JLANG {} namespace JPP { using namespace JLANG; } namespace JLANG { /** * Low-level memory management. * * Source code is taken from reference: * A. Alexandrescu, Modern C++ Design, Addison Wesley. */ struct JAllocatorBuffer { typedef unsigned short JBlock_t; /** * Constructor. * * \param block_size number of bytes * \param number_of_blocks number of blocks */ JAllocatorBuffer(const std::size_t block_size, const JBlock_t number_of_blocks) { buffer = new unsigned char[block_size * number_of_blocks]; if (buffer == NULL) { throw JException("JAllocatorBuffer::init(): not enough space in memory."); } // initialise memory as linked list unsigned char* p = buffer; for (JBlock_t i = 0; i != number_of_blocks; p += block_size) { ((JBlock_t&) *p) = ++i; } firstAvailableBlock = 0; numberOfFreeBlocks = number_of_blocks; } /** * Allocate memory. * * \param block_size number of bytes * \return pointer to available memory */ inline void* allocate(const std::size_t block_size) { unsigned char* p = buffer + firstAvailableBlock * block_size; firstAvailableBlock = ((JBlock_t&) *p); --numberOfFreeBlocks; return p; } /** * Deallocate memory. * * \param p pointer to memory to be freed * \param block_size number of bytes */ void free(void* p, const std::size_t block_size) { unsigned char* q = static_cast(p); if (p < buffer || (q - buffer) % block_size != 0) { throw JException("JAllocatorBuffer::free(): inconsistent pointer."); } ((JBlock_t&) *q) = firstAvailableBlock; firstAvailableBlock = static_cast((q - buffer) / block_size); if (firstAvailableBlock != (q - buffer) / block_size) { throw JException("JAllocatorBuffer::free(): failed truncation check."); } ++numberOfFreeBlocks; } unsigned char* buffer; JBlock_t firstAvailableBlock; JBlock_t numberOfFreeBlocks; }; /** * Memory management for small objects. * This object allocator consitutes a comprimise between speed and memory overhead. * * Source code is taken from reference: * A. Alexandrescu, Modern C++ Design, Addison Wesley. */ class JAllocator : public std::vector { private: typedef JAllocatorBuffer::JBlock_t JBlock_t; std::size_t BLOCK_SIZE; JBlock_t numberOfBlocks; JAllocatorBuffer* pAlloc; JAllocatorBuffer* pDealloc; public: /** * Constructor. * * \param block_size number of bytes * \param number_of_blocks number of blocks */ JAllocator(const std::size_t block_size, const JBlock_t number_of_blocks = std::numeric_limits::max()) : std::vector(), BLOCK_SIZE (block_size), numberOfBlocks(number_of_blocks), pAlloc (NULL), pDealloc(NULL) {} /** * Get total used RAM. * * \return number of bytes */ long long int getTotalRAM() { return this->size() * BLOCK_SIZE * numberOfBlocks; } /** * Get total free RAM. * * \return number of bytes */ long long int getFreeRAM() { long long int n = 0; for (const_iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { n += i->numberOfFreeBlocks; } return n * BLOCK_SIZE; } /** * Allocate memory. * * \return pointer to avaible memory */ void* allocate() { if (pAlloc == NULL || pAlloc->numberOfFreeBlocks == 0) { for (iterator i = this->begin(); ; ++i) { if (i == this->end()) { this->push_back(JAllocatorBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE, numberOfBlocks)); pAlloc = &this->back(); pDealloc = pAlloc; break; } if (i->numberOfFreeBlocks != 0) { pAlloc = &(*i); break; } } if (pAlloc == NULL) { throw JException("JAllocator::allocate() no buffer available."); } if (pAlloc->numberOfFreeBlocks == 0) { throw JException("JAllocator::allocate() no buffer available."); } } return pAlloc->allocate(BLOCK_SIZE); } /** * Deallocate memory. * * \param p pointer to memory to be freed */ void free(void* p) { if (this->size() != 1) { if (p < pDealloc->buffer || p >= pDealloc->buffer + numberOfBlocks * BLOCK_SIZE) { for (std::vector::iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { if (p >= i->buffer && p < i->buffer + numberOfBlocks * BLOCK_SIZE) { pDealloc = &(*i); break; } } } } pDealloc->free(p, BLOCK_SIZE); if (this->size() != 1 && pDealloc->numberOfFreeBlocks == numberOfBlocks) { std::vector::reverse_iterator i = this->rbegin(); for ( ; &(*i) != pDealloc && i->numberOfFreeBlocks == numberOfBlocks; ++i) {} if (&(*i) != pDealloc) { std::swap(*pDealloc, *i); if (i != this->rend()) { delete [] this->rbegin()->buffer; this->pop_back(); } } } pAlloc = pDealloc; } }; } #endif