#include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "JPhysics/JNeutrino.hh" #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh" #include "Jeep/JParser.hh" #include "Jeep/JMessage.hh" namespace { const char nc_enabled = 'A'; //!< Neutral-current interactions as simulated. const char nc_no_energy_loss = 'C'; //!< Neutral-current interactions with Bjorken-Y set to zero. const char nc_no_scattering = 'D'; //!< Neutral-current interactions with transverse energy set to zero. const char nc_disabled = 'E'; //!< Neutral-current interactions which have no effect. const char nc_absorption = 'F'; //!< Neutral-current interactions lead to absorption. } /** * \file * * Mickey-mouse program to propagate neutrinos through the Earth. * \author mdejong */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { using namespace std; using namespace JPP; typedef long long int counter_type; string outputFile; double E_GeV; counter_type numberOfEvents; UInt_t seed; char option; int debug; try { JParser<> zap("Mickey-mouse program to propagate neutrinos through the Earth."); zap['o'] = make_field(outputFile, "output file") = "earth.root"; zap['E'] = make_field(E_GeV, "neutrino energy at source"); zap['n'] = make_field(numberOfEvents, "number of generated events"); zap['S'] = make_field(seed) = 0; zap['O'] = make_field(option, endl << nc_enabled << " -> " << "Neutral-current interactions as simulated." << endl << nc_no_energy_loss << " -> " << "Neutral-current interactions with Bjorken-Y set to zero." << endl << nc_no_scattering << " -> " << "Neutral-current interactions with transverse energy set to zero." << endl << nc_disabled << " -> " << "Neutral-current interactions which have no effect." << endl << nc_absorption << " -> " << "Neutral-current interactions lead to absorption." << endl) = nc_enabled, nc_no_energy_loss, nc_no_scattering, nc_disabled, nc_absorption; zap['d'] = make_field(debug) = 0; zap(argc, argv); } catch(const exception &error) { FATAL(error.what() << endl); } gRandom->SetSeed(seed); const double R_SOURCE_M = 40000.0; // [m] const double R_TARGET_M = 500.0; // [m] const double EMIN_GEV = 10.0; // [GeV] const double Zmin = 0.0; // [m] const double Zmax = R_EARTH_KM * 2.0e3; // [m] enum { CC = 0, // charged-current interaction NC, // neutral-current interaction N // number of interactions }; const JCrossSection* sigma[N] = { NULL }; // cross-sections counter_type number_of_events[2][2] = { 0 }; // [source inside/outside][target inside/outside] TFile out(outputFile.c_str(), "recreate"); TH2D hs("hs", NULL, 101, -R_SOURCE_M, +R_SOURCE_M, 101, -R_SOURCE_M, +R_SOURCE_M); TH2D ht("ht", NULL, 101, -R_SOURCE_M, +R_SOURCE_M, 101, -R_SOURCE_M, +R_SOURCE_M); TH1D hn("hn", NULL, 11, -0.5, 10.5); TH1D ha("ha", NULL, 100, 0.0, 1.0); TH1D hb("hb", NULL, 100, 0.0, 1.0); TH2D h2("h2", NULL, 101, -0.01, +0.01, 101, -0.01, +0.01); for (counter_type count = 0; count != numberOfEvents; ++count) { if (count%10000 == 0) { STATUS("event " << setw(9) << count << '\r'); DEBUG(endl); } const bool neutrino = (count%2 == 0); // [anti-]neutrino ratio 1:1 if (neutrino) { sigma[CC] = &cc_nu; sigma[NC] = &nc_nu; } else { sigma[CC] = &cc_nubar; sigma[NC] = &nc_nubar; } const double r2 = gRandom->Uniform(0.0, R_SOURCE_M * R_SOURCE_M); const double r1 = sqrt(r2); const double phi = gRandom->Uniform(-PI, +PI); // start values double x = r1 * cos(phi); double y = r1 * sin(phi); double z = Zmin; double Tx = 0.0; double Ty = 0.0; double E = E_GeV; hs.Fill(x,y); const int i1 = (sqrt(x*x + y*y) <= R_TARGET_M ? 0 : 1); // inside -> 0; outside -> 1 int ni[N] = { 0 }; // number of interactions while (ni[CC] == 0 && E > EMIN_GEV) { double li[N]; // inverse interaction length [m^-1] double ls = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { ls += li[i] = 1.0e+2 * (*sigma[i])(E) * DENSITY_EARTH * AVOGADRO; } double dz = gRandom->Exp(1.0) / ls; if (dz > Zmax - z) { dz = Zmax - z; } // step if (option != nc_disabled && option != nc_no_scattering) { x += dz * Tx; y += dz * Ty; } z += dz; if (z >= Zmax) { break; // ready } else { double y = gRandom->Uniform(ls); if ((y-= li[CC]) < 0.0) { // charged-current interaction ++ni[CC]; break; // stop } if ((y-= li[NC]) < 0.0) { // neutral-current interaction ++ni[NC]; if (option == nc_absorption) { break; } // simplified neutrino scattering double s = E * (MASS_PROTON + MASS_NEUTRON); double ET = 0.5 * sqrt(s) * gRandom->Uniform(0.0, 1.0); double phi = gRandom->Uniform(-PI, +PI); double By = gRandom->Uniform(0.0, 1.0); if (!neutrino) { while (gRandom->Rndm() > (1.0 - By) * (1.0 - By)) { By = gRandom->Uniform(0.0, 1.0); } } if (option == nc_disabled || option == nc_no_scattering) { ET = 0.0; phi = 0.0; } if (option == nc_disabled || option == nc_no_energy_loss) { By = 0.0; } if (neutrino) ha.Fill(By); else hb.Fill(By); Tx = ET * cos(phi) / E; Ty = ET * sin(phi) / E; E = (1.0 - By) * E; } } } if (z >= Zmax) { // reach target hn.Fill((double) ni[NC]); ht.Fill(x,y); h2.Fill(Tx,Ty); } if (z >= Zmax && sqrt(x*x + y*y) <= R_TARGET_M) { // hit target number_of_events[i1][0] += 1; // count events if (ni[NC] == 0) { number_of_events[i1][1] += 1; // count events } } } STATUS(endl); // summary const double n00 = number_of_events[0][0]; // number of events in target from source area covered by target const double n10 = number_of_events[1][0]; // number of events in target from source area not covered by target const double n01 = number_of_events[0][1]; // number of events in target from source area covered by target, without neutral-current interaction if (option == nc_enabled) { cout << " " << SCIENTIFIC(7,1) << E_GeV << flush; } { cout << " & " << FIXED(7,0) << n00 << flush; } if (option != nc_disabled && option != nc_no_scattering) { cout << " & " << FIXED(7,0) << n10 << flush; } if (option == nc_enabled) { cout << " & " << FIXED(7,0) << n01 << " & " << FIXED(5,2) << (n00 + n10) / n01 << flush; } if (option == nc_disabled) { cout << " \\\\" << endl; } if (debug >= status_t) { cout << ' ' << setw(8) << right << "inside" << ' ' << setw(8) << right << "outside" << endl; for (int row = 0; row != N; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col != N; ++col) { cout << ' ' << setw(8) << number_of_events[row][col]; } cout << endl; } } out.Write(); out.Close(); }