#ifndef __JAANET__JHEAD__ #define __JAANET__JHEAD__ #include #include #include #include #include #include "TObject.h" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Vec.hh" #include "km3net-dataformat/offline/Head.hh" #include "JLang/JUUID.hh" #include "JLang/JException.hh" #include "JLang/JEquationParameters.hh" #include "JLang/JLangToolkit.hh" #include "JTools/JRange.hh" #include "JROOT/JRootClass.hh" /** * \author mdejong */ namespace JAANET {} namespace JPP { using namespace JAANET; } namespace JAANET { using JLANG::JUUID; using JLANG::JException; using JLANG::JEquationParameters; /** * Type definition of range. */ struct JRange_t : public JTOOLS::JRange { /** * Default constructor. */ JRange_t() : JTOOLS::JRange() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param x lower limit * \param y upper limit */ JRange_t(double x, double y) : JTOOLS::JRange(x, y) {} }; static const char AANET_TAG_SEPARATOR = '_'; //!< Separator for tag extension of multiple tags in Head ("_"). class JHead; // forward declaration for copy methods /** * Copy header from from to to. * * \param from header * \param to header */ extern void copy(const JHead& from, Head& to); /** * Copy header from from to to. * * \param from header * \param to header */ extern void copy(const Head& from, JHead& to); /** * Get tag without aanet extension "_" for identical tags. * * \param tag tag * \return tag */ inline std::string getTag(const std::string& tag) { using namespace std; const string::size_type pos = tag.find(AANET_TAG_SEPARATOR); if (pos != string::npos) { for (string::size_type i = pos + 1; i != tag.size(); ++i) { if (!isdigit(tag[i])) { return tag; } } return tag.substr(0, pos); } return tag; } /** * Get tag with aanet extension "_" for identical tags. * * \param tag tag * \param counter counter * \return tag */ inline std::string getTag(const std::string& tag, const int counter) { std::ostringstream os; os << tag << AANET_TAG_SEPARATOR << counter; return os.str(); } /** * Start of run record. */ struct start_run { /** * Default constructor. */ start_run() : run_id(0) {} int run_id; ///< MC run number ClassDefNV(start_run,1); }; /** * General purpose string class. */ struct String { /** * Default constructor. */ String() : buffer() {} /** * Test match. * * \param object string * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const String& object) const { return !(*this).less(object) && !(object).less(*this); } /** * Comparison. * * \param object string * \return true if this string less than given string; else false */ inline bool less(const String& object) const { using namespace std; istringstream i0(this ->buffer); istringstream i1(object.buffer); vector v0; vector v1; copy(istream_iterator(i0), istream_iterator(), back_inserter(v0)); copy(istream_iterator(i1), istream_iterator(), back_inserter(v1)); return v0 < v1; } /** * Read string from input stream. * * \param in input stream * \param object string * \return input stream */ friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, String& object) { return std::getline(in, object.buffer); } /** * Write string to output stream. * * \param out output stream * \param object string * \return output stream */ friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const String& object) { return out << object.buffer; } std::string buffer; ///< General purpose name ClassDefNV(String,1); }; /** * Detector file. */ struct detector { /** * Default constructor. */ detector() {} /** * Test match. * * \param object detector * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const detector& object) const { return this->program == object.program && this->filename == object.filename; } /** * Read detector from input stream. * * \param in input stream * \param object detector * \return input stream */ friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, detector& object) { using namespace JPP; in >> object.program >> object.filename; if (!in || is_integer(object.filename)) { // legacy object.filename = object.program; object.program = "?"; } return in; } /** * Write detector to output stream. * * \param out output stream * \param object detector * \return output stream */ friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const detector& object) { return out << object.program << ' ' << object.filename; } std::string program; std::string filename; ClassDefNV(detector,1); }; /** * Muon descriptor file. */ struct muon_desc_file : public String { ClassDefNV(muon_desc_file,1); }; /** * Target. */ struct target : public String { ClassDefNV(target,1); }; /** * Neutrino cross section file. */ struct XSecFile : public String { ClassDefNV(XSecFile,1); }; /** * Drawing. */ struct drawing : public String { ClassDefNV(drawing,1); }; /** * General purpose class of phase space generation. */ struct cut { /** * Default constructor. */ cut() : E (0.0, 0.0), cosT(0.0, 0.0) {} /** * Constructor. * * \param _E energy range * \param _cosT cosine zenith angle range */ cut(const JRange_t& _E, const JRange_t& _cosT) : E (_E), cosT(_cosT) {} /** * Constructor. * * \param Emin energy range lower bound * \param Emax energy range upper bound * \param cosTmin cosine zenith angle lower bound * \param cosTmax cosine zenith angle upper bound */ cut(const double Emin, const double Emax, const double cosTmin, const double cosTmax) : E (Emin, Emax), cosT(cosTmin, cosTmax) {} /** * Comparison. * * \param object cut * \return true if this cut less than given cut; else false */ inline bool less(const cut& object) const { if (E.getLowerLimit() == object.E.getLowerLimit()) { if (E.getUpperLimit() == object.E.getUpperLimit()) { if (cosT.getLowerLimit() == object.cosT.getLowerLimit()) { return cosT.getUpperLimit() < object.cosT.getUpperLimit(); } else { return cosT.getLowerLimit() < object.cosT.getLowerLimit(); } } else { return E.getUpperLimit() < object.E.getUpperLimit(); } } else { return E.getLowerLimit() < object.E.getLowerLimit(); } } /** * Test match. * * \param object cut * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const cut& object) const { return (E .equals(object.E) && cosT.equals(object.cosT)); } JRange_t E; ///< Energy range [GeV] JRange_t cosT; ///< Cosine zenith angle range ClassDefNV(cut,1); }; /** * Phase space of primary particle. */ struct cut_primary : public cut { ClassDefNV(cut_primary,1); }; /** * Phase space of atmospheric muon generation. */ struct cut_seamuon : public cut { ClassDefNV(cut_seamuon,1); }; /** * Phase space of incoming particle */ struct cut_in : public cut { ClassDefNV(cut_in,1); }; /** * Phase space of incident neutrino. */ struct cut_nu : public cut { ClassDefNV(cut_nu,1); }; /** * Description of Monte Carlo event generation applications. */ struct generator { /** * Default constructor. */ generator() : program(), version(), date(), time() {} /** * Comparison. * * \param object generator * \return true if this primary particle is less than given primary particle; else false */ inline bool less(const generator& object) const { return program < object.program; } /** * Test match. * * Note that only the name of program is matched. * * \param object generator * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const generator& object) const { return program == object.program; } std::string program; ///< program name std::string version; ///< program version std::string date; ///< processing date std::string time; ///< processing time ClassDefNV(generator,1); }; /** * Physics information. */ struct physics : public String { ClassDefNV(physics,1); }; /** * Generator for simulation. */ struct simul : public generator { ClassDefNV(simul,1); }; /** * Neutrino energy spectrum. */ struct spectrum { /** * Default constructor. */ spectrum() : alpha(0) {} /** * Comparison. * * \param object spectrum * \return true if this spectrum less than given spectrum; else false */ inline bool less(const spectrum& object) const { return alpha < object.alpha; } /** * Test match. * * \param object spectrum * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const spectrum& object) const { return (alpha == object.alpha); } double alpha; ///< Energy spectrum: \f$ \Phi \propto E^{-\alpha} \f$ ClassDefNV(spectrum,1); }; /** * The cylinder used for photon tracking. */ struct can { /** * Default constructor. */ can() : zmin(0), zmax(0), r(0) {} /** * Test match. * * \param object can * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const can& object) const { return (zmin == object.zmin && zmax == object.zmax && r == object.r); } double zmin; ///< Bottom [m] double zmax; ///< Top [m] double r; ///< Radius [m] ClassDefNV(can,1); }; /** * The fixed cylinder used for photon tracking. */ struct fixedcan { /** * Default constructor. */ fixedcan() : xcenter(0), ycenter(0), zmin(0), zmax(0), radius(0) {} /** * Test match. * * \param object can * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const fixedcan& object) const { return (xcenter == object.xcenter && ycenter == object.ycenter && zmin == object.zmin && zmax == object.zmax && radius == object.radius); } double xcenter; ///< x-center [m] double ycenter; ///< y-center [m] double zmin; ///< Bottom [m] double zmax; ///< Top [m] double radius; ///< Radius [m] ClassDefNV(fixedcan,1); }; /** * Neutrino vertex volume. */ struct genvol { /** * Default constructor. */ genvol() : zmin(0), zmax(0), r(0), volume(0), numberOfEvents(0) {} /** * Comparison. * * \param object genvol * \return true if this genvol less than given genvol; else false */ inline bool less(const genvol& object) const { return volume < object.volume; } /** * Test match. * * \param object generation volume * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const genvol& object) const { return (zmin == object.zmin && zmax == object.zmax && r == object.r && volume == object.volume); } /** * Addition. * * \param object generation volume * \return this generation volume */ inline genvol& add(const genvol& object) { numberOfEvents += object.numberOfEvents; return *this; } /** * Scale. * * \param factor 1D scale factor * \param z z position * \return this genvol */ inline genvol& mul(const double factor, const double z = 0.0) { zmin = (zmin - z) * factor + z; zmax = (zmax - z) * factor + z; r *= factor; volume *= factor * factor * factor; return *this; } double zmin; ///< Bottom [m] double zmax; ///< Top [m] double r; ///< Radius [m] double volume; ///< Volume [m^3] double numberOfEvents; ///< Number of events ClassDefNV(genvol,1); }; /** * Coordinate origin. */ struct coord_origin : public Vec { /** * Default constructor. */ coord_origin() : Vec() {} /** * Constructor. * * \param x x position * \param y y position * \param z z position */ coord_origin(const double x, const double y, const double z) : Vec(x,y,z) {} /** * Test match. * * \param object coordinate origin * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const coord_origin& object) const { return (x == object.x && y == object.y && z == object.z); } ClassDefNV(coord_origin,1); }; /** * Phase space for incident neutrino. */ struct genhencut { /** * Default constructor. */ genhencut() : gDir(0), Emin(0) {} double gDir; ///< Angle double Emin; ///< Minimal energy [GeV] ClassDefNV(genhencut,1); }; /** * Normlisation of CORSIKA events. */ struct norma { /** * Default constructor. */ norma() : primaryFlux(0), numberOfPrimaries(0) {} /** * Test match. * * \param object normalisation * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const norma& object) const { return (primaryFlux == object.primaryFlux); } /** * Addition. * * \param object normalisation * \return this normalisation */ inline norma& add(const norma& object) { numberOfPrimaries += object.numberOfPrimaries; return *this; } double primaryFlux; ///< Primary flux double numberOfPrimaries; ///< Number of primaries ClassDefNV(norma,1); }; /** * Normalisation of MUPAGE events. */ struct livetime { /** * Default constructor. */ livetime() : numberOfSeconds(0), errorOfSeconds(0) {} /** * Comparison. * * \param object livetime * \return true if this livetime is less than given livetime; else false */ inline bool less(const livetime& object) const { return numberOfSeconds < object.numberOfSeconds; } /** * Test match. * * \param object live time * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const livetime& object) const { return ((numberOfSeconds == 0.0 && object.numberOfSeconds == 0.0) || (numberOfSeconds > 0.0 && object.numberOfSeconds > 0.0)); } /** * Addition. * * \param object live time * \return this live time */ inline livetime& add(const livetime& object) { numberOfSeconds += object.numberOfSeconds; errorOfSeconds = sqrt(errorOfSeconds * errorOfSeconds + object.errorOfSeconds * object.errorOfSeconds); return *this; } /** * Scale. * * \param factor 1D scale factor * \return this livetime */ inline livetime& mul(const double factor) { numberOfSeconds /= (factor * factor); errorOfSeconds /= (factor * factor); return *this; } double numberOfSeconds; ///< Live time [s] double errorOfSeconds; ///< Uncertainty on live time [s] ClassDefNV(livetime,1); }; /** * Neutrino flux. */ struct flux { public: /** * Default constructor. */ flux() : type(0), key(), file_1(), file_2() {} /** * Comparison. * * \param object flux * \return true if this flux is less than given flux; else false */ inline bool less(const flux& object) const { return type < object.type; } /** * Test match. * * \param object flux * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const flux& object) const { return type == object.type; } int type; ///< Type std::string key; ///< Key std::string file_1; ///< File name std::string file_2; ///< File name ClassDefNV(flux,1); }; /** * The bottom of the sea. */ struct seabottom { /** * Default constructor. */ seabottom() : z(0) {} /** * Test match. * * \param object sea bottom * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const seabottom& object) const { return (z == object.z); } double z; ///< Sea bottom [m] ClassDefNV(seabottom,1); }; /** * Depth. */ struct depth { /** * Default constructor. */ depth() : z(0) {} /** * Test match. * * \param object sea bottom * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const depth& object) const { return (z == object.z); } double z; ///< Sea bottom [m] ClassDefNV(depth,1); }; /** * Livetime of DAQ data. */ struct DAQ { public: /** * Default constructor. */ DAQ() : livetime_s(0.0) {} /** * Comparison. * * \param object DAQ * \return true if this DAQ is less than given DAQ; else false */ inline bool less(const DAQ& object) const { return livetime_s < object.livetime_s; } /** * Test match. * * \param object DAQ * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const DAQ& object) const { return ((livetime_s == 0.0 && object.livetime_s == 0.0) || (livetime_s > 0.0 && object.livetime_s > 0.0)); } /** * Addition. * * \param object DAQ * \return this DAQ */ inline DAQ& add(const DAQ& object) { livetime_s += object.livetime_s; return *this; } double livetime_s; ///< Live time [s] ClassDefNV(DAQ,1); }; /** * Livetime of noise data. */ struct K40 { public: /** * Default constructor. */ K40() : livetime_s(0.0) {} /** * Comparison. * * \param object K40 * \return true if this K40 is less than given K40; else false */ inline bool less(const K40& object) const { return livetime_s < object.livetime_s; } /** * Test match. * * \param object K40 * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const K40& object) const { return ((livetime_s == 0.0 && object.livetime_s == 0.0) || (livetime_s > 0.0 && object.livetime_s > 0.0)); } /** * Addition. * * \param object K40 * \return this K40 */ inline K40& add(const K40& object) { livetime_s += object.livetime_s; return *this; } double livetime_s; ///< Live time [s] ClassDefNV(K40,1); }; /** * Time duration of event generation. */ struct tgen { /** * Default constructor. */ tgen() : numberOfSeconds(0) {} /** * Test match. * * \param object time duration * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const tgen& object) const { return this->numberOfSeconds == object.numberOfSeconds; } double numberOfSeconds; ///< Time in seconds ClassDefNV(tgen,1); }; /** * UTC time interval for event generation. */ struct time_interval { /** * Default constructor. */ time_interval() : t1(0), t2(0) {} /** * Test match. * * \param object time interval * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const time_interval& object) const { return (this->t1 == object.t1 && this->t2 == object.t2); } double t1; ///< Start time in seconds double t2; ///< Stop time in seconds ClassDefNV(time_interval,1); }; /** * Primary particle. */ struct primary { /** * Default constructor. */ primary() : type(0) {} /** * Comparison. * * \param object primary particle * \return true if this primary particle is less than given primary particle; else false */ inline bool less(const primary& object) const { return type < object.type; } /** * Test match. * * \param object primary particle * \return true if matches; else false */ inline bool match(const primary& object) const { return (type == object.type); } int type; ///< Particle type ClassDefNV(primary,1); }; /** * End of event record. */ struct end_event { /** * Default constructor. */ end_event() {} ClassDefNV(end_event,1); }; /** * Monte Carlo run header. * * This class extends the Head class so that the data from specific tags * can be promoted to concrete data types. * * Note that for the copy of new JHead data (e.g.\ data not obtained via a previous JAANET::copy) to become effective, * the key words in the corresponding map of the Head class should be set. \n * To this end, member method JHead::push can be used. */ struct JHead : public Head { /** * Default constructor. */ JHead() { createUUID(); } /** * Copy constructor. * * \param header header */ JHead(const Head& header) { copy(header, *this); } /** * Virtual destructor. */ virtual ~JHead() {} /** * Get header. * * \return header */ const JHead& getHeader() const { return static_cast(*this); } /** * Get header. * * \return header */ JHead& getHeader() { return static_cast(*this); } /** * Set header. * * \param header header */ void setHeader(const JHead& header) { static_cast(*this) = header; } /** * Create UUID if not already set. */ void createUUID() { if (!is_valid(&JHead::UUID)) { this->UUID = JUUID::rndm(); this->push(&JHead::UUID); } } /** * Check validity of given data member in JHead. * * The validity is defined by the presence of the name of the data member in the underlying map. * * \param pd pointer to data member * \return true if valid; else false */ template inline bool is_valid(T JHead::*pd) const { return (this->pull(pd) != this->end()); } /** * Check validity of given data member in JHead. * * The validity is defined by difference between actual and default value. * * \param object object * \return true if valid; else false */ template static bool is_valid(const T& object) { static const T value; return (object.less(value) || value.less(object)); } /** * Pull given data member from Head. * * \param pd pointer to data member * \return iterator of Head */ template inline const_iterator pull(T JHead::*pd) const { return this->find(JROOT::getDataMember(pd)->GetName()); } /** * Pull given data member from Head. * * \param pd pointer to data member * \return iterator of Head */ template inline iterator pull(T JHead::*pd) { return this->find(JROOT::getDataMember(pd)->GetName()); } /** * Push given data member to Head. * * \param pd pointer to data member */ template inline void push(T JHead::*pd) { (*this)[JROOT::getDataMember(pd)->GetName()] = ""; } /** * Push all data members to Head. */ void push(); /** * Reset and remove given data member from Head. * * \param pd pointer to data member */ template inline void erase(T JHead::*pd) { this->*pd = T(); iterator p = this->pull(pd); if (p != this->end()) { static_cast(this)->erase(p); } } /** * Get matching fields. * * \param header header * \return header with matching fields */ inline JHead getMatch(const JHead& header) const { #define IF_MATCH(A, B, C, D) \ if (match(B,C,D)) { A.push(D); } \ else { A.erase(D); } JHead buffer(*this); buffer.clear(); buffer.createUUID(); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::cut_primary); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::cut_seamuon); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::cut_in); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::cut_nu); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::simul); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::spectrum); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::can); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::fixedcan); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::genvol); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::coord_origin); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::norma); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::livetime); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::seabottom); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::depth); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::tgen); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::time_interval); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::primary); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::flux); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::DAQ); IF_MATCH(buffer, *this, header, &JHead::K40); return buffer; #undef IF_MATCH } /** * Get number of matching fields. * * \param header header * \return number of matching header fields */ inline size_t getNumberOfMatches(const JHead& header) const { const JHead head = getMatch(header); return head.size(); } /** * Test match of headers. * * \param header second header * \return true if all header fields match; else false */ inline bool match(const JHead& header) const { return getNumberOfMatches(header) == getNumberOfMatches(*this); } /** * Comparison of headers. * * \param header header * \return true if this header less than given header; else false */ inline bool less(const JHead& header) const { #define RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(A, B) \ if (less(A,B)) { return true; } \ if (less(B,A)) { return false; } // compare physics RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->physics, header.physics); // compare simulation RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->simul, header.simul); // compare generation data RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->primary, header.primary); RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->flux, header.flux); RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->spectrum, header.spectrum); RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->cut_primary, header.cut_primary); RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->cut_seamuon, header.cut_seamuon); RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->cut_in, header.cut_in); RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->cut_nu, header.cut_nu); RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(this->genvol, header.genvol); // compare compatibility if (is_valid(this->livetime) == is_valid(header.livetime) && is_valid(this->DAQ) == is_valid(header.DAQ) && is_valid(this->K40) == is_valid(header.K40)) { return false; } THROW(JException, "JHead::less() headers do not compare."); #undef RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT } /** * Addition of headers. * * \param header header * \return this header */ inline JHead& add(const JHead& header) { if (match(header)) { this->createUUID(); this->UUID = JUUID::rndm(); genvol .add(header.genvol); norma .add(header.norma); livetime.add(header.livetime); DAQ .add(header.DAQ); K40 .add(header.K40); } else { THROW(JException, "JHead::add() headers do not match."); } return *this; } /** * Equal operator. * * Note that this operator uses the JHead::match method. * * \param first first header * \param second second header * \return true if two headers are equal; else false */ friend inline bool operator==(const JHead& first, const JHead& second) { return first.match(second); } /** * Less than operator. * * \param first first header * \param second second header * \return true if first header is less than second header; else false */ friend inline bool operator<(const JHead& first, const JHead& second) { return first.less(second); } JAANET::start_run start_run; // first data member JUUID UUID; // header unique identifier JAANET::XSecFile XSecFile; JAANET::drawing drawing; std::vector detector; JAANET::muon_desc_file muon_desc_file; JAANET::target target; std::vector physics; std::vector simul; JAANET::cut_primary cut_primary; JAANET::cut_seamuon cut_seamuon; JAANET::cut_in cut_in; JAANET::cut_nu cut_nu; JAANET::spectrum spectrum; JAANET::can can; JAANET::fixedcan fixedcan; JAANET::genvol genvol; JAANET::coord_origin coord_origin; JAANET::genhencut genhencut; JAANET::norma norma; JAANET::livetime livetime; JAANET::seabottom seabottom; JAANET::depth depth; JAANET::DAQ DAQ; JAANET::K40 K40; JAANET::tgen tgen; JAANET::time_interval time_interval; JAANET::primary primary; std::vector flux; JAANET::end_event end_event; // last data member /** * Get maximum number of matching header fields. * * \return maximum number of matching header fields */ static inline const size_t getMaximumNumberOfMatches() { static JHead header; header.push(); static const size_t value = header.getNumberOfMatches(header); return value; } /** * Get equation parameters corresponding to Monte Carlo ASCII format, i.e: *
     *    \: \ [\]*
     *    \: \ [\]*
* * \return equation parameters */ static inline JLANG::JEquationParameters& getEquationParameters() { static JLANG::JEquationParameters parameters(":", "\n", "", ""); return parameters; } /** * Set equation parameters. * * \param equation equation parameters */ static inline void setEquationParameters(const JLANG::JEquationParameters& equation) { getEquationParameters() = equation; } /** * Read header from input. * * \param in input stream * \return input stream */ std::istream& read(std::istream& in); /** * Write header to output. * * \param out output stream * \return output stream */ std::ostream& write(std::ostream& out) const; /** * Print header to output. * * \param out output stream * \return output stream */ std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const; ClassDef(JHead,5); private: /** * Comparison. * * \param first first object * \param second second object * \return true if first less than second; else false */ template static inline bool less(const T& first, const T& second) { return first.less(second); } /** * Test match. * * \param first first object * \param second second object * \return true if matches; else false */ template static inline bool match(const T& first, const T& second) { return first.match(second); } /** * Comparison of containers. * It is assumed that the containers are ordered in the same way. * * \param first first object * \param second second object * \return true if first is less than second; else false */ template static inline bool less(const std::vector& first, const std::vector& second) { if (first.size() == second.size()) { for (size_t i = 0; i != first.size(); ++i) { if (less(first[i], second[i])) { return true; } } return false; } else { return first.size() < second.size(); } } /** * Test is containers match. * It is assumed that the containers are ordered in the same way. * * \param first first object * \param second second object * \return true if matches; else false */ template static inline bool match(const std::vector& first, const std::vector& second) { for (size_t i = 0; i != first.size() && i != second.size(); ++i) { if (!match(first[i], second[i])) { return false; } } return first.size() == second.size(); } /** * Test match of given data member of headers. * * \param first first header * \param second second header * \param pd pointer to data member * \return true if matches; else false */ template static inline bool match(const JHead& first, const JHead& second, T JHead::*pd) { return (first .is_valid(pd) && second.is_valid(pd) && match(first.*pd, second.*pd)); } }; /** * Equal operator. * * Note that this operator uses the JHead::match method. * * \param first first header * \param second second header * \return true if two headers are equal; else false */ inline bool operator==(const Head& first, const Head& second) { return JHead(first).match(JHead(second)); } /** * Less than operator. * * Note that this operator uses the JHead::less method. * * \param first first header * \param second second header * \return true if first header is less than second header; else false */ inline bool operator<(const Head& first, const Head& second) { return JHead(first).less(JHead(second)); } } /** * Read header from input. * * \param in input stream * \param header header * \return input stream */ inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, JAANET::JHead& header) { return header.read(in); } /** * Write header to output. * * \param out output stream * \param header header * \return output stream */ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JAANET::JHead& header) { return header.write(out); } #endif