#ifndef __JTOOLS__JCOLLECTION__ #define __JTOOLS__JCOLLECTION__ #include #include #include #include #include "JLang/JClass.hh" #include "JLang/JException.hh" #include "JLang/JLangToolkit.hh" #include "JMath/JZero.hh" #include "JMath/JMath.hh" #include "JIO/JSerialisable.hh" #include "JTools/JDistance.hh" #include "JTools/JTransformer.hh" #include "JTools/JMappableCollection.hh" #include "JTools/JAbstractCollection.hh" /** * \file * * General purpose class for a collection of sorted elements. * \author mdejong */ namespace JTOOLS {} namespace JPP { using namespace JTOOLS; } namespace JTOOLS { using JMATH::JMath; using JIO::JReader; using JIO::JWriter; using JLANG::JValueOutOfRange; using JLANG::JClass; using JLANG::JException; /** * General purpose class for collection of elements, see: \htmlonly Collection of elements. \endhtmlonly * * This class implements the JMappableCollection and JAbstractCollection interfaces. * * The data type of the elements of the collection should have the following policy * type definition and member methods. *
   *    typedef \   abscissa_type;
   *    typedef \   ordinate_type;
   *    (constructor)(abscissa_type, ordinate_type);
   *    abscissa_type  %getX() const;
   *    ordinate_type  %getY() const;
   *    ordinate_type& %getY();
* * The elements in a collection are sorted according to their abscissa values and * the given distance operator. * The distance operator constitues a binary method returning the distance between * two abscissa values; The default distance operator is JDistance. * * For the binary I/O of a collection of elements, the data structure of the elements * should provide for an implementation of the following operators: *
   *       JReader& operator>>(JReader& in);
   *       JWriter& operator<<(JWriter& out);
*/ template > class JCollection : public std::vector, public JMappableCollection, public JAbstractCollection, public JMath< JCollection > { public: typedef typename JElement_t::abscissa_type abscissa_type; typedef typename JElement_t::ordinate_type ordinate_type; typedef JElement_t value_type; typedef JDistance_t distance_type; typedef JCollection collection_type; typedef std::vector container_type; typedef typename container_type::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename container_type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef typename container_type::iterator iterator; typedef typename container_type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; typedef JCollectionElementTransformer transformer_type; typedef std::pair pair_type; using JMappableCollection::operator[]; /** * Auxiliary class for ordering of objects in the collection by their abscissa values. */ struct JComparator { /** * Comparison of elements. * * \param first first element * \param second second element * \return true if first element less than second element; else false */ inline bool operator()(const JElement_t& first, const JElement_t& second) const { return this->getDistance(first.getX(), second.getX()) > 0.0; } /** * Comparison of element and abscissa value. * * \param element element * \param x abscissa value * \return true if element less than abscissa value; else false */ inline bool operator()(const JElement_t& element, typename JClass::argument_type x) const { return this->getDistance(element.getX(), x) > 0.0; } /** * Function object for distance evaluation. */ JDistance_t getDistance; }; /** * Default constructor. */ JCollection() {} /** * Clear. */ virtual void clear() override { container_type::clear(); } /** * Get ordinate value. * * \param x abscissa value * \return ordinate value */ virtual const ordinate_type& get(typename JClass::argument_type x) const override { const_iterator i = this->lower_bound(x); if (i == this->end() || this->getDistance(x, i->getX()) > distance_type::precision) { THROW(JValueOutOfRange, "Invalid abscissa value " << x); } return i->getY(); } /** * Get ordinate value. * * \param x abscissa value * \return ordinate value */ virtual ordinate_type& get(typename JClass::argument_type x) override { iterator i = this->lower_bound(x); if (i == this->end() || this->getDistance(x, i->getX()) > distance_type::precision) { i = container_type::insert(i, value_type(x, JMATH::getZero())); } return i->getY(); } /** * Get number of elements. * * \return number of elements */ virtual int getSize() const override { return (int) this->size(); } /** * Get abscissa value. * * \param index index * \return abscissa value */ virtual abscissa_type getX(int index) const override { return this->at(index).getX(); } /** * Get minimal abscissa value. * * \return abscissa value */ virtual abscissa_type getXmin() const override { return this->begin()->getX(); } /** * Get maximal abscissa value. * * \return abscissa value */ virtual abscissa_type getXmax() const override { return this->rbegin()->getX(); } /** * Get ordinate value. * * \param index index * \return ordinate value */ const ordinate_type& getY(int index) const { return this->at(index).getY(); } /** * Get ordinate value. * * \param index index * \return ordinate value */ ordinate_type& getY(int index) { return this->at(index).getY(); } /** * Transform collection. * * \param transformer element transformer */ void transform(const transformer_type& transformer) { for (iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { *i = transformer(*i); } sort(); } /** * Sort elements. */ void sort() { std::sort(this->begin(), this->end(), compare); } /** * Get first position of element i, where x >= i->getX(). * * \param x abscissa value * \return position of corresponding element */ const_iterator lower_bound(typename JClass::argument_type x) const { return std::lower_bound(this->begin(), this->end(), x, compare); } /** * Get first position of element i, where x >= i->getX(). * * \param x abscissa value * \return position of corresponding element */ iterator lower_bound(typename JClass::argument_type x) { return std::lower_bound(this->begin(), this->end(), x, compare); } /** * Insert element. * * \param element element * \return (iterator, status), where status is true if inserted; else false */ pair_type insert(const value_type& element) { iterator i = this->lower_bound(element.getX()); if (i == this->end() || this->getDistance(element.getX(), i->getX()) > 0.0) return pair_type(container_type::insert(i, element), true); else return pair_type(this->end(), false); } /** * Configure collection. * * \param bounds abscissa values */ void configure(const JAbstractCollection& bounds) { configure(bounds, JMATH::getZero()); } /** * Configure collection. * * \param bounds abscissa values * \param value ordinate value */ void configure(const JAbstractCollection& bounds, typename JClass::argument_type value) { this->resize(bounds.getSize()); for (iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { const abscissa_type x = bounds.getX(std::distance(this->begin(),i)); *i = value_type(x,value); } } /** * Configure collection. * * \param bounds abscissa values * \param function function */ template void configure(const JAbstractCollection& bounds, const JFunction1D_t& function) { using namespace JLANG; collection_type* out = (is_identical(*this, function) ? new collection_type() : this); for (int i = 0; i != bounds.getSize(); ++i) { const abscissa_type x = bounds.getX(i); out->put(x, function(x)); } if (is_identical(*this, function)) { this->swap(*out); delete out; } } /** * Test whether collections are compatible. * * \param collection collection * \return true if collections are compatible; else false */ bool is_compatible(const JCollection& collection) const { if (this->empty() || collection.empty()) { return true; } else { const double precision = JDistance::precision; const_iterator p = this->begin(); const_iterator q = collection.begin(); if (getDistance(p->getX(), q->getX()) > precision) { do { ++p; } while (p != this->end() && getDistance(p->getX(), q->getX()) > precision); } else if (getDistance(q->getX(), p->getX()) > precision) { do { ++q; } while (q != collection.end() && getDistance(q->getX(), p->getX()) > precision); } for ( ; p != this->end() && q != collection.end(); ++p, ++q) { if (fabs(getDistance(p->getX(), q->getX())) > precision) { return false; } } return true; } } /** * Negate collection. * * \return this collection */ JCollection& negate() { for (iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { i->getY() = -i->getY(); } return *this; } /** * Add collection. * * \param collection collection * \return this collection */ JCollection& add(const JCollection& collection) { if (!collection.empty()) { if (this->empty()) { for (const_iterator i = collection.begin(); i != collection.end(); ++i) { this->put(i->getX(), +i->getY()); } } else if (this->is_compatible(collection)) { const double precision = JDistance::precision; iterator p = this->begin(); const_iterator q = collection.begin(); if (getDistance(p->getX(), q->getX()) > precision) { do { ++p; } while (p != this->end() && getDistance(p->getX(), q->getX()) > precision); } else if (getDistance(q->getX(), p->getX()) > precision) { do { ++q; } while (q != collection.end() && getDistance(q->getX(), p->getX()) > precision); } const_iterator i = q; for ( ; p != this->end() && i != collection.end(); ++p, ++i) { p->getY() += i->getY(); } for ( ; i != collection.end(); ++i) { this->put(i->getX(), +i->getY()); } for (i = collection.begin(); i != q; ++i) { this->put(i->getX(), +i->getY()); } } } return *this; } /** * Subtract collection. * * \param collection collection * \return this collection */ JCollection& sub(const JCollection& collection) { if (!collection.empty()) { if (this->empty()) { for (const_iterator i = collection.begin(); i != collection.end(); ++i) { this->put(i->getX(), -i->getY()); } } else if (this->is_compatible(collection)) { const double precision = JDistance::precision; iterator p = this->begin(); const_iterator q = collection.begin(); if (getDistance(p->getX(), q->getX()) > precision) { do { ++p; } while (p != this->end() && getDistance(p->getX(), q->getX()) > precision); } else if (getDistance(q->getX(), p->getX()) > precision) { do { ++q; } while (q != collection.end() && getDistance(q->getX(), p->getX()) > precision); } const_iterator i = q; for ( ; p != this->end() && i != collection.end(); ++p, ++i) { p->getY() -= i->getY(); } for ( ; i != collection.end(); ++i) { this->put(i->getX(), -i->getY()); } for (i = collection.begin(); i != q; ++i) { this->put(i->getX(), -i->getY()); } } else { throw JException("JCollection::add() collections incompatible."); } } return *this; } /** * Scale contents. * * \param value multiplication factor * \return this collection */ JCollection& mul(const double value) { for (iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { i->getY() *= value; } return *this; } /** * Scale contents. * * \param value division factor * \return this collection */ JCollection& div(const double value) { for (iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { i->getY() /= value; } return *this; } /** * Add offset. * * \param value offset * \return this collection */ JCollection& add(typename JClass::argument_type value) { for (iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { i->getY() += value; } return *this; } /** * Subtract offset. * * \param value offset * \return this collection */ JCollection& sub(typename JClass::argument_type value) { for (iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { i->getY() -= value; } return *this; } /** * Add function. * * \param function function * \return this collection */ template JCollection& add(const JFunction1D_t& function) { for (iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { i->getY() += function(i->getX()); } return *this; } /** * Subtract function. * * \param function function * \return this collection */ template JCollection& sub(const JFunction1D_t& function) { for (iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) { i->getY() -= function(i->getX()); } return *this; } /** * Add offset to collaction. * * \param collection collection * \param value offset * \return collection */ friend JCollection& operator+=(JCollection& collection, typename JClass::argument_type value) { return collection.add(value); } /** * Subtract offset from collaction. * * \param collection collection * \param value offset * \return collection */ friend JCollection& operator-=(JCollection& collection, typename JClass::argument_type value) { return collection.sub(value); } /** * Add function. * * \param collection collection * \param function function * \return this collection */ template friend JCollection& operator+=(JCollection& collection, const JFunction1D_t& function) { return collection.add(function); } /** * Subtract function. * * \param collection collection * \param function function * \return this collection */ template friend JCollection& operator-=(JCollection& collection, const JFunction1D_t& function) { return collection.sub(function); } /** * Read collection from input. * * \param in reader * \param collection collection * \return reader */ friend inline JReader& operator>>(JReader& in, JCollection& collection) { int n; if (in >> n) { collection.resize(n); for (typename JCollection::iterator i = collection.begin(); i != collection.end(); ++i) { in >> *i; } } return in; } /** * Write collection to output. * * \param out writer * \param collection collection * \return writer */ friend inline JWriter& operator<<(JWriter& out, const JCollection& collection) { const int n = collection.size(); out << n; for (typename JCollection::const_iterator i = collection.begin(); i != collection.end(); ++i) { out << *i; } return out; } /** * Get comparator. * * \return comparator */ const JComparator& getComparator() const { return compare; } /** * Function object for distance evaluation. */ JDistance_t getDistance; protected: /** * Function object for comparison. */ JComparator compare; /** * Resize collection * * \param size size */ void resize(typename container_type::size_type size) { container_type::resize(size); } private: void erase(); void push_back(); void pop_back(); }; /** * Conversion of data points to integral values. * * The integration is based on the trapezoidal rule applied to the input data points. * * \param input collection * \param output mappable collection * \return integral */ template inline typename JElement_t::ordinate_type integrate(const JCollection& input, typename JMappable::map_type& output) { typedef typename JElement_t::ordinate_type ordinate_type; typedef typename JCollection::const_iterator const_iterator; ordinate_type V(JMATH::zero); if (input.getSize() > 1) { output.put(input.begin()->getX(), V); for (const_iterator j = input.begin(), i = j++; j != input.end(); ++i, ++j) { V += 0.5 * input.getDistance(i->getX(), j->getX()) * (i->getY() + j->getY()); output.put(j->getX(), V); } } return V; } } #endif