#ifndef __JRUNANALYZER__ #define __JRUNANALYZER__ #include "JSupport/JSupport.hh" #include "JSupport/JSupportToolkit.hh" #include "JSupport/JMultipleFileScanner.hh" #include "JDetector/JModuleRouter.hh" #include "JDetector/JDetectorToolkit.hh" #include "JROOT/JManager.hh" #include "JTools/JQuantile.hh" #include "JTools/JRange.hh" #include "JSupport/JTreeScanner.hh" #include "JSupport/JParallelFileScanner.hh" #include "JSupport/JTriggerParametersSupportkit.hh" #include "JMath/JConstants.hh" #include "JTrigger/JHitL0.hh" #include "JTrigger/JBuildL0.hh" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "JRunHistograms.hh" /** * \author rgruiz, adomi */ using JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner; /** * Class dedicated to the analysis of %KM3NeT runs. * */ class JRunAnalyzer { JSingleFileScanner<> inputFile; JModuleRouter router; TFile *outputFile; JRA_Histograms histograms; int highest_floor; JLimit_t numberOfTimeslices; JLimit_t numberOfSummaryslices; JLimit_t numberOfEvents; int analysis_level; public : /** * Constructor. * * \param file file name * \param detector detector * \param out pointer to output file * \param nTimeslices number of timeslices to be read * \param nSummaryslices number of summary slices to be read * \param nEvents number of events to be read * \param analysislevel option for analysis of PMT or reco data */ JRunAnalyzer (const JSingleFileScanner<>& file, const JDetector& detector, TFile *out, JLimit_t nTimeslices, JLimit_t nSummaryslices, JLimit_t nEvents, int analysislevel): inputFile (file), router (detector), outputFile (out), numberOfTimeslices (nTimeslices), numberOfSummaryslices (nSummaryslices), numberOfEvents (nEvents), analysis_level (analysislevel) { using namespace JPP; using namespace std; histograms = JRA_Histograms(detector); highest_floor = getRangeOfFloors(detector).getUpperLimit(); } /** * Destructor. */ ~JRunAnalyzer(){} /* * Function template used to read events from a tree. * * \param scanner A JTreeScanner * \param */ void iterateEventTree (JTreeScanner < JDAQEvent > & scanner) { while (scanner.hasNext()) { JDAQEvent event = *(scanner.next()); histograms.h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits -> Fill((Double_t) event.size ()); histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits -> Fill((Double_t) event.size ()); histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits -> Fill((Double_t) event.size () / event.size ()); histograms.h_trigger.h_Number_of_overlays -> Fill(event.getOverlays()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i != NUMBER_OF_TRIGGER_BITS; ++i) { if (event.hasTriggerBit(i)) { histograms.h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_event -> Fill((Double_t) i); } } int counter_3dmuon = 0; typedef JRange JRange_t; JRange_t range(JRange_t::DEFAULT_RANGE); for (JDAQEvent::const_iterator hit = event.begin(); hit != event.end(); ++hit) { const JModule& module = router.getModule(hit->getModuleID()); const double t1 = getTime(hit->getT(), module.getPMT(hit->getPMT())); range.include(t1); JDAQTriggerMask trigger_mask(event.getTriggerMask(*hit)); if(trigger_mask.hasTriggerBit(getTriggerBit())) counter_3dmuon++; if (router.hasModule(hit->getModuleID())) { const JModule& module = router.getModule (hit->getModuleID()); histograms.h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits->Fill(hit->getPMT()); histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits->Fill(hit->getToT()); int String = module.getString(); int Floor = module.getFloor(); histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_per_module -> Fill(String , Floor); if(trigger_mask.hasTriggerBit(getTriggerBit())){ histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module -> Fill(String , Floor); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i != NUMBER_OF_TRIGGER_BITS; ++i) { if (hit -> hasTriggerBit(i)) { histograms.h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_hit->Fill((Double_t) i); } } }else{ FATAL("JModuleRouter trying to access non existing identifier: "<< hit->getModuleID()); } } histograms.h_trigger.h_event_duration->Fill(range.getLength()); histograms.h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits->Scale(1. / (Double_t) event.size ()); if(counter_3dmuon != 0) histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon->Fill(counter_3dmuon); for (JDAQEvent::const_iterator hit = event.begin() ; hit != event.end() ; ++hit){ if (router.hasModule(hit->getModuleID())) { const JModule& module = router.getModule (hit->getModuleID()); int String = module.getString(); int Floor = module.getFloor(); int pmt = hit-> getPMT(); if(analysis_level == 1){ (*histograms.h_trigger.m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt)[MAKE_STRING("Detector/DU" + to_string(String))] -> Fill(pmt, Floor); } histograms.h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Fill(hit->getPMT()); histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Fill(hit->getToT()); histograms.h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits_per_module -> Fill(String, Floor); }else{ FATAL("JModuleRouter trying to access non existing identifier: "<< hit->getModuleID()); } } } } /* * Function template used to read reconstructed events from a tree. * * \param scanner A ParallelFileScanner for JDAQEvent and JEvt * \param */ void iterateRecoEventTree (JParallelFileScanner< JTypeList > & scanner, TFile & f) { TH1D* h_tres = new TH1D("h_tres", ";Time residuals [ns]; Entries", 100, -50, 150); TH1D* h_likelihood = new TH1D ("h_likelihood", " ; Likelihood; Reconstructed Events ", 100, -1000, 1000); TH1D* h_beta0 = new TH1D("h_beta0", "; beta0; Reconstructed Events", 20, 0, 1); TH1D* h_energy = new TH1D ("h_energy", " ; Energy [GeV]; Reconstructed Events ", 65, 0, 9); setLogarithmicX(h_energy); TH1D* h_zenith = new TH1D("h_zenith", "; cosZenith; Reconstructed Events", 20, -1, 1); TH1D* h_azimuth = new TH1D("h_azimuth", "; cosAzimuth; Reconstructed Events", 20, -1, 1); TH1D* h_radial_position = new TH1D ("h_radial_position", "; Radial Position [m]; Reconstructed Events", 60, 0, 4.2); setLogarithmicX(h_radial_position); TH1D* h_z_position = new TH1D ("h_z_position", "; Z Position [m] ; Reconstructed Events", 50, 0, 3.2); setLogarithmicX(h_z_position); while (scanner.hasNext()) { JParallelFileScanner< JTypeList >::multi_pointer_type ps = scanner.next(); JEvt* evt = ps; JDAQEvent* event = ps; if (!evt->empty()) { JEvt::iterator best = evt->begin(); h_energy -> Fill(best->getE()); h_likelihood -> Fill(best->getQ()); h_z_position -> Fill(best->getZ()); h_radial_position -> Fill(sqrt(best->getX()*best->getX() + best->getY()*best->getY())); JTrack3D track = getTrack(*best); h_zenith -> Fill(cos(track.getDirection().getTheta())); h_azimuth -> Fill(cos(track.getDirection().getPhi())); h_beta0 -> Fill(best->getW(JGANDALF_BETA0_RAD)); std::vector dataL0; const JBuildL0 buildL0; buildL0(JDAQTimeslice(*event, false), router, back_inserter(dataL0)); for (std::vector::const_iterator hit = dataL0.begin(); hit != dataL0.end(); ++hit) { h_tres -> Fill(hit->getT() - track.getT(hit->getPosition())); } } } f.mkdir("Reco"); f.cd("Reco"); h_energy->Write(); h_likelihood -> Write(); h_z_position -> Write(); h_radial_position -> Write(); h_zenith -> Write(); h_azimuth -> Write(); h_beta0 -> Write(); h_tres -> Write(); } struct dom_type : public std::vector< JQuantile> { dom_type() : std::vector(NUMBER_OF_PMTS) {} }; /* * Function template to read and process time ordered summary slices. * * \param scanner A JTreeScanner from which time ordered summary slices are accessed. */ void iterateSummarysliceTree (JTreeScanner < JDAQSummaryslice > & scanner) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; map > PMT_rate_quantiles; map > DOM_rate_quantiles; while (scanner.hasNext()){ JDAQSummaryslice slice = *(scanner.next()); for (JDAQSummaryslice::const_iterator frame = slice.begin() ; frame != slice.end() ; ++ frame) { if (router.hasModule(frame->getModuleID())) { const JModule& module = router.getModule (frame->getModuleID()); int string = module.getString(); int floor = module.getFloor (); JDAQFrameStatus status = frame -> getDAQFrameStatus(); int nFIFOcount = status.countFIFOStatus(); int nHRVcount = status.countHighRateVeto(); if (nHRVcount > 0) { histograms.h_summary.h_hrv_per_dom->Fill(string , floor, nHRVcount); } if (status.testDAQStatus() == false) { histograms.h_summary.h_daq_status_per_dom->Fill(string , floor, (1./distance(scanner.begin(), scanner.end()))*100); } histograms.h_summary.h_fifo_per_dom->Fill(string , floor , nFIFOcount); if(analysis_level == 1){ TH2D* h2 = (*histograms.h_summary.m_summary_rate_distribution)[MAKE_STRING("Detector/DU" + to_string(string) + "/F" + to_string(floor))]; double rate = 0; const double factor = 1.0e-3; // [kHz] for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_PMTS ; i++){ rate += frame->getRate(i, factor); h2->Fill(i , frame->getRate(i, factor)); PMT_rate_quantiles[string][floor][i].put(frame->getRate(i, factor)); histograms.h_summary.h_pmt_rate_distribution->Fill(frame->getRate(i, factor), frame->getWeight(i, factor)); } histograms.h_summary.h_dom_rate_distribution->Fill(rate); DOM_rate_quantiles[string][floor].put(rate); } else { double rate = 0; const double factor = 1.0e-3; // [kHz] for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_PMTS ; i++){ rate += frame->getRate(i, factor); histograms.h_summary.h_pmt_rate_distribution->Fill(frame->getRate(i, factor), frame->getWeight(i, factor)); } histograms.h_summary.h_dom_rate_distribution->Fill(rate); DOM_rate_quantiles[string][floor].put(rate); } }else{ FATAL("JModuleRouter trying to access non existing identifier: "<< frame->getModuleID()); } } } for(auto& i : DOM_rate_quantiles){ for (int j=1; j <= highest_floor; j++) { if (i.second[j].getCount() > 0) histograms.h_summary.h_rate_summary->Fill(i.first, j, i.second[j].getMean()); } } if(analysis_level == 1){ for(auto& i : PMT_rate_quantiles){ for (int j = 1; j <= highest_floor; j++){ for (int k=0 ; k < NUMBER_OF_PMTS ; k++){ if (i.second[j][k].getCount() > 0){ (*histograms.h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate) [MAKE_STRING("Detector/DU" + to_string(i.first))]->Fill(k, j, i.second[j][k].getMean()); (*histograms.h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate_distribution)[MAKE_STRING("Detector/DU" + to_string(i.first))]->Fill( i.second[j][k].getMean()); } } } } } } /* * Function template to read and process time ordered timeslices. * * \param scanner A JTreeScanner from which time ordered timeslices are accessed. */ template void iterateTimesliceTree (JTreeScanner < T > & scanner) { int ts_type = JIndexOf::value; std::map < int , std::map > DOM_rate_quantiles; double inverseFrameTimeSec = 1. / (1.0e-9 * getFrameTime()); while (scanner.hasNext()){ T slice = *(scanner.next()); for(auto & frame : slice) { if (router.hasModule(frame.getModuleID())) { const JModule& module = router.getModule (frame.getModuleID()); double rate = frame.numberOfHits * inverseFrameTimeSec; int string = module.getString(); int floor = module.getFloor (); DOM_rate_quantiles[string][floor].put(rate); vector pmt_hit_count (NUMBER_OF_PMTS , 0) ; if(analysis_level == 1){ TH2D* h2 = (*histograms.h_timeslice.m_pmt_tot_distributions[ts_type])[MAKE_STRING("Detector/DU" + to_string(string) + "/F" + to_string(floor) + "/" + to_string(frame.getModuleID()))]; for (JDAQSuperFrame::const_iterator hit = frame.begin() ; hit != frame.end() ; ++hit){ h2 -> Fill(hit->getPMT() , hit->getToT()) ; pmt_hit_count[hit->getPMT()]++; } for (int pmt = 0 ; pmt != NUMBER_OF_PMTS ; ++pmt) { (*histograms.h_timeslice.m_pmt_rate_distributions[ts_type])[MAKE_STRING("Detector/DU" + to_string(string) + "/F" + to_string(floor))] -> Fill(pmt , 1e-3 * pmt_hit_count[pmt] * inverseFrameTimeSec); } } }else{ FATAL("JModuleRouter trying to access non existing identifier: "<< frame.getModuleID()); } } } for (std::map< int , std::map>::const_iterator i = DOM_rate_quantiles.begin() ; i != DOM_rate_quantiles.end() ; i++){ for (std::map::const_iterator j = i->second.begin() ; j != i->second.end() ; j++){ if (j->second.getCount() > 0) histograms.h_timeslice.h_dom_mean_rates[ts_type] -> Fill (i->first , j->first , j->second.getMean() ) ; } } } /* * Checks through the use of a JTreeScanner, if summary slices are present in the run file. * In case they are, the corresponding tree is iterated. * */ void readSummaryData() { JTreeScanner scanner(inputFile, numberOfSummaryslices); if (scanner.hasNext()) { histograms.initialize_summary_histograms(); scanner.rewind(); iterateSummarysliceTree(scanner); } } /* * Function template that checks through the use of a JTreeScanner, if objects of different timeslice classes are present in the run file. * In case they are, the corresponding tree is iterated. * */ template void readTimesliceData() { JTreeScanner scanner(inputFile, numberOfTimeslices); if(scanner.hasNext()) { histograms.initialize_timeslice_histograms (); scanner.rewind(); iterateTimesliceTree(scanner); } } /* * Function template that checks through the use of a JTreeScanner, if JDAQEvent objects are present in the run file. * In case they are, the corresponding tree is read. * */ void readEvents() { JTreeScanner scanner(inputFile, numberOfEvents); if(scanner.hasNext()) { histograms.initialize_trigger_histograms(); scanner.rewind(); iterateEventTree(scanner); } } /* * Function template that checks through the use of a JTreeScanner, if JEvt objects are present in the run file. * In case they are, the corresponding tree is read. */ void readRecoEvents() { JParallelFileScanner< JTypeList > scanner(inputFile, numberOfEvents); if(scanner.hasNext()) { scanner.rewind(); iterateRecoEventTree(scanner, *outputFile); } } /* * Writes the histograms to a root file. * \param f The root file. */ void writeToFile(TFile *f,int analysis_level){ f->mkdir("Detector"); f->cd("Detector"); if (histograms.h_summary.h_fifo_per_dom) histograms.h_summary.h_fifo_per_dom -> Write(); if (histograms.h_summary.h_daq_status_per_dom) histograms.h_summary.h_daq_status_per_dom -> Write(); if (histograms.h_summary.h_hrv_per_dom) histograms.h_summary.h_hrv_per_dom -> Write(); if (histograms.h_summary.h_rate_summary) histograms.h_summary.h_rate_summary -> Write(); if (histograms.h_summary.h_pmt_rate_distribution) histograms.h_summary.h_pmt_rate_distribution -> Write(); if (histograms.h_summary.h_dom_rate_distribution) histograms.h_summary.h_dom_rate_distribution -> Write(); histograms.Write_histogram_table_to_file(*f , MAKE_STRING("Detector"), histograms.h_timeslice.h_dom_mean_rates); for (typename vector < JManager < string , TH2D >* >::const_iterator i = histograms.h_timeslice.m_pmt_tot_distributions.begin(); i != histograms.h_timeslice.m_pmt_tot_distributions.end() ; ++i){ if ((*i)){ for (typename JManager < string , TH2D >::const_iterator j = (*i) -> begin() ; j != (*i) -> end() ; ++j){ j->second->Scale(1., "width"); } } } histograms.Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (*f , histograms.h_timeslice.m_pmt_tot_distributions); histograms.Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (*f , histograms.h_timeslice.m_pmt_rate_distributions); if (histograms.h_summary.m_summary_rate_distribution) histograms.Write_manager_in_key_dir (*f , histograms.h_summary.m_summary_rate_distribution); if (histograms.h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate) histograms.Write_manager_in_key_dir(*f , histograms.h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate); if (histograms.h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate_distribution) histograms.Write_manager_in_key_dir(*f , histograms.h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate_distribution); histograms.h_timeslice.Fill_mean_ToT_histograms(); histograms.Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (*f , histograms.h_timeslice.m_mean_ToT); histograms.Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (*f , histograms.h_timeslice.m_mean_ToT_distribution); f->mkdir ( MAKE_STRING ("JDAQEvent").c_str()); f->cd ("JDAQEvent"); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_event) histograms.h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_event -> Write(); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_hit) histograms.h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_hit -> Write(); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits) histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits -> Write(); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon) histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon -> Write(); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module) histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module -> Write(); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits) histograms.h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits -> Write(); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits) histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits -> Write(); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_event_duration) histograms.h_trigger.h_event_duration -> Write(); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Number_of_overlays) histograms.h_trigger.h_Number_of_overlays -> Write(); if (histograms.h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits) {histograms.h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits -> Write();} if (histograms.h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits) {histograms.h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Write();} if (histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits) { histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits->Scale(1, "width") ; histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits-> Write();} if (histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits) {histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits->Scale(1, "width") ; histograms.h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Write();} if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_per_module) { histograms.h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_per_module-> Write();} if (histograms.h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits_per_module) { histograms.h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits_per_module -> Write();} if (histograms.h_trigger.m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt) histograms.Write_manager_in_key_dir(*f , histograms.h_trigger.m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt); } }; #endif