#ifndef XRD_CONN_H #define XRD_CONN_H /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* X r d C l i e n t C o n n . h h */ /* */ /* Author: Fabrizio Furano (INFN Padova, 2004) */ /* Adapted from TXNetFile (root.cern.ch) originally done by */ /* Alvise Dorigo, Fabrizio Furano */ /* INFN Padova, 2003 */ /* */ /* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */ /* */ /* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */ /* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */ /* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */ /* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* */ /* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */ /* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */ /* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */ /******************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // High level handler of connections to xrootd. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "XrdClient/XrdClientConst.hh" #include "time.h" #include "XrdClient/XrdClientConnMgr.hh" #include "XrdClient/XrdClientMessage.hh" #include "XrdClient/XrdClientUrlInfo.hh" #include "XrdClient/XrdClientReadCache.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucHash.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh" #define ConnectionManager XrdClientConn::GetConnectionMgr() class XrdClientAbs; class XrdSecProtocol; class XrdClientConn { public: enum ESrvErrorHandlerRetval { kSEHRReturnMsgToCaller = 0, kSEHRBreakLoop = 1, kSEHRContinue = 2, kSEHRReturnNoMsgToCaller = 3, kSEHRRedirLimitReached = 4 }; enum EThreeStateReadHandler { kTSRHReturnMex = 0, kTSRHReturnNullMex = 1, kTSRHContinue = 2 }; // To keep info about an open session struct SessionIDInfo { char id[16]; }; int fLastDataBytesRecv; int fLastDataBytesSent; XErrorCode fOpenError; XrdOucString fRedirOpaque; // Opaque info returned by the server when // redirecting. To be used in the next opens XrdClientConn(); virtual ~XrdClientConn(); inline bool CacheWillFit(long long bytes) { if (!fMainReadCache) return FALSE; return fMainReadCache->WillFit(bytes); } bool CheckHostDomain(XrdOucString hostToCheck); short Connect(XrdClientUrlInfo Host2Conn, XrdClientAbsUnsolMsgHandler *unsolhandler); void Disconnect(bool ForcePhysicalDisc); virtual bool GetAccessToSrv(); XReqErrorType GoBackToRedirector(); XrdOucString GetClientHostDomain() { return fgClientHostDomain; } static XrdClientPhyConnection *GetPhyConn(int LogConnID); // --------- Cache related stuff long GetDataFromCache(const void *buffer, long long begin_offs, long long end_offs, bool PerfCalc, XrdClientIntvList &missingblks, long &outstandingblks ); bool SubmitDataToCache(XrdClientMessage *xmsg, long long begin_offs, long long end_offs); bool SubmitRawDataToCache(const void *buffer, long long begin_offs, long long end_offs); void SubmitPlaceholderToCache(long long begin_offs, long long end_offs) { if (fMainReadCache) fMainReadCache->PutPlaceholder(begin_offs, end_offs); } void RemoveAllDataFromCache(bool keepwriteblocks=true) { if (fMainReadCache) fMainReadCache->RemoveItems(keepwriteblocks); } void RemoveDataFromCache(long long begin_offs, long long end_offs, bool remove_overlapped = false) { if (fMainReadCache) fMainReadCache->RemoveItems(begin_offs, end_offs, remove_overlapped); } void RemovePlaceholdersFromCache() { if (fMainReadCache) fMainReadCache->RemovePlaceholders(); } void PrintCache() { if (fMainReadCache) fMainReadCache->PrintCache(); } bool GetCacheInfo( // The actual cache size int &size, // The number of bytes submitted since the beginning long long &bytessubmitted, // The number of bytes found in the cache (estimate) long long &byteshit, // The number of reads which did not find their data // (estimate) long long &misscount, // miss/totalreads ratio (estimate) float &missrate, // number of read requests towards the cache long long &readreqcnt, // ratio between bytes found / bytes submitted float &bytesusefulness ) { if (!fMainReadCache) return false; fMainReadCache->GetInfo(size, bytessubmitted, byteshit, misscount, missrate, readreqcnt, bytesusefulness); return true; } void SetCacheSize(int CacheSize) { if (!fMainReadCache && CacheSize) fMainReadCache = new XrdClientReadCache(); if (fMainReadCache) fMainReadCache->SetSize(CacheSize); } void SetCacheRmPolicy(int RmPolicy) { if (fMainReadCache) fMainReadCache->SetBlkRemovalPolicy(RmPolicy); } void UnPinCacheBlk(long long begin_offs, long long end_offs) { fMainReadCache->UnPinCacheBlk(begin_offs, end_offs); // Also use this to signal the possibility to proceed for a hard checkpoint fWriteWaitAck->Broadcast(); } // ------------------- int GetLogConnID() const { return fLogConnID; } ERemoteServerType GetServerType() const { return fServerType; } kXR_unt16 GetStreamID() const { return fPrimaryStreamid; } inline XrdClientUrlInfo *GetLBSUrl() { return fLBSUrl; } inline XrdClientUrlInfo *GetMetaUrl() { return fMetaUrl; } inline XrdClientUrlInfo GetCurrentUrl() { return fUrl; } inline XrdClientUrlInfo GetRedirUrl() { return fREQUrl; } XErrorCode GetOpenError() const { return fOpenError; } virtual XReqErrorType GoToAnotherServer(XrdClientUrlInfo &newdest); virtual XReqErrorType GoToMetaManager(); bool IsConnected() const { return fConnected; } bool IsPhyConnConnected(); struct ServerResponseHeader LastServerResp; struct ServerResponseBody_Error LastServerError; void ClearLastServerError() { memset(&LastServerError, 0, sizeof(LastServerError)); LastServerError.errnum = kXR_noErrorYet; } UnsolRespProcResult ProcessAsynResp(XrdClientMessage *unsolmsg); virtual bool SendGenCommand(ClientRequest *req, const void *reqMoreData, void **answMoreDataAllocated, void *answMoreData, bool HasToAlloc, char *CmdName, int substreamid = 0); int GetOpenSockFD() const { return fOpenSockFD; } void SetClientHostDomain(const char *src) { fgClientHostDomain = src; } void SetConnected(bool conn) { fConnected = conn; } void SetOpenError(XErrorCode err) { fOpenError = err; } // Gets a parallel stream id to use to set the return path for a re int GetParallelStreamToUse(int reqsperstream); int GetParallelStreamCount(); // Returns the total number of connected streams void SetRedirHandler(XrdClientAbs *rh) { fRedirHandler = rh; } void SetRequestedDestHost(char *newh, kXR_int32 port) { fREQUrl = fUrl; fREQUrl.Host = newh; fREQUrl.Port = port; fREQUrl.SetAddrFromHost(); } // Puts this instance in pause state for wsec seconds. // A value <= 0 revokes immediately the pause state void SetREQPauseState(kXR_int32 wsec) { // Lock mutex fREQWait->Lock(); if (wsec > 0) fREQWaitTimeLimit = time(0) + wsec; else { fREQWaitTimeLimit = 0; fREQWait->Broadcast(); } // UnLock mutex fREQWait->UnLock(); } // Puts this instance in connect-pause state for wsec seconds. // Any future connection attempt will not happen before wsec // and the first one will be towards the given host void SetREQDelayedConnectState(kXR_int32 wsec) { // Lock mutex fREQConnectWait->Lock(); if (wsec > 0) fREQConnectWaitTimeLimit = time(0) + wsec; else { fREQConnectWaitTimeLimit = 0; fREQConnectWait->Broadcast(); } // UnLock mutex fREQConnectWait->UnLock(); } void SetSID(kXR_char *sid); inline void SetUrl(XrdClientUrlInfo thisUrl) { fUrl = thisUrl; } // Sends the request to the server, through logconn with ID LogConnID // The request is sent with a streamid 'child' of the current one, then marked as pending // Its answer will be caught asynchronously XReqErrorType WriteToServer_Async(ClientRequest *req, const void* reqMoreData, int substreamid = 0); static XrdClientConnectionMgr *GetConnectionMgr() { return fgConnectionMgr;} //Instance of the conn manager static void DelSessionIDRepo() {fSessionIDRMutex.Lock(); fSessionIDRepo.Purge(); fSessionIDRMutex.UnLock(); } void GetSessionID(SessionIDInfo &sess) {sess = mySessionID;} long GetServerProtocol() { return fServerProto; } short GetMaxRedirCnt() const { return fMaxGlobalRedirCnt; } void SetMaxRedirCnt(short mx) {fMaxGlobalRedirCnt = mx; } short GetRedirCnt() const { return fGlobalRedirCnt; } bool DoWriteSoftCheckPoint(); bool DoWriteHardCheckPoint(); void UnPinCacheBlk(); // To give a max number of seconds for an operation to complete, no matter what happens inside // e.g. redirections, sleeps, failed connection attempts etc. void SetOpTimeLimit(int delta_secs); bool IsOpTimeLimitElapsed(time_t timenow); protected: void SetLogConnID(int cid) { fLogConnID = cid; } void SetStreamID(kXR_unt16 sid) { fPrimaryStreamid = sid; } // The handler which first tried to connect somewhere XrdClientAbsUnsolMsgHandler *fUnsolMsgHandler; XrdClientUrlInfo fUrl; // The current URL XrdClientUrlInfo *fLBSUrl; // Needed to save the load balancer url XrdClientUrlInfo fREQUrl; // For explicitly requested redirs short fGlobalRedirCnt; // Number of redirections private: static XrdOucString fgClientHostDomain; // Save the client's domain name bool fConnected; bool fGettingAccessToSrv; // To avoid recursion in desperate situations time_t fGlobalRedirLastUpdateTimestamp; // Timestamp of last redirection int fLogConnID; // Logical connection ID used kXR_unt16 fPrimaryStreamid; // Streamid used for normal communication // NB it's a copy of the one contained in // the logconn short fMaxGlobalRedirCnt; XrdClientReadCache *fMainReadCache; // The time limit for a transaction time_t fOpTimeLimit; XrdClientAbs *fRedirHandler; // Pointer to a class inheriting from // XrdClientAbs providing methods // to handle a redir at higher level XrdOucString fRedirInternalToken; // Token returned by the server when // redirecting. To be used in the next logins XrdSysCondVar *fREQWaitResp; // For explicitly requested delayed async responses ServerResponseBody_Attn_asynresp * fREQWaitRespData; // For explicitly requested delayed async responses time_t fREQWaitTimeLimit; // For explicitly requested pause state XrdSysCondVar *fREQWait; // For explicitly requested pause state time_t fREQConnectWaitTimeLimit; // For explicitly requested delayed reconnect XrdSysCondVar *fREQConnectWait; // For explicitly requested delayed reconnect long fServerProto; // The server protocol ERemoteServerType fServerType; // Server type as returned by doHandShake() SessionIDInfo mySessionID; // Login session ID static XrdSysMutex fSessionIDRMutex; // Mutex for the Repo static XrdOucHash<SessionIDInfo> fSessionIDRepo; // The repository of session IDs, shared. // Association between // <hostname>:<port>.<user> and a SessionIDInfo struct int fOpenSockFD; // Descriptor of the underlying socket static XrdClientConnectionMgr *fgConnectionMgr; //Instance of the Connection Manager XrdSysCondVar *fWriteWaitAck; XrdClientVector<ClientRequest> fWriteReqsToRetry; // To store the write reqs to retry in case of a disconnection bool CheckErrorStatus(XrdClientMessage *, short &, char *); void CheckPort(int &port); void CheckREQPauseState(); void CheckREQConnectWaitState(); bool CheckResp(struct ServerResponseHeader *resp, const char *method); XrdClientMessage *ClientServerCmd(ClientRequest *req, const void *reqMoreData, void **answMoreDataAllocated, void *answMoreData, bool HasToAlloc, int substreamid = 0); XrdSecProtocol *DoAuthentication(char *plist, int plsiz); ERemoteServerType DoHandShake(short log); bool DoLogin(); bool DomainMatcher(XrdOucString dom, XrdOucString domlist); XrdOucString GetDomainToMatch(XrdOucString hostname); ESrvErrorHandlerRetval HandleServerError(XReqErrorType &, XrdClientMessage *, ClientRequest *); bool MatchStreamid(struct ServerResponseHeader *ServerResponse); // Sends a close request, without waiting for an answer // useful (?) to be sent just before closing a badly working stream bool PanicClose(); XrdOucString ParseDomainFromHostname(XrdOucString hostname); XrdClientMessage *ReadPartialAnswer(XReqErrorType &, size_t &, ClientRequest *, bool, void**, EThreeStateReadHandler &); // void ClearSessionID(); XReqErrorType WriteToServer(ClientRequest *req, const void* reqMoreData, short LogConnID, int substreamid = 0); bool WaitResp(int secsmax); XrdClientUrlInfo *fMetaUrl; // Meta manager url bool fLBSIsMeta; // Is current redirector a meta manager? public: XrdOucString fRedirCGI; // Same as fRedirOpaque but persistent }; #endif