#ifndef H_MARKOV_PHOTON_TRACKER #define H_MARKOV_PHOTON_TRACKER /** * \author mjongen */ // c++ standard library includes #include #include #include #include // root includes #include "TObject.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TRandom3.h" // JPP includes #include "JMarkov/JScatteringModel.hh" namespace JMARKOV {} namespace JPP { using namespace JMARKOV; } namespace JMARKOV { /** The JMarkovPhotonTracker generates ensembles of photon paths by tracking photons from a source to a target. The target is modelled as a sphere with finite radius r. Random numbers are drawn from gRandom. **/ class JMarkovPhotonTracker { public: /// standard constructor JMarkovPhotonTracker() {} /** Track n photons. The tracks of all photons that hit the target are returned. **/ std::vector trackPhotons( unsigned long int n, JSourceModel* src, JScatteringModel* sm, JTargetModel* trg, double lambda_abs ) ; } ; std::vector JMarkovPhotonTracker::trackPhotons( unsigned long int n, JSourceModel* src, JScatteringModel* sm, JTargetModel* trg, double lambda_abs ) { const double lambda_scat = sm->getScatteringLength() ; std::vector ensemble ; for( unsigned long int i=0 ; iExp(lambda_abs) ; // initial direction JVersor3D dir = src->generateDirection() ; // current length of the photon path double L = 0 ; // how often the photon has scattered so far int nscat = 0 ; // initialize path JPhotonPath p(0) ; p[0] = src->getPosition() ; p[1] = src->getPosition() ; // temporary placeholder while( true ) { // distance until next scattering (or absorption) double stepsize = gRandom->Exp( lambda_scat ) ; // whether this is going to be the last step bool isAbsorbed = false ; if( stepsize > Lmax-L ) { stepsize = Lmax-L ; isAbsorbed = true ; } // set new vertex position p[1+nscat] = p[nscat] + stepsize * JPosition3D(dir) ; // check whether the photon hits the target JPhotonPath lastvertex(0) ; lastvertex[0] = p[p.size()-2] ; lastvertex[1] = p[p.size()-1] ; if( lastvertex.hitsSphere(trg->getPosition(),trg->getRadius()) ) { const JPosition3D hit_position = lastvertex.getSphereHitPosition( trg->getPosition(), trg->getRadius() ) ; // correct the position of the final vertex p[p.size()-1] = hit_position ; // weigh the photon path with the target efficiency p.weight = trg->getEfficiency( p[p.size()-1]-p[p.size()-2] ) ; // add to the ensemble ensemble.push_back(p) ; break ; } if( isAbsorbed ) break ; L += lastvertex.getLength() ; // scatter ++nscat ; JRotation3D rot(dir) ; dir = sm->generateDirection() ; dir = dir.rotate_back(rot) ; p.addVertex() ; } } return ensemble ; } } #endif