// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$ // Author: L. Moneta Thu Sep 21 16:21:29 2006 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2006 LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT * * * * * **********************************************************************/ // Header file for class FitConfig #ifndef ROOT_Fit_FitConfig #define ROOT_Fit_FitConfig #include "Fit/ParameterSettings.h" #include "Math/MinimizerOptions.h" #include "Math/IParamFunctionfwd.h" #include "TMath.h" #include namespace ROOT { namespace Math { class Minimizer; class MinimizerOptions; } namespace Fit { class FitResult; //___________________________________________________________________________________ /** Class describing the configuration of the fit, options and parameter settings using the ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings class @ingroup FitMain */ class FitConfig { public: /** Default constructor */ FitConfig (unsigned int npar = 0); /* Copy constructor */ FitConfig(const FitConfig & rhs); /** Destructor */ ~FitConfig (); /* Assignment operator */ FitConfig & operator= (const FitConfig & rhs); /** get the parameter settings for the i-th parameter (const method) */ const ParameterSettings & ParSettings(unsigned int i) const { return fSettings.at(i); } /** get the parameter settings for the i-th parameter (non-const method) */ ParameterSettings & ParSettings(unsigned int i) { return fSettings.at(i); } /** get the vector of parameter settings (const method) */ const std::vector & ParamsSettings() const { return fSettings; } /** get the vector of parameter settings (non-const method) */ std::vector & ParamsSettings() { return fSettings; } /** number of parameters settings */ unsigned int NPar() const { return fSettings.size(); } /** return a vector of stored parameter values (i.e initial fit parameters) */ std::vector ParamsValues() const; /** set the parameter settings from a model function. Create always new parameter setting list from a given model function */ template void CreateParamsSettings(const ROOT::Math::IParamMultiFunctionTempl &func) { // initialize from model function // set the parameters values from the function unsigned int npar = func.NPar(); const double *begin = func.Parameters(); if (begin == 0) { fSettings = std::vector(npar); return; } fSettings.clear(); fSettings.reserve(npar); const double *end = begin + npar; unsigned int i = 0; for (const double *ipar = begin; ipar != end; ++ipar) { double val = *ipar; double step = 0.3 * fabs(val); // step size is 30% of par value // double step = 2.0*fabs(val); // step size is 30% of par value if (val == 0) step = 0.3; fSettings.push_back(ParameterSettings(func.ParameterName(i), val, step)); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "FitConfig: add parameter " << func.ParameterName(i) << " val = " << val << std::endl; #endif i++; } } /** set the parameter settings from number of parameters and a vector of values and optionally step values. If there are not existing or number of parameters does not match existing one, create a new parameter setting list. */ void SetParamsSettings(unsigned int npar, const double * params, const double * vstep = 0); /* Set the parameter settings from a vector of parameter settings */ void SetParamsSettings (const std::vector& pars ) { fSettings = pars; } /* Set the parameter settings from a fit Result */ void SetFromFitResult (const FitResult & rhs); /** create a new minimizer according to chosen configuration */ ROOT::Math::Minimizer * CreateMinimizer(); /** access to the minimizer control parameter (non const method) */ ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions & MinimizerOptions() { return fMinimizerOpts; } #ifndef __CINT__ // this method fails on Windows /** set all the minimizer options using class MinimizerOptions */ void SetMinimizerOptions(const ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions & minopt); #endif /** set minimizer type */ void SetMinimizer(const char * type, const char * algo = 0) { if (type) fMinimizerOpts.SetMinimizerType(type); if (algo) fMinimizerOpts.SetMinimizerAlgorithm(algo); } /** return type of minimizer package */ const std::string & MinimizerType() const { return fMinimizerOpts.MinimizerType(); } /** return type of minimizer algorithms */ const std::string & MinimizerAlgoType() const { return fMinimizerOpts.MinimizerAlgorithm(); } /** * return Minimizer full name (type / algorithm) */ std::string MinimizerName() const; /** flag to check if resulting errors are be normalized according to chi2/ndf */ bool NormalizeErrors() const { return fNormErrors; } ///do analysis for parabolic errors bool ParabErrors() const { return fParabErrors; } ///do minos errros analysis on the parameters bool MinosErrors() const { return fMinosErrors; } ///Update configuration after a fit using the FitResult bool UpdateAfterFit() const { return fUpdateAfterFit; } ///Apply Weight correction for error matrix computation bool UseWeightCorrection() const { return fWeightCorr; } /// return vector of parameter indeces for which the Minos Error will be computed const std::vector & MinosParams() const { return fMinosParams; } /** set the option to normalize the error on the result according to chi2/ndf */ void SetNormErrors(bool on = true) { fNormErrors= on; } ///set parabolic erros void SetParabErrors(bool on = true) { fParabErrors = on; } ///set Minos erros computation to be performed after fitting void SetMinosErrors(bool on = true) { fMinosErrors = on; } ///apply the weight correction for error matric computation void SetWeightCorrection(bool on = true) { fWeightCorr = on; } /// set parameter indeces for running Minos /// this can be used for running Minos on a subset of parameters - otherwise is run on all of them /// if MinosErrors() is set void SetMinosErrors(const std::vector & paramInd ) { fMinosErrors = true; fMinosParams = paramInd; } ///Update configuration after a fit using the FitResult void SetUpdateAfterFit(bool on = true) { fUpdateAfterFit = on; } /** static function to control default minimizer type and algorithm */ static void SetDefaultMinimizer(const char * type, const char * algo = 0); protected: private: bool fNormErrors; // flag for error normalization bool fParabErrors; // get correct parabolic errors estimate (call Hesse after minimizing) bool fMinosErrors; // do full error analysis using Minos bool fUpdateAfterFit; // update the configuration after a fit using the result bool fWeightCorr; // apply correction to errors for weights fits std::vector fSettings; // vector with the parameter settings std::vector fMinosParams; // vector with the parameter indeces for running Minos ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions fMinimizerOpts; //minimizer control parameters including name and algo type }; } // end namespace Fit } // end namespace ROOT #endif /* ROOT_Fit_FitConfig */