#ifndef __JHISTOGRAM1D_T__ #define __JHISTOGRAM1D_T__ #include "JTools/JHistogram1D.hh" #include "JTools/JCollection.hh" #include "JTools/JGridCollection.hh" #include "JTools/JElement.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JTOOLS {} namespace JPP { using namespace JTOOLS; } namespace JTOOLS { /** * Type definition of a 1 dimensional histogram based on a JCollection. */ typedef JHistogram1D<JElement2D<double, double>, JCollection> JHistogram1D_t; /** * Type definition of a 1 dimensional histogram based on a JGridCollection. */ typedef JHistogram1D<JElement2D<double, double>, JGridCollection> JGridHistogram1D_t; /** * Type definition of a 1 dimensional histogram with bin centering based on a JCollection. */ typedef JHistogram1D<JBin2D<double, double>, JCollection> JHistogram1B_t; /** * Type definition of a 1 dimensional histogram with bin centering based on a JGridCollection. */ typedef JHistogram1D<JBin2D<double, double>, JGridCollection> JGridHistogram1B_t; } #endif