/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_gl /// Simple `TStructViewer` tutorial /// /// \macro_code /// /// \author Timur Pocheptsov #include #include #include // Function creating elements of lists void MakeCrazy(TList *list, Int_t maxDepth, Int_t maxObjects, Float_t pList) { const Int_t ncl =12; const char *clnames[ncl] = {"TH1F","TGraph","TGraphErrors","TF1","TPaveText", "TAxis","TF2","TH2D","TLatex","TText","TCutG","THnSparseF"}; Int_t nobj = gRandom->Uniform(0,maxObjects); for (Int_t i=0;iRndm() < pList) { TList *slist = new TList(); slist->SetName(Form("list_%d_%d",maxDepth,i)); list->Add(slist); MakeCrazy(slist,maxDepth-1,maxObjects,pList); } else { Int_t icl = (Int_t)gRandom->Uniform(0,ncl); TNamed *named = (TNamed*)gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("new %s;",clnames[icl])); named->SetName(Form("%s_%d_%d",clnames[icl],maxDepth,i)); list->Add(named); } } } // function creating a hierachy of objects to test the TStructViewer TList *crazy(Int_t maxDepth=5, Int_t maxObjects=20, Float_t pList=0.2) { TList *list = new TList(); list->SetName("SuperList"); MakeCrazy(list,maxDepth,maxObjects,pList); gROOT->GetListOfTasks()->Add(list); return list; } // function adding colors to viewer void FillColorsMap(TStructViewer* sv) { // Fills list fColors with TStructNodeProperty const Int_t ncl =12; const char *clnames[ncl] = {"TH1F","TGraph","TGraphErrors","TF1","TPaveText", "TAxis","TF2","TH2D","TLatex","TText","TCutG","THnSparseF"}; for (int i = 0; i < ncl ; i++) { sv->SetColor(clnames[i], (Int_t)gRandom->Integer(8)+2); } } void gviz3d() { // Creating a pointer to list TList* pointer = crazy(2,10); // Creating a viewer TStructViewer* sv = new TStructViewer(pointer); // adding colors FillColorsMap(sv); sv->Draw(); }