/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_graphs /// \notebook /// Create and draw a polar graph with PI axis using a TF1. /// /// \macro_image /// \macro_code /// /// \author Olivier Couet void graphpolar3() { TCanvas * CPol = new TCanvas("CPol","TGraphPolar Examples",500,500); Double_t rmin=0; Double_t rmax=TMath::Pi()*2; Double_t r[1000]; Double_t theta[1000]; TF1 * fp1 = new TF1("fplot","cos(x)",rmin,rmax); for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < 1000; ipt++) { r[ipt] = ipt*(rmax-rmin)/1000+rmin; theta[ipt] = fp1->Eval(r[ipt]); } TGraphPolar * grP1 = new TGraphPolar(1000,r,theta); grP1->SetTitle(""); grP1->SetLineColor(2); grP1->Draw("AOL"); }