#ifndef __JNET__JCONTROLHOST__ #define __JNET__JCONTROLHOST__ #include #include #include #include #include "JNet/JPrefix.hh" #include "JNet/JSocket.hh" #include "JNet/JSocketBlocking.hh" #include "JNet/JHostname.hh" #include "JLang/JException.hh" #include "JLang/JThrow.hh" #include "JLang/JTimeval.hh" #include "JMath/JMath.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JNET {} namespace JPP { using namespace JNET; } namespace JNET { using JMATH::JMath; using JLANG::JControlHostException; using JLANG::JThrow; using JLANG::JTimeval; static const std::string CHOO_VERSION = "1.0"; /** * ControlHost subscription types. */ enum JSubscription_t { SUBSCRIBE_ALL = 'a', SUBSCRIBE_ANY = 'w' //SUBSCRIBE_SHARED_MEMORY = 'm' }; /** * ControlHost subscription. */ class JSubscription : public JTag { public: /** * Constructor. * * \param sub subscription * \param tag tag */ JSubscription(const JSubscription_t sub, const JTag& tag) : JTag (tag), subscription(sub) {} /** * Get subscription type. * * \return subscription */ JSubscription_t getSubscription() const { return subscription; } /** * Convert subscription to string. * * \return subscription */ std::string toString() const { return std::string(1, (char) subscription) + " " + JTag::toString(); } protected: JSubscription_t subscription; }; /** * Auxiliary class for all subscription. */ struct JSubscriptionAll : public JSubscription { /** * Constructor. * * \param tag tag */ JSubscriptionAll(const JTag& tag) : JSubscription(SUBSCRIBE_ALL, tag) {} }; /** * Auxiliary class for any subscription. */ struct JSubscriptionAny : public JSubscription { /** * Constructor. * * \param tag tag */ JSubscriptionAny(const JTag& tag) : JSubscription(SUBSCRIBE_ANY, tag) {} }; /** * Subscription list. */ class JSubscriptionList : protected std::set , public JMath { public: typedef std::set::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef std::set::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; /** * Default constructor. */ JSubscriptionList() {} /** * Copy constructor. * * \param subscription subscription */ JSubscriptionList(const JSubscription& subscription) { add(subscription); } /** * Smart pointer. * * \return pointer to set */ const std::set* operator->() const { return static_cast*>(this); } /** * Add subscription. * * \param subscription subscription */ JSubscriptionList& add(const JSubscription& subscription) { const_iterator p = this->find(subscription); if (p != this->end() && p->getID() == subscription.getID()) { if (p-> getSubscription() == SUBSCRIBE_ALL || subscription.getSubscription() == SUBSCRIBE_ANY) return *this; // maintain higher subscription level else this->erase(p); // remove lower subscription level } this->insert(subscription); return *this; } /** * Add subscription. * * \param subscription subscription * \return this subscription */ JSubscriptionList& add(const JSubscriptionList& subscription) { for (JSubscriptionList::const_iterator i = subscription.begin(); i != subscription.end(); ++i) { this->add(*i); } return *this; } /** * Convert subscription list to string. * * \return subscription */ std::string toString() const { std::string buffer; for (const_iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) buffer += ' ' + i->toString(); return buffer; } }; /** * Add operator. * * \param first subscription * \param second subscription * \return subscription list */ inline JSubscriptionList operator+(const JSubscription& first, const JSubscription& second) { JSubscriptionList buffer; buffer.add(first); buffer.add(second); return buffer; } /** * ControlHost class. */ class JControlHost : public JSocketBlocking, public JThrow { protected: /** * Default constructor. */ JControlHost() : JSocketBlocking(JSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)) { configure(); } public: /** * Check special ControlHost tags. * * \param tag tag * \return true if possibly special tag; else false */ static bool maybe_special(const JTag& tag) { return tag[0] == '_'; } /** * Check validity of subscription specifier. * * \param c subscription specifier * \return true if valid; else false */ static bool is_valid(const char c) { return (c == SUBSCRIBE_ALL || c == SUBSCRIBE_ANY);// || //c == SUBSCRIBE_SHARED_MEMORY); } /** * Constructor. * * \param server host name and optional port number */ JControlHost(const JHostname& server) : JSocketBlocking(JSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)) { if (server.hostname != "") connect(server.hostname, server.port); else connect(server.port); configure(); } /** * Constructor. * * \param server host name * \param port port */ JControlHost(const std::string& server, const int port) : JSocketBlocking(JSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)) { connect(server, port); configure(); } /** * Constructor. * * \param ip_number IP number * \param port port */ JControlHost(const int ip_number, const int port = DISPATCH_PORT) : JSocketBlocking(JSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)) { connect(ip_number, port); configure(); } /** * Constructor. * * \param socket socket */ JControlHost(const JSocket& socket) : JSocketBlocking(JSocket(socket)) {} /** * Destructor. */ ~JControlHost() { shutdown(); } /** * Subscribe to single tag. * * \param subscription subscription * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int Subscribe(const JSubscription& subscription) { return PutFullString(DISPTAG_Subscribe, subscription.toString()); } /** * Subscribe to list of tags. * * \param subscription subscription * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int Subscribe(const JSubscriptionList& subscription) { return PutFullString(DISPTAG_Subscribe, subscription.toString()); } /** * Identify. * * \param nick_name nick name * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int MyId(const std::string& nick_name) { return PutFullString(DISPTAG_MyId, nick_name); } /** * Tell server to send next message. * * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int SendMeNext() { return PutFullData(DISPTAG_Gime, NULL, 0); } /** * Tell server to send messages forever. * * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int SendMeAlways() { return PutFullData(DISPTAG_Always, NULL, 0); } /** * Send data. * * \param tag tag * \param buffer data * \param length number of bytes * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error; -2 if other error */ int PutFullData(const JTag& tag, const void* buffer, const long long int length) { try { JPrefix __prefix__(tag, length); write((char*) &__prefix__, sizeof(JPrefix)); if (length != 0) { write((char*) buffer, (int) length); } return 0; } catch (const JSocketException& error) { return Throw(error, -1); } } /** * Send data. * * \param tag tag * \param buffer data * \param length number of bytes * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error; -2 if other error */ int PutFullData(const std::string& tag, const void* buffer, const long long int length) { try { return PutFullData(JTag(tag), buffer, length); } catch (const JSocketException& error) { return Throw(error, -1); } catch (const JControlHostException& error) { return Throw(error, -2); } } /** * Send string. * * \param tag tag * \param buffer data * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error; -2 if other error */ int PutFullString(const JTag& tag, const std::string& buffer) { return PutFullData(tag, buffer.c_str(), buffer.size()); } /** * Send string. * * \param tag tag * \param buffer data * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error; -2 if other error */ int PutFullString(const std::string& tag, const std::string& buffer) { return PutFullData(tag, buffer.c_str(), buffer.size()); } /** * Send version. * * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error; -2 if other error */ int Connected() { return PutFullString(DISPTAG_Version, CHOO_VERSION); } /** * Wait for header. * * \param prefix prefix * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int WaitHead(JPrefix& prefix) { try { read((char*) &this->prefix, sizeof(JPrefix)); prefix = this->prefix; return 0; } catch (const JSocketException& error) { return Throw(error, -1); } } /** * Wait for header. * * \param tag tag * \param length number of bytes * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int WaitHead(std::string& tag, long long int& length) { const int rvalue = WaitHead(this->prefix); if (rvalue == 0) { tag = this->prefix.getTag(); length = this->prefix.getSize(); } return rvalue; } /** * Check for header, without waiting. * * \param prefix prefix * \param timeout timeout * \return 1 if header; 0 if no header; -1 if socket error */ int CheckHead(JPrefix& prefix, JTimeval timeout = JTimeval::min()) { try { if (in_avail(timeout)) { WaitHead(prefix); return 1; } else { return 0; } } catch (const JSocketException& error) { return Throw(error, -1); } } /** * Check for header, without waiting. * * \param tag tag * \param length number of bytes * \param timeout_us timeout [us] * \return 1 if header; 0 if no header; -1 if socket error */ int CheckHead(std::string& tag, long long int& length, const int timeout_us = 0) { const int rvalue = CheckHead(this->prefix, timeout_us); if (rvalue == 1) { tag = this->prefix.getTag(); length = this->prefix.getSize(); } return rvalue; } /** * Receive data. * * \param buffer data * \param length number of bytes * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int GetFullData(void* buffer, long long int length) { try { read((char*) buffer, (int) length); return 0; } catch (const JSocketException& error) { return Throw(error, -1); } } /** * Receive string. * * \param buffer data * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int GetFullString(std::string& buffer) { buffer.resize(this->prefix.getSize()); return GetFullData((char*) buffer.data(), buffer.size()); } /** * Locate ControlHost client(s). * * \param host_name host name * \param nick_name nick name * \param answer list of host names * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ static int WhereIs(const std::string& host_name, const std::string& nick_name, std::string& answer) { try { using namespace std; JControlHost socket(host_name); socket.PutFullString(DISPTAG_WhereIs, nick_name); string tag; long long int length; socket.WaitHead(tag, length); socket.GetFullString(answer); return 0; } catch (const JSocketException& error) { return Throw(error, -1); } } /** * Configure socket (factory reset). * * \return 0 if OK; -1 if socket error */ int configure() { try { setTcpNoDelay (true); setReuseAddress(true); setKeepAlive (true); setSendBufferSize (128*1024); setReceiveBufferSize(128*1024); setNonBlocking (false); return 0; } catch (const JSocketException& error) { return Throw(error, -1); } } private: mutable JPrefix prefix; JControlHost(const JControlHost&); JControlHost(JControlHost&&); JControlHost& operator=(const JControlHost&); JControlHost& operator=(JControlHost&&); }; /** * Match name. */ typedef JControlHost ControlHost; } #endif